Gran Turismo 6 Online End of Service

  • Thread starter regnar
Oddly at the same month, according to gran turismo sport future updates its says that approximately 50 cars would be added ontill march 2018. Wonder what going on?

Well that's weird. What's this "added until March 2018" stuff? If they think that GT Sport will be a finished project then, there had better be some great new content coming.

I'm going to ck out the PCars sale at the PlayStation Store.

And I'm really sad to see the end of GT6.
Is it REALLY necessary PD !?
Now i'll be forced to pay to play online everytime for GT !?
I'm starting to regret on paying for PS4 online ( i was too kind because the game is starting to look better to be worthy for online play )
They took off the free online GT6 for us to pay for GTS.
It's like saying ( please stop playing GT6 to help funding us for GTS ) i mean what the HELL !? :banghead:
This will cause a huge riot.
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Man, this makes me quite sad... although the quality of the rooms in Gran Turismo 6 were not that great in 2017 (Cough, cop lobbies, Cough). Still, the servers should have stayed aloft for a little longer since it’s currently the only “old school” Gran Turismo that still has online.

My biggest memories where definitely when Marvinthegamer27 and SkyHurricane did open lobby livestreams in mid/late 2017, they provided competitive clean racing with serious events and wacky vehicles.

Unfortunately, I don’t have Gran Turismo Sport and a ps4 compatible wheel so it will definitely affect me.
This was bound to happen. I enjoyed gt6 a lot, but not purely for the online part. I never really liked the seasonals, apart for the extra money it provided. Gt6 was a collection of everything that made Gt Gt. I loved the Dlc they delivered. And the day and night time transitions. But we’ll still be able to play it offline so we can always look back on a true classic.
Man, this makes me quite sad... although the quality of the rooms in Gran Turismo 6 were not that great in 2017 (Cough, cop lobbies, Cough). Still, the servers should have stayed aloft for a little longer since it’s currently the only “old school” Gran Turismo that still has online.

My biggest memories where definitely when Marvinthegamer27 and SkyHurricane did open lobby livestreams in mid/late 2017, they provided competitive clean racing with serious events and wacky vehicles.

Unfortunately, I don’t have Gran Turismo Sport and a ps4 compatible wheel so it will definitely affect me.
I use my G-27 for GTS, P-Cars 2, Assetto Corsa, and F1-17 on my PS4.
Burnout Paradise, a game that will be 10 years old in January, still has online servers. That game was made by EA who is stereotyped to be greedy. It may not look the best on PD's part shutting down a popular games servers after about four and a half years when some games whose franchises don't even exist anymore will have servers up for over 10 years.
This is the most depressing news I heard so far from GT in 2017, couldn't they just keep it online for like a long time? GTA IV Online mode is still available despite being almost a 10 year old game and barely anyone plays it apart from some trophy hunters. Someone earlier mentioned Burnout Paradise which's also still online and still has some few player base. Some previous Fifa titles is still online despite Fifa 18 being the latest one. Forza Horizon 1 still playable online despite it's DLC being dropped from the store. Final Fantasy XI on the PS2 stayed online for over 10 years until they stopped on March 2016.

I could partly understand PD closing GT5 online for GT6 since they were "similar" games but GT6 is a whole different title than the new GT sport. I still see plenty of open lobbies around and joined various full lobbies recently.

It's been a fun time. Had fun with various GTP members back then. It's a video game but still, i find it a bit depressing to see it die. :(
Oddly at the same month, according to gran turismo sport future updates its says that approximately 50 cars would be added ontill march 2018. Wonder what going on?
I know, i don't know what that means either, but they also said this: Regular updates will be released throughout 2018.
And Kaz have said he want 500 cars in GT S, but the 50 cars would be added untill march 2018 almost say that after march, there will not be any more cars, so i'm a bit confused by that sentence from PD :embarrassed:.
I saw this coming. But I don't understand why they do this. Call of Duty 3 still has its severs running with people playing and that game was released in 2006. I think with it being the last GT on PS3, they should keep the severs up.

Oh well... My best GT6 memories online is all the glitched tracks that were made in Course creator. I use to host Ski Jump lobbies, chilled lobbied on Sierra (I think it's called). Oh and the time I couldn't sleep on Christmas Eve so I stayed up playing GT6 all night in the same lobby until a mini update arrived for the Mazda VGT. Think there was a maintenance that night.
Burnout Paradise, a game that will be 10 years old in January, still has online servers. That game was made by EA who is stereotyped to be greedy. It may not look the best on PD's part shutting down a popular games servers after about four and a half years when some games whose franchises don't even exist anymore will have servers up for over 10 years.
This. Forcing people to abbandon GT6 on PS3 to pay for online play on PS4.
Sad to see it go, although the bug where players can't see each other on track was never fixed and eventually ruined almost every GT6 room I've played in. Ridiculous to see course maker, released after an inexplicable 2 year delay, is now due to shut off after just 2.5 years, with no offline solution.
Very disappointing. This is exactly what I feared.

Unfortunately, I can no longer consider PD as one of my favourite developers. Shutting down GT5's servers was bad enough, but this? This is cruel. utterly, utterly cruel.
It took so long before we got the Track Path Editor. I enjoyed it a lot. And then after 2.5 years they will close it down? That's just stupid. Online racing in GT6 was a lot of fun.

This is a shame since Gran Turismo 6 was the last real Gran Turismo game to me.

It should have had its servers up & running for much longer and atleast until a future GT came along that was made with the old formula from its predecessors.

I enjoyed GT6 alot playing online being in the Snail online racing league and still to this day. Had to be online as well in GT6 or it didn't save at least that is how i remember it so it's no different in GT Sport. Don't remember the Saving word come up if the servers went offline as well in GT6. This isn't unheard of though for PD to end it's online support for previous GT's when the newest GT game already been released.