Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.08 is Now Available: Fixes "Serious Issue", Restoring Game Access

  • Thread starter Famine
PD needs to stop the MTX-scam.

If Sony does not cooperate, cut all connections to these greedy company.

Sony deserves same sanctions as russia does. Until they learn and change.

I will not progress the career, until the nerf is patched out.
It's not a scam. You can still earn money playing the game lmfao yes not as much but I'm sure they will look into other things to help gain money.
omg the constant whining and crying that i've seen here on this website for the past days is mesmerizing... I havent posted in years but people are getting their priorities wrong... specially after what happened in Japan with the recent earthquake and the ongoing war in Ukraine, like...

why are you bothering to comment that you've deleted the game and won't install it again? that you went for a refund? seriously who cares? go play anything else and let people play GT7 and have their own time with the game. you wanted GT7 so bad you bought it on launch day then you expect the game to give you lots of credits with minimal effort? no one is forced to use real money and most of us wont ever buy those credits anyway, cause we dont have any need to: game life expectancy is WAY bigger than GTS'. what would happen is that in a few weeks/months you already got most of the cars in the game and would start complaining again about whatever.

I got the PS4 version day one and havent played the game yet (personal issues first then I decided to wait it out cause of the mission bugs and servers maintenance) and the world carries on, there's more important stuff out there than a few bugs on a game that was clearly forced to come out before it was ready. just give the game some more time, damn it. it's been TWO weeks... im finally ready to play the game after this update. and still glad I sold GT Sport too cause seriously, everybody left that game for good
Why do people keep bringing up real world issues when this is a site for racing games? Each and everyone of us are aware with what's going on IRL. It doesn't excuse with what the crux of the problem is with this video game. It's ridiculous and also offensive to assume that we are selfish heartless people when we are voicing our opinions on a racing video game on a racing site!
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Sounds like this was forced upon by Sony. I think this is more common than people think. Publishers from SEGA to Ubisoft force bad decisions upon developers they own, thinking they would boost profit from the game at the expense of consumers. This is why I think PD needs to go independent.
PD will never go independent because is a branch of Sony.
You are what is wrong with the industry and its fan base.
If you are that complacent with this nonsense going on in the gaming industry, get off this forum, as it clearly is not an important hobby to you.

The game had a 24+ hour outage in which no one could play and progress in a game they paid a lot of money for. £80 in the UK!

The industry is being ruined by Microtransactions, games are being built around them, including GT7. 2000CR reward for daily mileage. Tuning which is horrendously overpriced (not as bad as GTA Online). Overpriced Cars in Used Showroom, Invitations that expire, and Legends Showroom that are Limited Stock incentivises FOMO, and those susceptible will pay up. Wanna sell a car? Nope. Why? Nope.

They are actively dropping payouts to stop people playing how they want to play, with a vague response saying, "please stick with us, trust us, we have a plan". How on earth is that For The Players, like Sony is touting?

Look at the Battlefront 2 backlash, and tell me how that wasn't needed for this industry. Or were you ok with that too?

"No one forced you" is such a pathetic, dim and empty argument. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
bit harsh for someone like myself who averages 3 comments per year on this website no? you made a lot of false assumptions about me though. the same way you have your own opinion about this you should consider people have other points of view on how games coming out with bugs happen in the industry, and we could all use a bit of sympathy sometimes: not saying it's good news, but it happens.

why is it a pathetic argument to say it was not forced? you can play the game how it was meant to be played without ever considering micro-transactions (which I have not supported unlike you think?, never used, never will), and clearly adjustments are still being made. I took a step back and looked at it in the bigger picture, hence why I said everyone was overreaction over this. you seem to forgot GTS' update history and the bugs it had on patch-fixing updates.

and you dont have to start calling names to get your point across.
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The reasoning for lowering the reward payouts for most of those races makes absolutely zero sense, and does not solve the problem of players re-doing the same races over and over again. Players will still grind the same races over and over again, they just won't get paid as much now.
It makes total sense when you realise and accept that they want people to spend their actual money to access content they already paid for.
Kazunori wants us to drive different cars!!!!!!

But he just nerfed the races we were doing to buy different cars?

How does this make sense???

Oh yeah, we have to buy microtransactions to buy the different (+expensive) cars? 🤣

that's the "honourable" thing to do according to Polyphony 🤣
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Might be coincidence, but the first 2 roulette tix I just opened (1 star and 3 stars) both ended up in prize cars... I had absolutely nothing but the lowest prizes in all of my previous spins...

**the 3rd ticket went back to the lowest prize lol
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I want I want I want. You sound like a 5 year old. You get what you are given you can choose to like it or play something else.
I've never understood this attitude in video games. I don't think its totally unreasonable for people to expect a $70 video game to have a good amount of content to it. Sony says I've played roughly 24 hours of GT7. I know I've spent several hours working on some of the trophies so that means that I finished the "campaign" in roughly 15-20 hours. I'm certain I've spent at least double that on many Forza singleplayer campaigns. I don't know anything about past GTs since this is my first one but it felt very short to me. Sure I can do the missions and license tests (as I am now) but once I finish those in a few more hours, then what? Multiplayer and get no credits? Custom races and get no credits? Music Rally (lol)?

As for the update itself, glad I can finally play my singleplayer-but-always-online game again. This whole online debacle makes me wonder what will happen in five-seven years when PD decides to sunset GT7. Still upset with the credits, I like car collecting and tuning (as I know most of us do) so I can imagine I'll be using more credits than the average player anyway. Honestly, I wouldn't mind paying what we are now if credit payouts across the board went up a good amount and were scaled by difficulty. I'm not much of a rally fan so it would be nice to have some other options. I also really liked a system in some Forza games (at least I remember it being in some Forza games) where the AI difficulty and amount of assists on modified your credit payout. Want to play with easy AI, auto braking and driving lines on? Your payout is now 65%. Want just braking notifications and hard AI? Payout is now 135%. I would imagine that this would encourage the player to put in some work to get better at the game, I know it certainly worked on me.

In any case, I don't think I should have to grind the same race ~300 (I think this was the number in the article yesterday) times to get any car, period. I don't have a problem with grinding to get what I want but there has to be a point where the grind is just unreasonable. I have two jobs, college, and social obligations, I don't need to add another job to that count.
This is depressing. and that’s with the clean racing bonus at high speed ring 😩😤😠


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I definitely appreciate Kaz making that statement, and I have no doubt that his motivations genuinely have nothing to do with greed. He wants people to have a special experience with this game. (They probably believe the future of the GT franchise depends on this.) He has a vision for how that will go: a longer term play commitment than many are used to - clearly he is saying this. He wants people to soak the game in, stop and smell the roses.

His main error is believing that giving the rapid completionists a reasonable path to do what they want to do will detract from the experience of those following his vision. The economy of the game is an increasingly aggressive deterrent for rapid completion, but why deter? How does that make the game better for anyone?

Maybe credits will be easier to come by somehow later, unlocking the game for more people.. I will wait and see. They must respect the folks who have been with them since the early days and are here to experience his vision but have other commitments and can't dump so much time into a video game any more. And I consider the McLaren F1's, 911 GT1, F40 and F50 all must-own cars, crucial to the experience. It remains to be seen whether I will ever be able to obtain these reasonably - I'm a little hopeful now considering his statements.

Having cooled off over this now, I do have a bigger worry. Everyone is focused on credits being a problem.. my biggest problem with this game by far is physics related. I will sum it up like this: all I actually want out of GT7 is to enjoy driving a handful of cars that are important to me in as realistic a way as possible. Today, I can not do this. Take for example a stock GR86 at Tsukuba with no driving aids. It's almost impossible to control any amount of oversteer, which is simply wrong. The game is broken for me until this is resolved.
If anything, it’s been fun watching the THEATRICS of this recent “doom and gloom” societal shift on full display (I can’t even say it’s a generational thing with a straight face anymore..)

But if 85% of the knee-jerk responses over the past 2 days is an indication, I’m confident the world will be in good hands 20 years from now 😂

Thanks for the entertainment fellas!!!

……on the plus side, all the internet belly-aching has been great traffic for this website. Good for GT Planet!
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This doesn't fix the actual serious issue other than the game running (speaks about the real serious issue being always online).

The serious issue here is Kaz and PD, and the game that they rub the salt in its wound with.
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I'm doing poorly in the menu book for world rally challenge but that's not the point of this post.

I finished 8th and got 22+ thousand credits. With clean race bonus I got another 11+

That seems pretty good for such a poor finish. Or, is that a bad payout for finishing 8th?
They won't be able to recover from this, I know someone will say "oh it will be like Witcher 3, a dumpsterfire at launch, but critically acclaimed after 3 years!", that only happens when you don't have corporate overlords who only care about the bottom line pulling all of the strings.

Sony clearly wanted the game to be this way, regardless of any internal objections and their stance from now on is going to be, to quote the words of an infamous CEO:

"Learn to eat **** and like the taste of it pal!"
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after what kaz wrote, do you forgive him? or are you still disappointed by the new update anyway?
If you really want to be forgiven, you have to make amends, and words are generally not enough as they cost nothing to you.

As a proof of good will and to show they really want to make amends, they could have updated the rewards they nerfed yesterday. I am ok with the lowering of FR, 97500k for 3min of race is ridiculous, but why nerfing also many other races ? The payout should be proportionnal to the time and difficulty of the event and not on so low bases.
Here's an idea for the entitled cry babies who don't understand commerce.

Go spend millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man hours and several years developing a AAA racing title.

Then give it to us for nothing!
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Here's an idea for the entitled cry babies who don't understand commerce.

Go spend millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man hours and several years developing a AAA racing title.

Then give it to us for nothing!
I mean, that does not sound like a bad idea. Complementary things are great!