I'm always behind in the GT series somewhat, but the advantage is that all the bugs and other information by then have already been well established making the games more enjoyable. I still enjoy GT3, 4, and 5 and finding new stuff never mentioned before. An example of this would be GT5 with garage editor and the information and advice to stay with version 2.11. Now I never used or did I ever condone using it for any online or even time attack racing. That is clearly cheating which we don't need in any online race venue... period. However, for the sake of car collecting, getting all the cars and colors you want, or for just general hybrid fun, garage editor sure made the game more enjoyable not having to grind out or whatever etc. You get the point there I'm sure.
Anyway, I considered getting GT6 recently even if only for the new cars and/or circuits I don't have in my GT3, 4 or 5 which are all maxed out 100%. To get to my point, I have some concerns that if I get GT6 and start the long download process that it will also update me GT5 version 2.11, which I certainly don't want to happen, especially while I may not be right in front of the screen ever second during the long download process. Yes, I've blocked out my internet connection and auto updates on the PS3, but once I reconnect it usually goes right to the request to update GT5 and who knows what might be lurking in the background of the GT6 download. Maybe someone who has GT5 v2.11 and GT6 has already gone through this and can advise me here ?
My other concerns are that being so late to the party that all GT6 DLC is no longer available thereby perhaps missing some of the best parts of the game. In addition, "other than online racing", I'm sure there are other parts of the game I won't be able to get to now as well. Further, I just can't get into Sport either "at this point" with it's sole money cost online venue and costs to upgrade to PS4 pro equipment, wheels pedals, 4K TV and the like... and only later down the road to find out the online service demise of GTS like what they did early to GT5 and later to GT6 and thereby losing all the GTS "online garage rented cars". Add to that the complaints I've read in the threads about crash dummies in the GTS racing venue... well ... enough said here. To further complicate my deal, being 70 years old, I'm sure I'll be dead before seeing the likes of a future old school GT7 venue. Maybe my grandson hopefully will someday see a PS5-GT7 with a offline career venue and "owned" garage like the good 'ol days once Sony and PD realize that it may not be working so well currently. Like the saying goes "if it ain't broke don't fix it".