Apart from the one four posts above yours from build 817, obviously?
For reference, the current build is
936. That's today's build.
817 was about September last year.
783 was about a month before that.
You're referencing material that is at least four months old on a game that has seen massive changes to all systems over that period. A game that has had 150 revisions from the version that you're using as an example.
The damage is never going to be as realistic as RoR or BNG simply because certain parts of the car are not allowed to be damaged by license. RoR and BNG are impressive, but they also do things that a licensed game cannot allow. A car that goes into a wall at 160mph will be a crushed pancake, and the manufacturers will not allow that level of damage to be displayed.
So you can accept that some games do better than others within the limitations of what they're allowed to do, or you can keep whining that anything that's not perfect is unacceptable. If 5/100 is the best that developers can do within the confines of their license then that's a shame, but it's still better than 2/100.