Gran Turismo 7 Was The Second-Best Selling Game in March 2022

  • Thread starter Famine
Most people don’t follow the industry or game development. They’ll have an emotional response to a monthly update or emoji posted on an official account. Development & marketing timelines aren’t particularly complicated. It’s the boring stuff that explains some (though not all) of PD’s moves. It’s why I can only make a final judgment on GT7 after it’s 3+ year active lifespan. After 3 months it has already justified my £60 purchase.

The biggest display of Copium I've seen from someone who bought this game.

"I can only make a final judgement on GT7 after 3+ years"

I'm going to agree with everying you say here, however there is a caveat, things do take time and organisation, but they don't take this much time and there are different people organising different things.

There's a reason other games can do all of this faster and it's not because the people at PD are incompetent, it's because they are deliberately dripping content through rather than pushing it over to us as and when it's ready. In fact, they could solve plenty of the games economy and worl dcircuits races issues with just a handful of staff over a couple of weeks.

More events with higher earning potential, making use of the cars and tracks we don't have races for/much use for and make use to the final couple of licenses. Throw in a few dozen new events with decent variety and some creative thought plus good earnings and that'd be mega. But they won't do that and that's got nothing to do with anything you mentioned above, that's for commercial reasons.
I don't disagree with much of that and made it clear some decisions are on PD's shoulders alone. Specifically, event curation and QoL improvements. Many Japanese studios seem behind the times on such things. As for licenced content, that will go through PlayStation's accountants, legal, marketing etc. All very expensive and why free car/track DLC isn't the norm. It wouldn't surprise me if PD offered paid content and eventually repackaged everything as a Spec 2 release.

As far as he is gettgoes at least, TheKie25 get a good subscribers to views ratio, I don't watch him, but just checked him chanel and the views tend to vary from 2-3k to 10-12k depending on the type of video.

However, for perspective, videos showing the trailers for the new Need For Speed are bringing in many times more than that (100k-200k a video or more), and chanels that show racing games beyond Gran Turismo have far more subscribers than the GT channels get. No doubt doing a good job to get a good portion of his subscribers regularly watching his videos, but he isn't getting huge numbers relative to racing video game channels in general because I just don't think Gran Turismo generaltes that level of engagement seen by some other franchises.
Viewership numbers tend to be driven by the creator, not the content. Super GT consistently draws 200k+ views for Daily Race content. With numerous GT7 vids topping 1m. BlackPanthaa's GT7 content regularly hit 100k+, with his tuning vid over 900k. Today he's covering the new Need for Speed. That's just the nature of some YouTube channels.
The biggest display of Copium I've seen from someone who bought this game.

"I can only make a final judgement on GT7 after 3+ years"

Why get upset at people for having a different opinion? I'll recommend this game to any GT or car fan. Most people I know are done with a typical AAA release after 3 weeks. So yeah, GT7 is a very different proposition and will be played for multiple years.
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What is there to explain? How long do you think it takes to acquire licenses, build cars/tracks, and so on? Everything PD do first needs to be approved by PlayStation management, legal departments & marketing. Co-ordinated launches with OEM's, Brands and events like the World Series are many months in the offing. A major IP like GT7 isn't just launched and forgotten about. They'll have plans for year 2, 3 and beyond. Not to mention how they approach the release of a major Gran Turismo movie, PSVR2, PC, PS+.
Here is a reminder of what you said previously..
I don’t know how many times it needs to be said. PD are delivering monthly updates as agreed with Sony’s marketing department.
PD haven’t arbitrarily decided to release 3 cars a month. Sony are in the driving seat for all the bigger strategic moves, DLC plans & associated marketing. Only time will tell how services, VR, PC & even movie tie-ins will play into that.
As much as people claim PD aren’t listening and simply ignoring requests. It’s far more likely they’re working to an agreed marketing & release strategy. And simple can’t speak about certain other future developments like every other Sony 1st Party studio. Exec level discussions between Kaz & Hermen will not be about the day-to-day business. Rather medium & long-term plans.
You've clearly insinuated that they could release more cars, but are limited by Sony. You've insinuated it's Sony making PD keep quiet, not them doing so by choice. So, explain to us how you know all this. How you know it's Sony dictating they only release 3/4 cars and one track, how you know Sony are the ones telling them not to release more events, or tracks, or fix major bugs that have been there since day 1?

You don't, do you? You're just using it as an excuse to pass the blame from PD. You have no idea if what you say is true, or if PD simply don't want to/can't release anything more even if the marketing department is asking for more. Neither do I of course, but I'm not the one making any claims either way.
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Viewership numbers tend to be driven by the creator, not the content. Super GT consistently draws 200k+ views for Daily Race content. With numerous GT7 vids topping 1m. BlackPanthaa's GT7 content regularly hit 100k+, with his tuning vid over 900k. Today he's covering the new Need for Speed. That's just the nature of some YouTube channels.
It's almost as if it's about the creator and not the specific game they're playing.
Here is a reminder of what you said previously..

You've clearly insinuated that they could release more cars, but are limited by Sony. You've insinuated it's Sony making PD keep quiet, not them doing so by choice. So, explain to us how you know all this. How you know it's Sony dictating they only release 3/4 cars and one track, how you know Sony are the ones telling them not to release more events, or tracks, or fix major bugs that have been there since day 1?

You don't, do you? You're just using it as an excuse to pass the blame from PD. You have no idea if what you say is true, or if PD simply don't want to/can't release anything more even if the marketing department is asking for more. Neither do I of course, but I'm not the one making any claims either way.
You’re conflating two things. Bugs, events and QoL will be down to PD. Every update comes with a slew of improvements & fixes. Whether you think they’re prioritising the right things is another matter.

Yes, licensed content is dictated by Sony. They allocate a development budget for DLC, licensing & marketing. This will be based on ROI from future GT7 sales & active players. Further into GT7's lifespan paid content (like Hamilton DLC) could makes sense. A repackaged Spec 2 release would give a further sales bump. We'll then see if Sony put GT7 onto their new PS+ Catalogue collection. All this needs to be balanced with creating new content for GT8.

It's almost as if it's about the creator and not the specific game they're playing.
As ever, it's a mixture of the two. Arguably one of the biggest creators has built his channel on the back of Gran Turismo. A number of smaller channels have seen growth with GT7. I don't personally think online sim racing is the most compelling watch.
You’re conflating two things. Bugs, events and QoL will be down to PD. Every update comes with a slew of improvements & fixes. Whether you think they’re prioritising the right things is another matter.

Yes, licensed content is dictated by Sony. They allocate a development budget for DLC, licensing & marketing. This will be based on ROI from future GT7 sales & active players. Further into GT7's lifespan paid content (like Hamilton DLC) could makes sense. A repackaged Spec 2 release would give a further sales bump. We'll then see if Sony put GT7 onto their new PS+ Catalogue collection. All this needs to be balanced with creating new content for GT8.

As ever, it's a mixture of the two. Arguably one of the biggest creators has built his channel on the back of Gran Turismo. A number of smaller channels have seen growth with GT7. I don't personally think online sim racing is the most compelling watch.
But you've still not explained how you're privy to details of what Sony are dictating, and what they aren't? How do you know Kaz doesn't have carte blanche to decide what he wants to release, and Sony just agree so long as it's reasonable? How do you know Sony didn't want 10 cars per month and Kaz said "We can't do that, three is the best we can do"? What about fictional tracks? Are Sony dictacting when they release those and asking them to hold back because of their strategy, or is it simply the case none are ready?

How do you actually know this is the case?

They allocate a development budget for DLC, licensing & marketing. This will be based on ROI from future GT7 sales & active players.

You really don't, unless you're going to post evidence. You're guessing and conveniently your guessing excludes PD from most criticism, like many people round here. Pass it on to Sony despite no actual evidence.
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Why are you guys still taking Nathan that seriously? Just go watch his post history if you haven't seen the pattern of his posts already. He constantly hypes, and hypes, and hypes some more what the future of GT7 will be, and all of the time without any source for any of his wishful thinking posts to be credible.

Also let me tell you right now before any replies come up with this.
A game selling well doesn't mean it's a good game. Especially not with Gran Turismo because of its unique circumstances where its main rivals don't even share the same console and thus it pretty much has the monopoly for the genre, and above that, it's being mostly sustained by the great achievements of the past games of the franchise, the games that made millions of people, fall in love with the franchise. It also, greatly, helps that it had some good marketing behind it, namely when it comes to using "nostalgia", which is always an incredible weapon to use when it comes to market a game who had incredible success in the past in most aspects.

Which is why people are buying it. GT7 is a comercial success, it was always bound to be. GT5 and GT6 despite its main downgrades and flaws, still sold incredibly well.

Why get upset at people for having a different opinion? I'll recommend this game to any GT or car fan. Most people I know are done with a typical AAA release after 3 weeks. So yeah, GT7 is a very different proposition and will be played for multiple years.
I'm the one that's upset here?

And what's with you bringing up "people you know"? Why the hell should I give a crap about the few dozen or so people you know in comparison to the millions who make the statistics?

Just go look through the trophy list of GT7 and try to explain to me how even the most basic and entry-game level trophies that pretty much just require a couple of hours of gameplay (even without any intention) are in the low % of completion? And we're not talking about "people we know", we're talking about literally every PSN account here.
That pretty much means to me that a very huge part of the people who bought this game hardly play it as well after a few days or so, much like the AAA games you are trying to group GT7 with.

The fact you even stated in the first place that you need "3 years" to judge GT7 propperly is pretty telling of how you are trying to cope with how much of a disaster the game turned out to be as a game, and still is, and are just HOPING for it to be better.
Otherwise you wouldn't even state this line AT ALL. You would just state GT7 is great and you recomend it, period, if you truly felt secure of the game's current state.

Imagine... just using blatant double standards of time to judge games because the game you like quite clearly is in a piss poor state at launch/currently but you don't want to admit it. <You, basically.
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As ever, it's a mixture of the two. Arguably one of the biggest creators has built his channel on the back of Gran Turismo. A number of smaller channels have seen growth with GT7. I don't personally think online sim racing is the most compelling watch.
If you wanna believe that those people are big because of Gran Turismo specifically, then go for it.

Personally, I've found that the good creators tend to be entertaining pretty much whatever they're playing. I will watch Tasteless and Artosis commentate grass growing. On the other hand, the greatest game in the world can't make a bad creator fun to watch.

My experience is that the game hardly matters, and the talent matters a lot. If you get a game that you play/are interested in PLUS a great creator then it's a lovely combo, but only one half of that combination is actually pulling their weight.
How do you know Kaz doesn't have carte blanche to decide what he wants to release, and Sony just agree so long as it's reasonable?
Come on now, Gran Turismo is a Billion dollar franchise, partnering with some of the most prestigious brands in the world.
How do you know Sony didn't want 10 cars per month and Kaz said "We can't do that, three is the best we can do"?
If Sony wanted 10 free cars per month, they'd give PD the resources to develop and release that number. I think we can all agree such a number is not viable unless you charge.
What about fictional tracks? Are Sony dictacting when they release those and asking them to hold back because of their strategy, or is it simply the case none are ready?
All content releases will be dictated by Sony, given development timelines much would have been started before GT7 released. It's no coincidence Grand Valley is expected to be shown at the World Finals.
You're guessing and conveniently your guessing excludes PD from most criticism, like many people round here. Pass it on to Sony despite no actual evidence.
Lack of events, uninspiring Daily races, online stability and missing features are all things that can be laid at PD's door. That's objective criticism and needs to be addressed.
Why are you guys still taking Nathan that seriously? Just go watch his post history if you haven't seen the pattern of his posts already. He constantly hypes, and hypes, and hypes some more what the future of GT7 will be, and all of the time without any source for any of his wishful thinking posts to be credible.
By all means read my posts, you may find something of interest. Gran Turismo is a major franchise and key part of Sony's gaming & technology plans. There are always notable things coming down the line that will be of interest to fans.
A game selling well doesn't mean it's a good game.
This is a sales thread, not a review thread.
Especially not with Gran Turismo because of its unique circumstances.
Maybe gamers just enjoy GT7?
The fact you even stated in the first place that you need "3 years" to judge GT7 propperly is pretty telling of how you are trying to cope with how much of a disaster the game turned out to be as a game.
It would be short-sighted to ignore how service games develop over the course of their lifespan. A game may not be to your particular taste but still well received.
Otherwise you wouldn't even state this line AT ALL. You would just state GT7 is great and you recomend it, period, if you truly felt secure of the game's current state.
Which is exactly what I did.

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Come on now, Gran Turismo is a Billion dollar franchise, partnering with some of the most prestigious brands in the world.
So you could quite easilly attribute that Gran Turismo is a billion dollar franchise beucase of KY and therefore understandable give him freedom to manage the game and studio the way he wants to do so.

If Sony wanted 10 free cars per month, they'd give PD the resources to develop and release that number. I think we can all agree such a number is not viable unless you charge.
Why? They were managing 7 plus on a regular basis for GT Sport. But you're getting hung on the number @Samus plucked out of air rather than his point. Say the number was 6 or 7, that doesn't really matter, we know that they can release more than 3 and not charge for it.
All content releases will be dictated by Sony, given development timelines much would have been started before GT7 released. It's no coincidence Grand Valley is expected to be shown at the World Finals.
An event managed and organised by... Polyphony Digital. Which would suggest, what is previewed/revealed there is done so beucase Polyphony Digital want it to be.
Lack of events, uninspiring Daily races, online stability and missing features are all things that can be laid at PD's door. That's objective criticism and needs to be addressed.
But that's not the only objective criticism, you just seem to take some of that and move it away from Polyphony's feet for... no reason at all. Sure, Sony will dictate certain things, but not everything and Polyphony will have plenty of freedom to design and release the game they want. They even got to delay the game for a whole year.
This is a sales thread, not a review thread.
You are missing or ignoring the point, he didn't suggest the thread was anything but, just pointed out and provided a reason as to why sales numbers do not equal a good game.
Maybe gamers just enjoy GT7?
Maybe a large number of people bought GT7 and then stopped playing it soon after as the tropies suggest. Over 50% of players have never changed thier tyres for example. Over 50% have never refilled their fuel tank. Over 50% have never bought a car in the Legends dealership. Over 50% have driven less than 2210km. Sure, you'll see this in other game too, but it kind of backs up the point, most people who bought GT7 aren't playing it rather than "maybe gamers just enjoy GT7". I'm sure some do, but we're trying to look at the picture as a whole rather than just a section of it.
It would be short-sighted to ignore how service games develop over the course of their lifespan. A game may not be to your particular taste but still well received.
It would be foolish to beleve that GT7 is really a GAAS, it's not. People can call it what they like, but there's no roadmap of content roll out, the content that does roll out is weeks apart and minimal and the engagement with the players is virtually non-existant. That said, the entire model behind GAAS is fincial gain for the developer and publisher, it's not something that the consumer should be actively wanting in general.
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Come on now, Gran Turismo is a Billion dollar franchise, partnering with some of the most prestigious brands in the world.
..and? Sony let them drop most of what made the franchise what is was and release an eSports focused game which almost certainly flopped in terms of $, given the swift reductions, why wouldn't they let him make other big decisions?
If Sony wanted 10 free cars per month, they'd give PD the resources to develop and release that number. I think we can all agree such a number is not viable unless you charge.
Sony have wanted a lot of things from PD over the years, like games released on time. You think they didn't have the resources for that either?

It's perfectly viable. But even if it isn't and they do have to charge, why haven't they done that either? Let me guess, the mystical marketing plan you've definitely seen dictates they can't do that yet.
All content releases will be dictated by Sony, given development timelines much would have been started before GT7 released.
Again, where is your source?
It's no coincidence Grand Valley is expected to be shown at the World Finals.
Expected based solely on data mining, and nothing PD have said? You seriously think before the game came out Sony said "You can release one track in June and then we don't want you to release anything until the World Finals because we want to tease the content there first, you know, because it pulls in millions of viewers".

I mean you're free to believe that, but yet again, zero evidence.
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Japan PS5 Charts for the Year (Digital not included)

*No PS4 data, at launch split was 53:47 in favour of PS5

1. GT7 - 198k
2. Elden Ring - 127k
3. Horizon FW - 116k
4. RE Village - 74k
5. Miles Morales - 66k
6. Takes of Arise - 65k
7. Demon's Souls - 58k
8. God of War Ragnarok - 45k
9. Lost Judgement - 42k
10. DQX Offline - 34k

All editions of GT7 are also part of PlayStation's January sale with 35-40% off.

  • Gran Turismo 7 25th Anniversary Digital Deluxe Edition (PS4)
  • Gran Turismo 7 25th Anniversary Digital Deluxe Edition (PS5)
  • Gran Turismo 7 Standard Edition (PS4)
  • Gran Turismo 7 Standard Edition (PS5)
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Japan PS5 Charts for the Year (Digital not included)

*No PS4 data, at launch split was 53:47 in favour of PS5

1. GT7 - 198k
2. Elden Ring - 127k
3. Horizon FW - 116k
4. RE Village - 74k
5. Miles Morales - 66k
6. Takes of Arise - 65k
7. Demon's Souls - 58k
8. God of War Ragnarok - 45k
9. Lost Judgement - 42k
10. DQX Offline - 34k
Even the Japanese's tastes are also questionable to not know the better games by letting GT7 on top of the charts.

Japan Famitsu sales (12/26/22 – 1/8/23)​

1. [NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Violet – 291,322 / 4,630,253
2. [NSW] Splatoon 3 – 107,700 / 3,795,514
3. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 68,772 / 5,083,147
4. [NSW] Nintendo Switch Sports – 66,720 / 954,442
5. [NSW] Dragon Quest Treasures – 48,297 / 246,700
6. [PS5] Gran Turismo 7 – 38,892 / 256,905
7. [NSW] Minecraft – 37,443 / 2,997,449
8. [NSW] Momotaro Dentetsu: Showa, Heisei, Reiwa mo Teiban! – 34,770 / 2,817,703
9. [NSW] Mario Party Superstars – 30,341 / 1,144,473
10. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – 27,550 / 5,092,741

PlayStation Store: December 2022’s top downloads​

GT7 No.16 EU, No.18 US/Canada

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European GSD 2022 Top 20 (Digital + Physical)​

1FIFA 23 (EA)
2Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Activision Blizzard)
3Elden Ring (Bandai Namco)
4Grand Theft Auto 5 (Rockstar)
5FIFA 22 (EA)
6Pokémon Legends: Arceus (Nintendo)*
7God of War Ragnarok (Sony)
8LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (Warner Bros)
9Horizon: Forbidden West (Sony)
10Gran Turismo 7 (Sony)
11Mario Kart 8: Deluxe (Nintendo)*
12Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar)
13Nintendo Switch Sports (Nintendo)*
14Pokémon Violet (Nintendo)*
15F1 22 (EA)
16Pokémon Scarlet (Nintendo)*
17Minecraft: SWitch Edition (Nintendo/Mojang)*
18Assassin's Creed Valhalla (Ubisoft)*
19Kirby and the Forgotten Land (Nintendo)*
20Mario Party Superstars (Nintendo)*

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PSN 2022 Yearly Charts

PS5 Games​

1Call of Duty: Modern Warfare IIFIFA 23
2God of War RagnarökCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II
3NBA 2K23God of War Ragnarök
5Madden NFL 23Grand Theft Auto V
6Grand Theft Auto VGRAN TURISMO 7
7FIFA 23Cyberpunk 2077
8Horizon Forbidden WestHorizon Forbidden West
9GRAN TURISMO 7LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
10Dying Light 2Dying Light 2
11MLB The Show 22Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
12Cyberpunk 2077Among Us
13LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker SagaNBA 2K23
14Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles MoralesF1 22
15NBA 2K22It Takes Two
16WWE 2K22Stray
17Gotham KnightsFIFA 22
18SifuAssassin’s Creed Valhalla
19Star Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderSifu
20StrayFAR CRY 6

Must've been an off year for A titles. Too bad Bethesda could'nt do something or ever that Duke Nukem game we've been waiting on.
Japanese charts for the week of 16th-23rd January

Software Sales (followed by lifetime sales)​

  1. [NSW] Fire Emblem Engage (Nintendo, 01/20/23) – 144,558 (New)
  2. [NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Pokemon Violet (The Pokemon Company, 11/18/22) – 43,983 (4,739,035)
  3. [NSW] Splatoon 3 (Nintendo, 09/09/22) – 16,091 (3,833,699)
  4. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 13,857 (5,115,176)
  5. [NSW] Nintendo Switch Sports (Nintendo, 04/29/22) – 9,220 (978,511)
  6. [NSW] Minecraft (Microsoft, 06/21/18) – 8,146 (3,016,620)
  7. [NSW] Mario Party Superstars (Nintendo, 10/29/21) – 6,009 (1,157,864)
  8. [NSW] Momotaro Dentetsu: Showa, Heisei, Reiwa mo Teiban! (Konami, 11/19/20) – 5,942 (2,830,215)
  9. [PS5] Gran Turismo 7 (SIE, 03/04/22) – 5,468 (267,222)
  10. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo, 12/07/18) – 5,327 (5,105,655)
Japanese charts for the week of 16th-23rd January

Software Sales (followed by lifetime sales)​

  1. [NSW] Fire Emblem Engage (Nintendo, 01/20/23) – 144,558 (New)
  2. [NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Pokemon Violet (The Pokemon Company, 11/18/22) – 43,983 (4,739,035)
  3. [NSW] Splatoon 3 (Nintendo, 09/09/22) – 16,091 (3,833,699)
  4. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 13,857 (5,115,176)
  5. [NSW] Nintendo Switch Sports (Nintendo, 04/29/22) – 9,220 (978,511)
  6. [NSW] Minecraft (Microsoft, 06/21/18) – 8,146 (3,016,620)
  7. [NSW] Mario Party Superstars (Nintendo, 10/29/21) – 6,009 (1,157,864)
  8. [NSW] Momotaro Dentetsu: Showa, Heisei, Reiwa mo Teiban! (Konami, 11/19/20) – 5,942 (2,830,215)
  9. [PS5] Gran Turismo 7 (SIE, 03/04/22) – 5,468 (267,222)
  10. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo, 12/07/18) – 5,327 (5,105,655)
I guess I should have bought Mario Kart instead. :P
GT7 charted again this week at #14. If it can keep it up through bundles and sales before FFXVI or possible RE4 Remake, it might be the first PS5 game to cross 300k in the region.

Japan Sales Charts: (2/6/23 – 2/12/23)​

Software Sales (followed by lifetime sales)
  1. [PS5] Hogwarts Legacy (Warner Bros. Games), 02/10/23) – 67,196 (New)
  2. [NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Pokemon Violet (The Pokemon Company, 11/18/22) – 29,019 (4,836,510)
  3. [NSW] Splatoon 3 (Nintendo, 09/09/22) – 13,343 (3,876,184)
  4. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo, 04/28/17) – 11,807 (5,153,979)
  5. [NSW] Minecraft (Microsoft, 06/21/18) – 7,566 (3,040,308)
  6. [NSW] Fire Emblem Engage (Nintendo, 01/20/23) – 7,267 (193,187)
  7. [NSW] Nintendo Switch Sports (Nintendo, 04/29/22) – 7,127 (1,001,330)
  8. [NSW] Mario Party Superstars (Nintendo, 10/29/21) – 5,155 (1,175,091)
  9. [PS5] Gran Turismo 7 (SIE, 03/04/22) – 5,065 (280,995)
  10. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo, 12/07/18) – 5,025 (5,121,897)

Hardware Sales (followed by lifetime sales)
  1. PlayStation 5 – 81,798 (2,424,815)
  2. Switch OLED Model – 32,464 (3,881,605)
  3. Switch – 12,513 (19,175,551)
  4. PlayStation 5 Digital Edition – 11,776 (373,503)
  5. Switch Lite – 10,048 (5,205,755)
  6. Xbox Series S – 3,429 (247,584)
  7. PlayStation 4 – 1,115 (7,852,944)
  8. Xbox Series X – 506 (174,391)
  9. New 2DS LL (including 2DS) – 91 (1,190,541)

GT7 charted again this week at #14. If it can keep it up through bundles and sales before FFXVI or possible RE4 Remake, it might be the first PS5 game to cross 300k in the region.
Digital share for PS5 games in Japan is 22%. So GT7 on PS5 should be over 350k by now, plus whatever the PS4 version has sold.
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The racing simulation "Gran Turismo 7" receives the double platinum award for over 400,000 sales in Germany.
  • Two new game Sales Awards Award categories: Double Platinum and Multi-Platinum for 400,000 and 600,000 titles sold respectively
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, EA SPORTS FIFA 23 and Nintendo Switch Sports each receive the Sales Award in the Multi-Platinum category
  • "Gran Turismo 7" gets double platinum
  • "Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope" wins the game Sales Award in Gold.
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In 2022 GT7 was the 12th best selling title in the UK. Selling 356,630 copies (Physical 205,510 - Digital 151,120)

In Japan GT7 has sold 291,649 (Physical) on PS5 and set to become the first PS5 title to pass 300k. With Digital and PS4 it’s likely to pass 500k in the next week or two.

Almost a year after release GT7 remained in the European Top 20 (All-Formats).

PS5 console sales were up five times compared to February last year.

European GSD February 2023 Top 20 (Digital + Physical)​

1Hogwarts Legacy (Warner Bros)
2FIFA 23 (EA)
3Grand Theft Auto 5 (Rockstar)
4Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Activision Blizzard)
5NBA 2K23 (2K Games)
6Red Dead Redemption 2 (Rockstar)
7The Last of Us: Part 2 (Sony)
8God of War Ragnarok (Sony)
9Atomic Heart (Focus Entertainment)
10Mario Kart 8: Deluxe (Nintendo) *
11Borderlands 3 (2K Games)
12Dead Space (EA)
13Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla (Ubisoft)
14It Takes Two (EA)
15Nintendo Switch Sports (Nintendo) *
16The Last of Us: Remastered (Sony)
17WWE 2K22 (2K Games)
18Sid Meier’s Civilization 6 (2K Games)
19Gran Turismo 7 (Sony)
20Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition (Nintendo/Mojang)*

Couple of notable points from the latest PSN charts. PS VR2 seems to have given GT7 a very decent sales bump. Also notable how TLOU1 has jumped up the charts due to the TV show. Shows the potential of TV & Movies to bring a title to a wider audience.

PlayStation Store: February 2023

PS5 Games

1Hogwarts LegacyHogwarts Legacy
2NBA 2K23Grand Theft Auto V
3Grand Theft Auto VFootball Manager 2023
4Madden NFL 23FIFA 23
5Call of Duty: Modern Warfare IICall of Duty: Modern Warfare II
6The Last of Us Part INBA 2K23
7FIFA 23The Last of Us Part I
9Atomic HeartAtomic Heart
10Wild HeartsIt Takes Two
11GRAN TURISMO 7Need For Speed Unbound
12Gotham KnightsResident Evil Village
13Need For Speed UnboundF1 22
14Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles MoralesDead Space
15NHL 23Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
16WWE 2K22Wild Hearts
17Like a Dragon: Ishin!Among Us
18God of War RagnarökMadden NFL 23
19Resident Evil VillageWWE 2K22
20It Takes TwoCyberpunk 2077

As a bonus, the first ever PS VR2 chart.

PS VR2 Games

1Kayak VR: MirageKayak VR: Mirage
3Horizon Call of the MountainHorizon Call of the Mountain
4Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s EdgeStar Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge
7Swordsman VRJob Simulator
8Drums RockSwordsman VR
9NFL PRO ERADrums Rock
10The Light BrigadeAfter the Fall

Last edited:
GT7 returned to the UK top 10 after an Easter sales promotion.

Last WeekThis WeekTitle
21FIFA 23
12Resident Evil 4 Remake
33Hogwarts Legacy
54Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Re-entry5The Last of Us: Part 2
46Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Re-entry7Gran Turismo 7
New8EA Sports PGA Tour
99God of War Ragnarok
810Super Mario Odyssey


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