Speaking of being old...I remember once upon a time, back when a Blockbuster date was a thing, the draw of GT was being able to drive real cars...hopefully
YOUR car. How did we get here?
I agree with you, I have been there, I know it...
But being the devil (that is Kaz)'s advocate, objectively and in all fairness
The i5N is a "pedestrian" car
The civic (another one, which is on point with the franchise) is an old pedestrian car
The C-HR is a divisive pedestrian (that I gladly would trade off for another better choice out there, but beggar cannot be choosers)
More F1 is always good, more racing car of any kind is always good....
Trickle down gift is on point with the slow progression and required grind philosophy of this game...
That's why we ARe here, with "pedestrian cars" we don't necessarily prefer, What else is new..
Kaz you got most Civic generations covered, now give us a CRX please!!!
I also been patiently waiting for my Preludes, M5 etc.... long list... (At least we got the E30 and E36... ) But I still want the 4 door sedan berline variants too...
Story of our beggars' lives.
Same. If I wanted to drive {insert GT3 racecar of the last five years} on {insert reasonably well-known real world venue}, then I have {most every title with something of a sim leaning released within the past couple years}
Yes I am in agreement with you,.... But but but
For those of us such as myself with not enough time, we can only dedicate ourselves to one game, and so we prefer to have the whole package here all in one place.... From Kaz to us....
But I hear you...
A Time Trial at Pikes Peak would be masochistic.
You are preaching to the masochistic GTP crowd here, we have been waiting for the Peak to return in full 8K 120hz glory, and PSVR2... Yum yum yum...
It’s great to see more circuits with Sophy, but I wish some of the events (even if only shorter races) would start to utilize them.
Don't worry, in due time, she will be everywhere and you will not be able to get away from her, she will be chasing your tail... Be careful for what you wish for...
Oh right : GTP members = masochists
I don't understand the expectations.
You're getting more content. If you want a new game, wait for the new game.
Much of what's being asked for is a feature list for GT8. We're creeping up on 3 years since launch, it's getting pretty close to that time.
Hopefully we get some F1 races in Sport Mode. We've had far too few of those.
I reckon we are just over halfway through the wait, we will need to wait at least 2 to 3 more years for the next iteration....
Which is fine by me as long as we have updates, and hopefully better ones that this ...
Just wanted to manage your expectations...
To reduce the moaning...
If you guys are bored, go find something else to do, then come back here....