Thanks for your suggestion 👍.Friendly suggestion @Hallitrd - step outside your comfort zone, try something totally new. Ditch the white on blue, ditch the side on 2D car models, go wild! You have skills but it's all a bit samey.
No doubt if you ask me. I know we will see some of those classic cars and legends in GT7.@Hallitrd I absolutely love the cars you're putting in the mileage shop, I see you have great taste. We can only pray that some of those quirky classic sports cars, that used to be the bread and butter of the series, make it to GT7.
Yes you are absolutely correct, they hired Hideo Teramoto who worked on Ridge Racer Type 4 amongst other games.I heard they got a UI designer from the Ridge Racer franchise onboard for GT7 - gotta say that I'm looking forward to their work.
And had he actually involved in the UI designing like for example... the menu map?I heard they got a UI designer from the Ridge Racer franchise onboard for GT7 - gotta say that I'm looking forward to their work.