Gran Turismo 6 Master Car/Track List

  • Thread starter Duphman
If we assume lol cars at Silverstone are in GT6 then you can add The New Focus ST, it was in one of the pics posted from Wednesday.
Maybe I'm wrong... but with 7 new locations, I wouldn't count Seattle, Apricot Hill or SSR11 as new. So we have 33, 7 of them never seen before, and the rest taken from GT1-5.

I would bet Spa, Motegi and probably even SSRX will be in GT6 (you could think that GT5 dlc would work on GT6, but then people that bought the latter editions of GT5, with all DLC included on the disc wouldn't have these tracks... makes no sense). Then, some of the GT5 original tracks wouldn't be in GT6, and I'd say these probably dirt and snow ones, as they can be created with a fully improved course maker... and, actually, I would love to see this)

Among the 7 completely new tracks, Silverstone and Mt Panorama have been confirmed. This would leave 5 to guess. Again, I bet on Ascari Racing Resort, I refuse to believe Polyphony Digital travelled all the way down to Spain for the solely purpose of taking pictures to a small beautiful town... Same as I'm betting on some course maker scenery for some beautiful towns or landscapes in England, due to Silverstone (Bath, York, Oxford??).
I would bet Spa, Motegi and probably even SSRX will be in GT6 (you could think that GT5 dlc would work on GT6, but then people that bought the latter editions of GT5, with all DLC included on the disc wouldn't have these tracks... makes no sense).

The GT Academy edition (or similar versions in other continents) includes most updates on disk but to access the DLC you need to use codes that come in the box and download the access keys from the PSN.

For all purposes, it is as if you had bought the DLC separately, as they are registered in your download list and there is no problem in using them in GT6 if they choose that method.
Maybe I'm wrong... but with 7 new locations, I wouldn't count Seattle, Apricot Hill or SSR11 as new. So we have 33, 7 of them never seen before, and the rest taken from GT1-5.

For GT5, Seattle, Apricot Hill or SSR11 are new ;)

Where in that link does it confirm Mt. Panorama...?

Sony deleted inscription ! :sly:
Indeed, it looks as if DLC (and special cars like chromelines, stealths etc.) are not included in the count.

Maybe because they'll be available as DLC again for GT6, or maybe because they just wanted to compare the core of the games and not the optional content.

I guess we'll see.
so we now have both Aston Martin's Race cars sweet :P, always wanted more british race cars other than the Lister Storm V12 Race Car ’99, Jaguar XJ220 Race Car & Lotus Esprit Sport 350 ’00
SSR7 removed :

26 tracks, 52 locations.

I really think both Eiger tracks (dirt and road) have to be regarded as a single location. They are separated only because the game treats dirt and road courses differently. Look here:


Clearly, they're part of the same location. So that makes 26 tracks with SSR7 included.
I could be wrong, of course, but it wouldn't make much sense otherwise to me.
I really think both Eiger tracks (dirt and road) have to be regarded as a single location. They are separated only because the game treats dirt and road courses differently. Look here:


Clearly, they're part of the same location. So that makes 26 tracks with SSR7 included.
I could be wrong, of course, but it wouldn't make much sense otherwise to me.

For official site, Eiger dirt and road is different....

Brief, I think we will have really 7 new tracks, 19 locations.
Logic would dictate that circuits who share roads are clearly in the same location. Whether that logic can be applied to Gran Turismo is another matter, but I'd say so.
For official site, Eiger dirt and road is different....
True, but they have shown to use the most possibly inflated numbers whenever possible. They also used to count reverse layouts of original tracks as separate layouts in the past.

In the case of GT6, they're referring to the minimum amount of tracks/variations that can be be counted from GT5, because that makes the improvement in track/variation count in GT6 look bigger/better. So, 26 tracks/52 variations still fits perfectly with the existing GT5 track content, and even makes more sense than counting Eiger dirt/road as different "locations".
They are different because Road version have weather and pits.
So, if you don't count reverse, it's all the same. I think Kaz refer to official site to count 33 tracks, 71 layouts.

PS : I'm sorry, "layout" is the best word :D
Remember that the press release states that GT6 has 7 additional brand new locations/tracks and 19 additional brand new layouts/variations over GT5.

26 + 7 = 33
52 + 19 = 71

With simple math, we can infer that the existing "vanilla" GT5 track/variation content is not going to be removed.
What is not clear if they mean it literally, that is, by specifically referring to the initially released "vanilla" version of GT5, called "GT5".
In the trailer, we can see : Rome, Tokyo, Trial Mountain, Cape Ring, Nurburgring, Sarthe :)

Nurb and Sarthe in the night :) By photo : Autumn Ring, SSR5 and Grand Valley Speedway

Akira : wait and see.
Let's go simply by PD stats/numbers, nothing else. No assumptions, no guessing, just pure PD numbers on the latest version of their website.

Ok so for GT5 their website states:

Includes 31 locations with 81 layouts. Some tracks are affected by time and weather changes.

It then lists those locations and variations. They include the four DLC locations and include reverse tracks as layouts but they don't use time/weather as seperate layouts.

  1. Fuji Speedway
  2. Suzuka Circuit
  3. Daytona
  4. Tsukuba
  5. Circuit De La Sarthe
  6. Nurburgring
  7. Indianapolis
  8. Monza
  9. Top Gear Test Track
  10. Laguna Seca
  11. Spa Francorchamps
  12. Motegi
  13. High Speed Ring
  14. Cape Ring
  15. Autumn Ring
  16. Deep Forest Raceway
  17. Grand Valley Speedway
  18. Eiger Nordwand
  19. Trial Mountain
  20. Kart Space
  21. Special Stage Route X
  22. London
  23. Rome
  24. Madrid
  25. Tokyo R246
  26. Cote d'Azur
  27. Special Stage Route 5
  28. Special Stage Route 7
  29. Eiger Nordwand (Snow & Dirt)
  30. Toscana
  31. Chamonix

  1. Fuji Speedway F
  2. Fuji Speedway GT
  3. Suzuka Circuit
  4. Suzuka Circuit East Course
  5. Superspeedway - Daytona
  6. Road Course - Daytona
  7. Tsukuba Circuit
  8. Circuit de la Sarthe 2009
  9. Circuit de la Sarthe 2009 (No Chicanes)
  10. Circuit de la Sarthe 2005
  11. Circuit de la Sarthe 2005 (No Chicanes)
  12. Nürburgring - Nordschleife
  13. Nürburgring GP / F
  14. Nürburgring 24h
  15. Nürburgring GP / D
  16. Nürburgring Type V
  17. Superspeedway - Indy
  18. Road Course - Indy
  19. Autodromo Nazionale Monza
  20. Autodromo Nazionale Monza No Chicanes
  21. The Top Gear Test Track
  22. Laguna Seca Raceway
  23. Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps
  24. Road Course - Twin Ring Motegi
  25. Twin Ring Motegi West Course
  26. Twin Ring Motegi East Course
  27. Super Speedway - Twin Ring Motegi
  28. High Speed Ring
  29. High Speed Ring / Reverse
  30. Cape Ring
  31. Cape Ring Inside
  32. Cape Ring North
  33. Cape Ring Perifery
  34. Cape Ring South
  35. Autumn Ring
  36. Autumn Ring / Reverse
  37. Autumn Ring Mini
  38. Autumn Ring Mini / Reverse
  39. Deep Forest Raceway
  40. Deep Forest Raceway / Reverse
  41. Grand Valley Speedway
  42. Grand Valley Speedway / Reverse
  43. Grand Valley East
  44. Grand Valley East / Reverse
  45. Eiger Nordwand Short Track
  46. Eiger Nordwand Short Track / Reverse
  47. Trial Mountain Circuit
  48. Trial Mountain Circuit / Reverse
  49. Kart Space I
  50. Kart Space I / Reverse
  51. Kart Space II
  52. Kart Space II / Reverse
  53. Special Stage Route X Oval
  54. London
  55. London / Reverse
  56. Rome
  57. Rome / Reverse
  58. Circuito de Madrid
  59. Circuito de Madrid / Reverse
  60. Circuito de Madrid Mini
  61. Circuito de Madrid Mini / Reverse
  62. Tokyo R246
  63. Tokyo R246 / Reverse
  64. Côte d'Azur
  65. Special Stage Route 5 / Night
  66. Special Stage Route 5 / Reverse / Night
  67. Clubman Stage Route 5 / Night
  68. Clubman Stage Route 5 / Reverse / Nigh
  69. Special Stage Route 7 / Night
  70. Eiger Nordwand K Trail
  71. Eiger Nordwand K Trail / Reverse
  72. Eiger Nordwand G Trail
  73. Eiger Nordwand G Trail / Reverse
  74. Eiger Nordwand W Trail
  75. Eiger Nordwand W Trail / Reverse
  76. Toscana
  77. Toscana / Reverse
  78. Chamonix Main
  79. Chamonix East
  80. Chamonix West
  81. Chamonix Mini

Ok that is the latest, official list for GT5 by PD as of today. Those are the official designations for layouts and tracks. 31 Locations, 81 Layouts.

Now onto GT6.

The UK’s famous Silverstone Circuit will be just one of seven new locations in Gran Turismo 6, taking the total to 33, with 71 different layouts available, 19 of them brand new

Ok so straight away those pure numbers do not add up. If the total were now 33 that is only an increase of two, not seven. Also the number of layouts is a lot less despite the claims that 19 are brand new so clearly their goalposts on what is a layout changes. Sometime it includes a time/weather change, sometimes it includes a reverse track. So now is where we have to break away from official numbers slightly but still not using any guessing to work out how they got to those numbers. First of all locations. They claim 33 and that seven are new, that obviously means they're suggesting that there are only 26 layouts in GT5.

So using their official, latest designation of what is a layout, how do we get to that number from their current 31? Well we can remove the four DLC locations

  1. Fuji Speedway
  2. Suzuka Circuit
  3. Daytona
  4. Tsukuba
  5. Circuit De La Sarthe
  6. Nurburgring
  7. Indianapolis
  8. Monza
  9. Top Gear Test Track
  10. Laguna Seca
  11. High Speed Ring
  12. Cape Ring
  13. Autumn Ring
  14. Deep Forest Raceway
  15. Grand Valley Speedway
  16. Eiger Nordwand
  17. Trial Mountain
  18. London
  19. Rome
  20. Madrid
  21. Tokyo R246
  22. Cote d'Azur
  23. Special Stage Route 5
  24. Special Stage Route 7
  25. Eiger Nordwand (Snow & Dirt)
  26. Toscana
  27. Chamonix

As that seems the logical first step but as has been mentioned before, this leaves us with still one more than they claim. Somewhere then clearly PD are mixing up numbers or again changing the goalposts on what is a location. Since PD also openly state that ALL GT5 tracks will return SHIRAKAWA's explanation seems the most plausible. We can't remove a unique location so it has to be that they're merging the two Eiger Nordwand locations, currently listed twice. That is the most logical way that PD have got to 26 locations in GT5.

So what can we take from that? Well it's very simple, if they're not counting DLC locations as current GT5 locations that doesn't mean they're automatically in the "All GT5 tracks will return category", and they may not return, at least on the disc.

So in conclusion I see there are only three possible situations going only by PDs numbers and one small assumption:

A. All of the current 31 locations including DLC locations are returning to GT6 on the disc, renumbered as 30 through merging the Eiger locations into one. The further three locations to get to the number 33 are brand new.

B. Only the 27 original locations of GT5 are returning to GT6 on the disc, renumbered to 26 through merging the Eiger locations into one. The further seven locations to get to the number 33 are brand new and the four GT5 DLC tracks are not returning at all.

C. Only the 27 original locations of GT5 are returning to GT6 on the disc, renumbered to 26 through merging the Eiger locations into one. The further seven locations to get to the number 33 are brand new and the four GT5 DLC tracks will continue as DLC for GT6. They will not be on the disc.

Ok now layouts.

For GT6:
71 different layouts available, 19 of them brand new

For GT5:
Includes 31 locations with 81 layouts. Some tracks are affected by time and weather changes.

Again clearly these numbers do not match, them saying GT5 already has ten layouts more than GT6 will, despite also saying 19 are brand new. So from the GT6 statement they're actually changing the GT5 number to 52. Again we have to now make some assumptions how they came to that number but the most logical are again removing the DLC layouts. That still leaves us at 71 however so the next logical step is removing the reverse layouts

  1. Fuji Speedway F
  2. Fuji Speedway GT
  3. Suzuka Circuit
  4. Suzuka Circuit East Course
  5. Superspeedway - Daytona
  6. Road Course - Daytona
  7. Tsukuba Circuit
  8. Circuit de la Sarthe 2009
  9. Circuit de la Sarthe 2009 (No Chicanes)
  10. Circuit de la Sarthe 2005
  11. Circuit de la Sarthe 2005 (No Chicanes)
  12. Nürburgring - Nordschleife
  13. Nürburgring GP / F
  14. Nürburgring 24h
  15. Nürburgring GP / D
  16. Nürburgring Type V
  17. Superspeedway - Indy
  18. Road Course - Indy
  19. Autodromo Nazionale Monza
  20. Autodromo Nazionale Monza No Chicanes
  21. The Top Gear Test Track
  22. Laguna Seca Raceway
  23. High Speed Ring
  24. Cape Ring
  25. Cape Ring Inside
  26. Cape Ring North
  27. Cape Ring Perifery
  28. Cape Ring South
  29. Autumn Ring
  30. Autumn Ring Mini
  31. Deep Forest Raceway
  32. Grand Valley Speedway
  33. Grand Valley East
  34. Eiger Nordwand Short Track
  35. Trial Mountain Circuit
  36. London
  37. Rome
  38. Circuito de Madrid
  39. Circuito de Madrid Mini
  40. Tokyo R246
  41. Côte d'Azur
  42. Special Stage Route 5 / Night
  43. Clubman Stage Route 5 / Night
  44. Special Stage Route 7 / Night
  45. Eiger Nordwand K Trail
  46. Eiger Nordwand G Trail
  47. Eiger Nordwand W Trail
  48. Toscana
  49. Chamonix Main
  50. Chamonix East
  51. Chamonix West
  52. Chamonix Mini

As you can see that gets us to the correct 52 number. So now again we can decree something similar to the locations. Either they're all coming back including DLC, renumbered to 61 and there are actually only 10 new layouts, the DLC layouts are not returning at all or they are remaining as DLC and there are indeed 17 new layouts.
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D. Only the 27 original locations of GT5 are returning to GT6 on the disc, renumbered to 26 through merging the Eiger locations into one. The further seven locations to get to the number 33 are brand new and the four GT5 DLC tracks will continue as DLC for GT6 (free for who purchased the gt5 dlcs (cross-buy), and/or as a pre-order bonus). They will be on the disc but locked (Capcom style) :ill:
D. Only the 27 original locations of GT5 are returning to GT6 on the disc, renumbered to 26 through merging the Eiger locations into one. The further seven locations to get to the number 33 are brand new and the four GT5 DLC tracks will continue as DLC for GT6 (free for who purchased the gt5 dlcs (cross-buy), and/or as a pre-order bonus). They will be on the disc but locked (Capcom style) :ill:

That is the other slight variation on C possible, yes. Either way they're both awful solutions.
Oh god, I really hope they don't continue to sell GT5 DLC for GT6. That would be horrible...

It's either that or only three truly new locations. Either way my hat certainly hasn't fallen off because of the tracks in GT6. Quite the opposite.
It's either that or only three truly new locations. Either way my hat certainly hasn't fallen off because of the tracks in GT6. Quite the opposite.

You're jumping to conclusions. Again...
I do share the concern, but it's a bit early to presume we know all the facts.
You're jumping to conclusions. Again...
I do share the concern, but it's a bit early to presume we know all the facts.

Have you read my post above? I'm not jumping to conclusions, I've worked it out clearly from PDs provided numbers. Either it's one of those scenarios or PD have their numbers seriously wrong.
Have you read my post above? I'm not jumping to conclusions, I've worked it out clearly from PDs provided numbers. Either it's one of those scenarios or PD have their numbers seriously wrong.

I did. And while it's certainly a legit theory (and a well backed up one at that), it's far from fact. Given that it is PD we're talking about, it could be any number of odd things. Either way, if they actually count Spa, Motegi etc. as completely new tracks, then I'm sure we'll let them know how we feel about that :).

They need to quit BS like that.
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RE: Eiger

I have no idea how much weight this has in deciding what becomes a 'location', but consider these two shots:

Clearly at this point the modelling of the entrance dirt track is different, the road course being cleanly tarmacked as in Prologue, the trail having a dirt model with no sign of tarmac. The two tracks within this respect use different models, if they shared one I could imagine the road version having a similar dirt pattern. I'm not sure how track models are used in GT, whether there's a 'base' for each location which is then adapted with set barriers added in, or whether each variation has it's own separate model on the disk. In either case, this lack of continuity between the dirt and road versions is making me think the Dirt version of Eiger counts at least to the track development team at PD as a different 'location', if one still heavily borrowed from another. I'm not sure.
The GT Academy edition (or similar versions in other continents) includes most updates on disk but to access the DLC you need to use codes that come in the box and download the access keys from the PSN.

Didn't know this. Then, I have to agree with your reasoning, I also find it highly likely that all of GT5 DLC will also be GT6 DLC, à la LittleBigPlanet.

For GT5, Seattle, Apricot Hill or SSR11 are new ;)

I know they were not in GT5, but I wouldn't be happy if PD announced these tracks as "new" for GT6, as they are not new at all to the Gran Turismo series.

It looks like, due to their appearance in some trailers, these tracks will somehow be in GT6. But why does everybody state that *every* location that was in GT5 will be in GT6? Probably some of the original tracks that were in GT5 in PS2 quality won't be there day one, some might have been revamped already and therefore in the disc, others probably given away as free DLC later on. I'm also assuming both Toscana and Chamonix won't be there, as they can be simulated through the course maker. So, let's just replace Toscana, Chamonix and, I don't know, Deep Forest? and replace them with Seattle, SSR11 and Apricot Hill. Numbers would match, and these tracks aren't new, as they have been before in Gran Turismo.

I'm confident that the 7 new locations will be brand new to the Gran Turismo world, not just GT5.

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