Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
I know they dont owe us those cars.
But its kind of crazy with gt7 3 years on the market. And still not a single BMW m5 model or any Audi rs models. The varity just is not there in the updates. I dont expect good cars to be added each month. But it has been quite meh for the majority of the updates.

Previous gran turismo games has had plenty more of those kind of cars.
I would still rather pay to get better cars in the game.

Or simple answer is just that pd saving the good stuff for gt8 it those make a lot of sense to do so.

The updates has not bring much to the table.
I would soon rather want to see the work towards the next gt.

Gt7 is quite sterile at this point.

If it had a decent single player it could maybe be more fun to play now after 2000 hours.

I been so much burned out of it that i going back playing older racing games. That had very enjoyable single player content. Witch is thing modern racing games has really drop the ball on. Gt7 is not alone in this. Fm is even worse.
I find it interesting you say the variety hasn't been there in recent updates. I'd say there's been a lot of variety, maybe even too much - of the cars in the last four updates, only the 205 and EF Civic are cars I'd say really compete against each other.

Unless you just mean variety of new cars. In which case, yeah, PD care less about the 2020s than other games do. I don't think that's ever going to change - PD care more about historical significance or curios than they do bleeding edge new releases when constructing a roster, it's just how they are.
I know they dont owe us those cars.
But its kind of crazy with gt7 3 years on the market. And still not a single BMW m5 model or any Audi rs models. The varity just is not there in the updates. I dont expect good cars to be added each month. But it has been quite meh for the majority of the updates.

Previous gran turismo games has had plenty more of those kind of cars.
I would still rather pay to get better cars in the game.
It's like in a dissertation work, you want a thematic structure being careful to avoid the "drawer" mistake. The worst thing is to regroup together a list of similar things in each chapter without offering anything in terms of analysis. This is kind of what Polyphony Digital does sometimes.

Example, your two thematics are car culture / history and a brand, here BMW. You have 1 hour.

Student A response :
  • BMW M3 E30
  • BMW M3 Evolution II E30
  • BMW M3 Sport Evolution E30
  • BMW M3 E36
  • BMW M3 E46
  • BMW M3 E90
  • BMW M3 E92 GTS
  • BMW M3 F80
  • BMW M3 G80
  • BMW Z..... Riiinnng!!!! It's over!

Student B response :
  • BMW 328
  • BMW 507
  • BMW 2000 CS
  • BMW M3 Evo II E30
  • BMW M1 E26
  • BMW V12 LMR
  • BMW Serie 1 E87
  • BMW M5 E60
  • BMW Z4 G29
  • BMW M6 E..... Riiinnng!!!! It's over!

I'm all for student B here. Most of the time PD lies somewhere between the two, but if you take a close look at Mitsubishi's line up in GT7.. Well... In an exercise where your time is limited, every choice should be made carefully.

If you have 5 opportunities to add Honda cars, of course they does Civics. But if you put 5 Civics, you will miss NSX, Prelude, Accord, Fit, etc. Yes, I also have very mixed feelings about the choices they make with certain brands.
It kind of seems like it has all of the cars you've been asking GT to add for several years?!

It does but i still dont want to play it.
I rather wait for gt to add them. Or see if ac evo gets some intresting cars down the line.

And no other dev put the amount of detail to the car models like pd does.

Plaything through the old forza titles on 360 again and man those games was amazing.
Even better with some mods.

I have no Idea how turn 10 could have drop the ball so hard with their latest releases.
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It does but i still dont want to play it.
I rather wait for gt to add them. Or see if ac evo gets some intresting cars down the line.

And no other dev put the amount of detail to the car models like pd does.

Plaything through the old forza titles on 360 again and man those games was amazing.
Even better with some mods.

I have no Idea how turn 10 could have drop the ball so hard with their latest releases.
They haven't. It's a good game.
You don't know. You haven't played it. I have. It's a good game. Get over yourself. None stop hate for a game you haven't played doesn't make a good look.

If it was a good game i would play it. But its not simple as that. And how can it be good when it has more negative reviews than positive on steam. I dont hate. I am being objective. Both fm3 and fm4 was far better games with far more passion put behind it.
Just look at the terrible fomo single player career in the new fm. The same short sprint races just with different cars. You have way more varity in both fm3 and fm4 with a tone of different events. I bought pretty much every forza games since fm2. But i could see through the lies and bs markering they tried to pull for the new title.

You might have fall for that trick but i wont.
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If it was a good game i would play it. But its not simple as that. I dont hate. I am being objective. Both fm3 and fm4 was far better games with far more passion out behind it.
Just look at the terrible fomo single player career in the new fm. The same short sprint races just with different cars. You have way more varity in both fm3 and fm4 with a tone of different events. I bought pretty much every forza games since fm2. But i could see through the lies and bs markering they tried to pull for the new title.

You might have fall for that trick but i wont.
You are NOT being objective. At. All. When it comes to Forza Motorsport you are a complete troll. It is a good game. I bought it. I know. You don't.
You are NOT being objective. At. All. When it comes to Forza Motorsport you are a complete troll. It is a good game. I bought it. I know. You don't.

The fact that you call it a good game. Proove that you falled for bs marketing hype.

Its not good. Did you just missed the part where i Said i bought them all except the first and the last one. Bought all horizon as well.
The first horizon was the best in the series.
Fh5 is at least decent just have some wasted pontential just like gt7.

I am not trolling. I am being completly objective. Witch you are not.

Fm4 is by far the best one. Wipes the floor with the new one and its not even close.
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The fact that you call it a good game. Proove that you falled for bs marketing hype.

Its not good. Did you just missed the part where i Said i bought them all except the first and the last one. Including all horizon.

I am not trolling. I am being completly objective. Witch you are not.
I didn't fall for anything. Do you think I fell for something when I bought GT7? Forza Motorsport is a completely better as a racing game. Again, you haven't played it. You are a Troll.
I didn't fall for anything. Do you think I fell for something when I bought GT7? Forza Motorsport is a completely better as a racing game. Again, you haven't played it. You are a Troll.

You keep calling me a troll. But the ones that trolling is you. You cant respect what i Said about fm. And you got offended.

Gt7 is far from perfect. But its a way better racing game than fm thats for sure.
You dont need to take my word for it. Most people will say that as well. WHO do you think have higher playernumbers its not fm i can tell you that. Their is even no signs of it even being a sucess.

What you are doing is coping. Defending fm at all cost. Its people like you that made fm in the state its in. Fm4 is the peak end of story
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You keep calling me a troll. But the ones that trolling is you. You cant respect what i Said about fm. And you got offended.

Gt7 is far from perfect. But its way better racing game than fm thats for sure.
I'm not offended. I see what you are doing with EVERY post about Forza Motorsport and I call it as I see it. You haven't bought the game. You don't know. That's called logic.

As for GT7. That's a racing game with no actual racing in it. Just the same chase the rabbit, dodge the mobile chicanes. It been like that since a late patch in GT5. it's not good enough but I do like driving the cars in it. I race in Forza Motorsport and I like it. It is a good game.
I'm not offended. I see what you are doing with EVERY post about Forza Motorsport and I call it as I see it. You haven't bought the game. You don't know. That's called logic.

As for GT7. That's a racing game with no actual racing in it. Just the same chase the rabbit, dodge the mobile chicanes. It been like that since a late patch in GT5. it's not good enough but I do like driving the cars in it. I race in Forza Motorsport and I like it. It is a good game.
Again its not regardless what you say about it. You relise you can check a game up by watching gameplay so you can find out everything there is to know. Thats what i did with all forza titles before i bought them. Same with gran turismo. The only parts you never can judge by watching is things like physics and to some parts graphics. I didint buy gt sport either at launch because i didint like the direction it was going.
I could still buy fm at some point. But it really depends on what route they will be going. Right now i just think its not worth my time or money if you have problem with that. Thats on you.

You come to to gt thread so dont expect many people to agree with you.
You are clearly offended by my rents otherwise you would not keep defending it.
And you made a big deal out of it.

You going big to call me a forza hater. But how can i be a forza hater if i bought 90% off them and enjoyed most of them. Specially fm3 and fm4 witch was true masterpieces in almost every way.
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I've played both. They each have some plus points and also major flaws. That's my objective opinion.

Anyway back to GT7 (but also a bit Forza-ish) I'm watching the Sebring 12 Hours now and really wishing it was added to this game. Would be great fun with a variety of vehicles, and I'd rather PD add a real track rather than bring back an old original one and have the inevitable complaints about any changes they make.

EDIT - Also licensing Rexy (and the 911 (992) GT3 R obviously) would be a big win. That little green guy is insanely popular.
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