Gran Turismo 6 Memes (NO profanity/stupidity/obvious re-use/flooding)

  • Thread starter ToyGTone
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Wait what? i remember some one in my neighborhood who own's one and i'm sure that i'm didn't mistaken it for "Dodge Caliber".
...ALL OF YOU ARE WRONG!!! :mischievous:

Guys, Guys, Guys... You have it all wrong. This is a magnum;
unnamed (26).jpg

Now, back to the memes, I guess. I would post one but I have no imagination.

EDIT- I 'dun be Tree'd.
Poor people especially that kid, he waited for 2 years (since gt6 announce) for the course maker only to find out that Course maker was a lie and it will not be released forever.
>new maintenence thread
>people expecting course maker for the millionth time despite no announcement
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At this point, its not GTP without people setting themselves up for disappointment. I think secretly, many here are into Sadomasochism. Clearly they love the pain that comes from being disappointed.

Imagine if you were wearing a Magnum while eating a Magnum while driving a Magnum listening to Magnum

And then you head to the range to fire off some rounds from your Magnum before heading home and enjoying a some drink from your Magnum.
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