For me, I hope GT7 is good even if it is cross-gen. I just find it dissapoiting that they weren't more ambitious with the title to allow it to take more advantage of the PS5 hardware (assuming the cross-gen thing is true). But people have a right to voice thier concerns regarding that. But if it is a good game, I won't be so bitter that I'll refuse to enjoy it and/or aknowledge what I like about it. I genuinely hope it is great either way, I'm just concerned by recent developments.
As for GT5 and 6, I don't think many people herald those as the best GT games ever, most long term GT fans tend to put earlier GT's ahead of both of those. You only have to look at
this thread here to see how few people rate either of those as the best, let alone close to the best.
Of course, some people will find things to dislike, you cannot please everyone and Polyphony have to do thier best to balance creating the game they want with the game the fans want and the game that will generate a healthy enough profit. It isn't easy for them, but if all the fans ever did was say "we like this" "were not concerned with that" ets. and never raised criticisms, it would be an injustice to Polyphony because without knowing what the fans want it's harder for them to provide it. You have to be reasonable with criticism of course, saying I hate GT Sport because it didn't feature 10,000 cars and 1000 tracks is not reasonable, but objective, reasonable criticism is just as valid as objective, reasonable praise.
I do think it's sensible to try not to get caught up in too much hpye or concern before a game has come out, it's certainly wise to reserve judgment until you have experienced it for yourself, but at the same time, this is a fan forum so things are going to discussed in detail, especially while news is slow.