Gran Turismo 7's Trophy List Has Leaked

  • Thread starter Famine
Round and Round – Drove 500 miles (804.672km) on oval tracks

Hi, is it possible to achieve this one, while driving on Stage Route X? I mean, it's an oval track or not?!... Thanks!

Yes, Route X will count towards that achievement.
Yes, Route X will count towards that achievement.
Yep, absolutely. Did it yesterday myself :D

We'll be putting out a trophy guide and walkthrough just as soon as we can zero in on Three Legendary Cars. Which is now annoying me.
Anyone already got the "Time Attacker" trophy for taking part in 100 Timetrails.
Does this mean I have to complete 100 TT laps or do I just need to enter the TT and then go back to menu and enter the next one?
So, someone over at PlayStationTrophies dot org has the Three Legendary Cars trophy (as well as the Platinum):

Anyone nosy enough to ask him what Legendary cars he has?
Could it be a developer?
Anyone already got the "Time Attacker" trophy for taking part in 100 Timetrails.
Does this mean I have to complete 100 TT laps or do I just need to enter the TT and then go back to menu and enter the next one?
The description is a bit weird. You can do 100 laps, that’s enough for that trophy to trigger.
Could it be a developer?
I doubt it (at least not with PD). He has 2,307 Platinum trophies. Looking at his trophy list it would seem to me that he is a game tester. He has used multiple versions of games over different platforms and regions:

It looks like he got access on March 2nd, so unless he had some special items gifted to him, the three cars necessary for the Legendary trophy have been in the game since March 2nd up to the 15th which is when he got the trophy.

If he is indeed a playtester then it is quite possible that he is given codes to unlock things, maybe to test stuff like trophies popping.
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Anyone already got the "Time Attacker" trophy for taking part in 100 Timetrails.
Does this mean I have to complete 100 TT laps or do I just need to enter the TT and then go back to menu and enter the next one?
I did 70 laps in the daytona tri-oval circuit (already did 30 when getting the trophy Around the World). I also got the trophy Round and Round.
13km? That's like a lap of the Nordschleife no? Easy.
He said 13k km, which means 13,000 km. At 100 km/h it means 130 hours, and it doesn't include the time you wait in the lobby for the race to start. Means you need to do a lot of races online, but at least it doesn't require you to win. Those 3 trophies are the only ones I miss in GTS.

More like 1 lap Le Mans
The trophy is driving the length of the Autobath online, which is 13,000 km, not 13 km. If you play online 5 hours per week (3 of them in actual races, the rest for qualify and wait in the lobby for the race to start) it's gonna take around a year.
  • Firm Favorite – Bought the same car 10 times
It would be interesting if it was to buy 10 cars in a family (we already have the Skyline R32, R33, R34, R35 for completing the Menu).

My daughter would get this one for buying the Roadster in 10 different colors 😀
I was very worried about sport mode trophies. I've 100%-ed every GT game except Sport, because I don't like racing with strangers online. Glad I'll just have to participate in that. Can probably just pull over to the side and let the race finish without me :D.

I love how these trophies are mostly things you'll get as you play, and you don't necessarily have to be skilled to get platinum, you just have to play the game. With the notable exception of license tests, but they're usually doable with perseverance.
For the 13,000 km online, you can't pull over the side, you have to drive.

I think the wording was "Complete the licence tests". If bronze is enough it's easy.
For the 13,000 km online, you can't pull over the side, you have to drive.

I think the wording was "Complete the licence tests". If bronze is enough it's easy.
You do have to gold the license tests. But the 13000 doesn't have to be done in Sport mode, just career (or multiplayer with friends, one mileage trophy popped when In was racing with buddies the other night)
He said 13k km, which means 13,000 km. At 100 km/h it means 130 hours, and it doesn't include the time you wait in the lobby for the race to start. Means you need to do a lot of races online, but at least it doesn't require you to win. Those 3 trophies are the only ones I miss in GTS.

The trophy is driving the length of the Autobath online, which is 13,000 km, not 13 km. If you play online 5 hours per week (3 of them in actual races, the rest for qualify and wait in the lobby for the race to start) it's gonna take around a year.
I already have the autobahn trophy, it can be achieved with relative ease if you use the Tomahawk on one of the ovals. While it says that you need to drive the distance while online, I have found that to not be the case. I’ve only been in a lobby online for maybe 500km, the rest is all singleplayer.
The trophy is driving the length of the Autobath online, which is 13,000 km, not 13 km. If you play online 5 hours per week (3 of them in actual races, the rest for qualify and wait in the lobby for the race to start) it's gonna take around a year.
For the 13,000 km online, you can't pull over the side, you have to drive.
It actually takes about eight hours, although it could conceivably be less than two hours if you can manage to fluke it.

The crucial point is that it's not just your mileage that's taken into account. It's the mileage of everyone in the lobby.

If you have 16 people all driving a Tomahawk X around SSRX at max chat in a two-hour race, you'll hit the distance between you. And yes, I've done it.

But the 13000 doesn't have to be done in Sport mode, just career (or multiplayer with friends, one mileage trophy popped when In was racing with buddies the other night)
In principle it does - and more specifically only in races (free run doesn't count). However it seems to be bugged for some people and pops much earlier and for no clear reason.

People are also getting emails congratulating them on their GT7 Platinum without actually having one. And indeed without even playing the game in some instances.
I already have the autobahn trophy, it can be achieved with relative ease if you use the Tomahawk on one of the ovals. While it says that you need to drive the distance while online, I have found that to not be the case. I’ve only been in a lobby online for maybe 500km, the rest is all singleplayer.
Don't tell it too loud, or they will fix it ;-)
Pulling the cloud save is most likely going to autopop the trophies. However should you choose not to import the cloud save when starting a new game on PS5, your new PS5 save file might accidentally overwrite your existing cloud save, deleting all the progress you've made on PS4 in the process. Just something to be aware of.

I think the safest bet for you would be to just play on a different profile when moving to PS5.
As the situation now is, you can't acquire all trophies for PS4 and PS5 for same account. Some trophies unlock 'automatically', ie. when you do something that contributes to the trophy requirement. But there are these cafe related trophies (first time, finale) that you can't unlock again as you can't replay cafe menus (currently). Also for the trophies for buying stuff, you'll probably need to buy the required car again. I found this the hard way when playing with a friend online at my home (using PS5 & ps4). I normally play on PS5, but let the guest play on PS5 (since the save is automatically available on both consoles as it's on gt-server). As I was playing on PS4, some trophies related to distances and number of wins popped up after first race. I got rain licence again when retrying one rainy licence event.

This feels more like a bug than feature (or oversight),
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When it comes to the ”Drive the distance together” trophies I have two questions:

1. Is every player on the track counted towards the distance?

2. Can I get progress in the meeting place events?
When it comes to the ”Drive the distance together” trophies I have two questions:

1. Is every player on the track counted towards the distance?

2. Can I get progress in the meeting place events?
Yes to both.
I received 2 of the distance related online trophies and never raced a single lap in Sports Mode or multiplayer yet.
Same, only that I did a few races online but never enough for the autobahn trophy, so I'm guessing every time you drive something it counts towards that trophy no matter off or online.