Gran Turismo 7 Master Track List

  • Thread starter Famine
We've got 9 dots in North America, and 9 tracks listed in the opening post. Just like the 13 dots in Europe, they seem to correspond to the real and fictional circuits already present in GT Sport - in fact the only GT Sport tracks currently missing from the first post are those in Japan and Mount Panorama.

To add TMS we'd need to remove a GTS track, and given that all 23 dots cover all of the 21 visible circuits in GTS plus Trial Mountain and Daytona, that wouldn't be a logical move. Even if it's SSRX.
Are we sure SSRX is based in North America? All the old SSR tracks were modelled after Japanese highways and SSRX has all its markers in meters. Was the location ever confirmed to be in the US?
Then I assume the Texas track would be Northern Isle which is one I forgot about. SSRX certainly isn't in Dallas, what with the lack of shipping ports in inland Texas, but its terrain looks lot like the San Francisco dot.
I grew up here in AZ. The famous “red rocks” are nowhere near the Mexico border. Sadly. Most likely the fictional rally stage.

Beige Rock Valley doesn't have the same ring to it. :indiff:

You know, rewatching footage on youtube of SSRX, the landscape looks an awful lot like San Francisco Bay, even if the structures around it don't match anything in reality. It makes more sense than that Pocono-like race track anyways.

Edit: On the other hand, Blue Moon Bay also has a resemblance to the area just south of San Francisco, near SFO Airport.
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I'm not sure about Alsace and Red Bull Ring.. Because the dot doesn't look located to that area.


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Then I assume the Texas track would be Northern Isle which is one I forgot about. SSRX certainly isn't in Dallas, what with the lack of shipping ports in inland Texas, but its terrain looks lot like the San Francisco dot.

Northern Isle - Texas
Trial Mountain - Sierra Nevada Mountains
Blue Moon Bay - California Coastline (either near SF or LA)
Fishermans Ranch - Arizona/New Mexico
Colorado Springs - obviously the one in Colorado
Special Stage Route X - Alaska
I'm keeping my expectation Very Low for the Tracks.

GT6 Had just 6 more tracks at launch, could be the same here.

GT Sport = 29 Tracks
GT7 = 35 Tracks

35 tracks seem to be shown as red dots so if they are including GT Sports 29 tracks, that's 6 more again at this period.

I think there will be a few new Real world circuits and Originals

  1. Trial Mountain
  2. Deep Forest
  3. Grand Valley
  4. Daytona
  5. Real world circuit 2
  6. Real world circuit 3

And don't expect exclusives from GT1-3 to return like SSR11, Red Rock, Tahiti Maze, Swiss Alps and that stuff, those are long gone abandoned assets. I wish i'm wrong.
What does everyone think the chances are of new tracks being added, as they did to GTS ?

Whilst the grand valley / deep forest etc are great for nostalgia I'd like to see more real tracks.

Assuming the association with the FIA is going to continue I think there are loads of grade 2 circuits that could be included that hopefully wouldn't require high licensing costs that allegedly caused the delay in Spa being added to GTS.

It'd be a lot of work to model, but could the PS5 handle a street track like Gold Coast or Belle Isle ?
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I think the only real unknowns at this point are the northern most dot, the one in Arizona, and the one in Texas.

Here are my thoughts on some of the unknowns:

Northern Isle is basically confirmed in game but cant be put on the map. Basically impossible to predict which one it is since it's just a stadium and no topography or vegetation can be seen.

The northern most dot appears to be in Northern Utah, probably around the Salt lake area. Could be Northern Isle as it's the Northern most track. My best guess though is this one is Fishermans Ranch as the area west of Salt Lake is arid. The name Fisherman's Ranch leads me to believe there would be water nearby and the logo shows a horse and lasso. Utah is well know for it's ranches. It's also very possible Fishermans Ranch is not returning as the vegetation put's it more in the California area and this could be a new or returning original(Grand Valley?)

Some people suggested Fishermans Ranch is the one in Arizona, I have my doubts. This dot is located right where the US-MEX border levels out, at the town of Nogales, just below Tuscon. Not sure why they would call it Fishermans Ranch when there is no water body nearby. The only source of water nearby is and extremely small river/creek that runs through the valley. I have no clue what this Arizona one could be. Even Northern Isle would be a strange name for this location. I am going to guess this is a new or returning original track.
(Edit: There is Organ Pipe Cacti on the Fishermans Ranch track, which is native only to Arizona in the US. But there are also Joshua trees which you wouldn't find near Tuscon. so it's possible we shouldn't take this too seriously :) )

Texas, apart from this one being Northern Isle I'm not sure what else it could be. Still Northern Isle is a strange name for the area, the dot appears to be closest to Dallas. There are a lot of lakes in the area so maybe. I'm suspecting this one is Northern Isle though since it appears on the track list it probably has to be dotted on the map somewhere.

Also I believe this one that is highlighted with the USA logo is Blue Moon. It's right when they sign in to GT world so I imagine Blue Moon being the first track listed at the bottom would be the one highlighted with the icon. I've always imagined Blue Moon was in the San Francisco bay area as well, south west of San Fran in an area know as Half Moon Bay IRL. Blue Moon has Palm trees and ads for "Pacific Coast Radio" which led me to believe it is in California and not Florida. Thought the big plane flyovers are a bit out of place.

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With some work on Google Earth I managed to figure out some of the dots...
Tucson, Arizona; Dallas, Texas and Salt Lake City, Utah are possibly the nearest cities for some of the dots. Candidates for the three are Blue Moon Bay, Fishermans Ranch, Nothern Isle and SSRX.
But as Famine mentioned, there are more tracks in the list than the dots on the map. At least one of them must not be there and I suspect it's the SSRX.

You can see the red pins here. As the labels are in Chinese I'll explain it below:
From left to right in the picture:
Laguna Seca (fits position)
Blue Moon Bay (referred in video)
Willow Spring (fits position)
Trial Mountain (referred in video) (Somewhere west of Sierra Nevada with lake, I randomly chose one)
Tucson city
Salt Lake City
Colorado Springs
Dallas City
Daytona (fits position)
Aww, I thought the dot in northern Utah was going to be the Bonneville Salt Flats.

The northern most dot appears to be in Northern Utah, probably around the Salt lake area. Could be Northern Isle as it's the Northern most track. My best guess though is this one is Fishermans Ranch as the area west of Salt Lake is arid. The name Fisherman's Ranch leads me to believe there would be water nearby and the logo shows a horse and lasso. Utah is well know for it's ranches. It's also very possible Fishermans Ranch is not returning as the vegetation put's it more in the California area and this could be a new or returning original(Grand Valley?)

I thought this as well, but the vegetation in GT Sport shows cacti around Fisherman's Ranch. We don't have cacti in the West Desert/Great Salt Lake Desert, but that's a pretty minor inclusion.

One thing that does lend Fisherman's Ranch being in Utah though is that the mountain range just south of the desert is called the "Fish Springs Range" and the town/ranch that's near there is called Trout Creek.
Eagle Lake, Lake Tahoe, California is where I suspect Trial Mountain is located. It's too small to be Lake Tahoe itself, which is only a couple hours from where I live, and none of the other lakes in the area of that dot compare in terms of landscape.
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Tucson = Fisherman’s Ranch
Dallas = Northern Isle
SLC = Returning original track not listed or Utah Motorsports Campus, either of which would be pretty solid.
TBH with you, I'd add all existing GTSport tracks to this list, there is no reason why PD wouldn't use them...
The track located in Utah is relatively close to Salt Lake City along side parts of the lake.

This could be a reach however the track location may be Grand Valley Speedway
Reason being is the fact that the track itself is located in a hilly region outside of larger mountain ranges and close to a body of water
ex. shown


The bridge does not go over an ocean. It goes over a body of water which could be part of the lake or nearby water deposits

The city skyline in the background could be downtown Salt Lake
As seen here


Salt Lake City

Grand Valley is speculated to be in GT7 and this dot on location would be a proper fit to place a beloved fictional track in a real life location where the environment would match.
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The bridge does not go over an ocean. It goes over a body of water which could be part of the lake or nearby water deposits

There's virtually no vegetation around the Great Salt Lake and it's not even remotely as picturesque as Grand Valley. The area around the lake is either desert or salt marsh and is honestly not terribly exciting. I would have to assume the masterminds behind the art department at PD would take one look at that area and move along.
The World Tour events have located Fisherman's Ranch before, and while it's close-ish to the dot on the US-Mexico border, it clearly isn't in the same place:


The small red circle I added is the dot in the GT7 trailer. Source:

Could be an oversight, though.
There's virtually no vegetation around the Great Salt Lake and it's not even remotely as picturesque as Grand Valley. The area around the lake is either desert or salt marsh and is honestly not terribly exciting.

After driving to Salt Lake City in the Summer there definitely was a lot of vegetation around certain parts of the lake and separate water deposits. Not necessarily touching the water but about 20 yards inland there was a good amount of green.

However this is simply speculation if GV was included in the Americas this could be a fitting place to place it. And no doubt the course will be changed and the environment will look different and modern like Trial Mountain
It will either be updated to fit the environment around SLC or be located in a different part of the world or simply not turn up at all.
Could El Capitan be one of the US locations?
Absent official confirmation, anything could be possible. However, every single one of the dots in Europe corresponds to a GT Sport track location and accounts for every single European GT Sport track. Given that there's exactly the right number of dots in the Americas to account for all of the GT Sport tracks in the Americas plus Daytona and Trial Mountain, for now the safest assumption is that they also correspond to GT Sport locations - though obviously we don't know where Colorado Springs, Fishermans Ranch, Northern Isle, Blue Moon Bay, or SSRX are supposedly located in terms of geography.
Absent official confirmation, anything could be possible. However, every single one of the dots in Europe corresponds to a GT Sport track location and accounts for every single European GT Sport track. Given that there's exactly the right number of dots in the Americas to account for all of the GT Sport tracks in the Americas plus Daytona and Trial Mountain, for now the safest assumption is that they also correspond to GT Sport locations - though obviously we don't know where Colorado Springs, Fishermans Ranch, Northern Isle, Blue Moon Bay, or SSRX are supposedly located in terms of geography.
There's a city named Colorado Springs and it's position quite fits that of the dot... so I think it's safe (yet not solid) to say that the very dot in the middle is Colorado Springs.
There's a city named Colorado Springs

and it's position quite fits that of the dot...
It's a fictional track. It doesn't have a real-world location, only a place where PD says it could be, but if it did it wouldn't be in the middle of a city because it's a rally course with literally no urban development anywhere near it.

It could be "inspired by" something like Fountain Valley Reservoir on the outskirts of the city, but you won't be able to actually go to where the track is, because it isn't anywhere.

so I think it's safe (yet not solid) to say that the very dot in the middle is Colorado Springs.
Have... have you read the first post at all?
I'm gonna drop a little theory here. I suspect the dot closest to Mexico might be Red Rock Valley.

View attachment 929909

First of all, the layout for Red Rock Valley is pretty realistic. In my opinion, it wouldn't need this redesign that Trial Mountain received simply because RRV has by itself a less arcadish layout.

View attachment 929910

I went to this exact point marked on the map, and turns out it's located somewhere northeast from Nogales, Arizona. You can see there is nothing here, so it's indeed an original circuit.

View attachment 929911

Then I entered Street View so I could see the landscape better from the ground, and there are a couple of sandy mountains, which kind of led me to this:

View attachment 929912

Yes, I know I'm trying to look into details of a PS1 game and mountains are pretty common basically everywhere, but it's somehow still interesting for me.

Could it be just Fisherman's Ranch after all? Yes, but I will keep my theory.
Personally still not sold on that. That dot is located a good 300 miles away from the real life “red rocks” that Sedona is famous for. (I think also Forza had a Sedona location.) Even further if “Red Rocks” refers to Monument Valley in the Navajo Nation.

I guess I’m just salty about the idea of a track called red rocks in a state famous for red rocks but in a location incredibly far away from those said red rocks.
I do want to say, Trail Mountain is actually a Spanish track. Image with that woman says it's situated in the "Sierra Nevada Mountains" Which is situated in Southern Spain :)
I do want to say, Trail Mountain is actually a Spanish track. Image with that woman says it's situated in the "Sierra Nevada Mountains" Which is situated in Southern Spain :)
There is also a mountain range in Spain called Sierra Nevada, but this one is in Northern, Eastern, and Central California. You can literally see the player select the course and the map move to the appropriate red dot in North America.

It's also "Trial" Mountain.

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