Gran Turismo 7's Trophy List Has Leaked

  • Thread starter Famine
  • Three Legendary Cars – Acquired three legendary race cars that were once destined to win 24 hour races
The phrasing of this is so...needlessly ambiguous. "Were once destined..." implies three cars that were supposed to win, but didn't. If it's three cars that actually won then why not simply phrase it as "Acquired three legendary race cars that won 24 hour races"?

Such a minor thing that peeves me whenever I see it. That, and official sites uploading low res images of their own product(s). That one drives me absolutely 🤬 mad but that's neither here nor there. :lol:
I was very worried about sport mode trophies. I've 100%-ed every GT game except Sport, because I don't like racing with strangers online. Glad I'll just have to participate in that. Can probably just pull over to the side and let the race finish without me :D.

I love how these trophies are mostly things you'll get as you play, and you don't necessarily have to be skilled to get platinum, you just have to play the game. With the notable exception of license tests, but they're usually doable with perseverance.
For the two scapes photos, I’m definitely planning on using specific locales that are typically unaccessible when actually racing at those venues. Perhaps, for example, a garage that’s at the track.

I’m also very glad that online trophies are relatively minimal. It would seem PD might’ve examined the trophy metadata for GTS.

Finally, I’m very unsure of which car I’ll ultimately buy ten times. For the sake of convenience, it’ll likely be a car that one can buy from Brand Central, rather than relying on the rotation of the UCD and the LCD. It also will depend on the available modifications one can make for the car, both internally and in terms of aero parts. I would ideally like to spend minimal credits on my way to obtaining the platinum trophy and overall 100% completion, so the car I buy ten times will also likely have a low cost.

I suppose that the car I buy ten times very well may be my starting car, especially if the first time I buy it counts towards that ten. I suppose I’ll outfit each of the ten for different regulations, such as PP limits. If that means having ten Toyota Aqua S, so be it. I was already planning to buy at least two of most cars in the game, with one to leave as-stock, and another to modify.

Beyond the internal tuning and the aero parts, the livery editor’s new features alone should give me some reasons to have ten of the same car. I do recall the ability to apply at least one carbon fiber pattern, perhaps with different weave options.

The very first Aqua I obtain, being from the UCD, will also be the one that I modify. The one I leave as-stock will be bought from Brand Central, in the OEM color that I choose. Then, I’ll eventually buy eight more of them from Brand Central, modifying all but the first one I bought new - perhaps all to different potential regulations, especially depending on the regulations we could see in lobbies, Sport Mode, etc.
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Part of me is disappointed it won't be a genuinely impressive platinum like GT5 or GTS, part of me is relieved it won't be a genuinely impressive platinum like GT5 or GTS.

I'm pretty sure PlayStation first party games need to have trophies be as accessible as possible, so this isn't really surprising. Looking forward to adding it to the pile, and hopefully by the time I get a PS5 it's still as easy to earn if I start the game afresh.
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I know what the trophy is, but as he said 13km in his post 😉
No, you quoted it and you can go back and look at the text you quoted. K is a common abbreviation for a thousand, this is what the "K" in km is. A thousand meters.

13k is 13 thousand. 13k km is 13 thousand kilometers, or 13 thousand thousand meters. It's a bit of an eye bender with two k's right beside each other like that, but what he wrote was correct.
The phrasing of this is so...needlessly ambiguous. "Were once destined..." implies three cars that were supposed to win, but didn't. If it's three cars that actually won then why not simply phrase it as "Acquired three legendary race cars that won 24 hour races"?

Such a minor thing that peeves me whenever I see it. That, and official sites uploading low res images of their own product(s). That one drives me absolutely 🤬 mad but that's neither here nor there. :lol:
It's like a Secret Trophy without actually being one. It might be simple but could take a bit to figure out if it includes any or all of the 20 mil cars. :crazy:
This platinum trophy looks not that bad to achieve, especially considering the previous GT's. I'm not really a completionist, but I will go for this one
So glad for the easy looking platinum, a trend surely following with recent ps first party titles.

Maybe they will add a dlc with a secondary trophy list that has more gold /silvers and the difficult/Grindy trophies?

Or maybe they have left the hard trophies on sport while they keep that alive?
Driving 8000+ miles online is only a silver trophy? At an average speed of 100mph that's 80 hours of pure driving
It's not that bad.
Special Stage Route X + Tomahawk combined with the 600km/h trophy. Do a 24h race and you're done.

The only real challenge might be the license tests.
It's not that bad.
Special Stage Route X + Tomahawk combined with the 600km/h trophy. Do a 24h race and you're done.

The only real challenge might be the license tests.
Doesn't this depend if it's sport mode online or personal online lobbies?
If it's online lobbies then sure the tomahawk would be the most sensible, if it's sport. That would be a grind for sure.
Doesn't this depend if it's sport mode online or personal online lobbies?
If it's online lobbies then sure the tomahawk would be the most sensible, if it's sport. That would be a grind for sure.
Yeah sure, but I'm certain it's counting through every online mode. Exclusive sport mode trophies mention it in the description.
There is a concern... Finish 50 races in Sport Mode. This means the game would feature permanently missable trophies... Or do we need to care if the game would de facto stop working altogether once it goes offline?
Well GTsport is still going strong and that came out 2017 didn't it? and 'finishing' 50 online races is much easier than GTsport's finish 322 online races! in GTsport you also had to get 91 online wins too!!
So what I want to know is the deal with autopopping of trophies, if I earn all the trophies on PS4 and then load up on PS5 I'm concerned about the cloud save causing all trophies to pop. I plan to buy a PS5 in a few months and upgrade my TGT to the Fanatec wheel, but if all trophies just autopop I'd be less inclined to play and thus buying the new wheel would be a waste.

Maybe it'll ask if I want to import the cloud save when starting up?
Pulling the cloud save is most likely going to autopop the trophies. However should you choose not to import the cloud save when starting a new game on PS5, your new PS5 save file might accidentally overwrite your existing cloud save, deleting all the progress you've made on PS4 in the process. Just something to be aware of.

I think the safest bet for you would be to just play on a different profile when moving to PS5.
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Way too easy. So GT5 remains the hardest platinum, followed by GT Sport and then GT6 and GT7.

Some of you saying just because it’s a major first party title, they’re “forced” to make it a relatively easy platinum? Not that I don’t believe you but can you explain this more?
Way too easy. So GT5 remains the hardest platinum, followed by GT Sport and then GT6 and GT7.

Some of you saying just because it’s a major first party title, they’re “forced” to make it a relatively easy platinum? Not that I don’t believe you but can you explain this more?
Not so much forced, but a trend has been following in ps first party titles, where they're being a lot easier for platinum. And any difficulty based trophies being added in new game plus or a second section of trophies.

I remember reading a comment section about how some people avoid certain games based on trophy lists (multiplayer or hard to obtain)
Which is a shame for a lot of great games have some very awkward trophies.

This could be Sony seeing this in sales and trying to combat it? No hard evidence but it surely helps with the purchase for a few, if the platinum is easier.
Pulling the cloud save is most likely going to autopop the trophies. However should you choose not to import the cloud save when starting a new game on PS5, your new PS5 save file might accidentally overwrite your existing cloud save, deleting all the progress you've made on PS4 in the process. Just something to be aware of.

I think the safest bet for you would be to just play on a different profile when moving to PS5.
What’s wrong with autopopping trophies?
Not so much forced, but a trend has been following in ps first party titles, where they're being a lot easier for platinum. And any difficulty based trophies being added in new game plus or a second section of trophies.

I remember reading a comment section about how some people avoid certain games based on trophy lists (multiplayer or hard to obtain)
Which is a shame for a lot of great games have some very awkward trophies.

This could be Sony seeing this in sales and trying to combat it? No hard evidence but it surely helps with the purchase for a few, if the platinum is easier.
Thanks for the response. As far as NG+ goes, my first thought goes to the recent Spider-Man (2018) and the follow up, Miles Morales (major first party PlayStation titles) which both had NG+ trophies, in the first one listed as a separate “DLC” list so as to not impact the platinum but only the 100 % completion whereas Morales had NG+ listed in the original list, though only a NG+ in any difficulty of your choice, no Ultimate requirement (even if both those games were very easy and short).

I’ve also seen people talking about avoiding certain games because they’re too difficult or too online focused but really, let’s be honest here, those people are in a heavy, heavy minority. I find it quite hard to believe them having any significant impact.
Thanks for the response. As far as NG+ goes, my first thought goes to the recent Spider-Man (2018) and the follow up, Miles Morales (major first party PlayStation titles) which both had NG+ trophies, in the first one listed as a separate “DLC” list so as to not impact the platinum but only the 100 % completion whereas Morales had NG+ listed in the original list, though only a NG+ in any difficulty of your choice, no Ultimate requirement (even if both those games were very easy and short).

I’ve also seen people talking about avoiding certain games because they’re too difficult or too online focused but really, let’s be honest here, those people are in a heavy, heavy minority. I find it quite hard to believe them having any significant impact.
Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone and Ghost of Sushimi or whatever it's called are the same, their DLC trophies have higher difficulties added post-launch.

Maybe GT7 will add Sophy trophies later on...
Easily the best trophy list in GT history imo. Looks great and don't need to spend gobs of time in sport mode to get the platinum.

I’m also finding it interesting that there’s a trophy for simply buying a pickup, considering that we only know of two models between Ford and Toyota. Hopefully, in an update, they’ll be joined by the Dodge Ram Rebel and the Chevrolet Colorado ZR2.

EDIT: My other thoughts on how I plan to tackle some of the other trophies are below.

-It seems that, at least in GTS, both of the pickup trucks are the same price of 55k credits, so I'll just pick one at random. Like I said, I plan to get two of most vehicles in the game, so I don't mind buying one and winning the same model later on.

-The trophy for buying an electric car should be easy - I'll just nab a BMW i3, which as far as I know, will be the cheapest EV in the game. And like with the pickups, I don't mind winning a spare, even though customization options for EVs could end up being much more limited.

-Funny enough, I actually don't plan to complete the "buy a legendary car" trophy while also making progress towards the "buy three legendary cars destined to win at the LM24" trophy. For one thing, we don't really know what those three cars are, and I'd rather find out myself in the course of obtaining at least two of most cars in GT7. Secondly, there's a ton of other cars that will be showing up in the LCD, so if something relatively affordable comes up - like that R32 GT-R we saw at one point - then I might just nab something like that for my first legendary car purchase.

-The safety car purchase? That's also another example where I plan to get at least two. But they're also all the same price, so I don't really have a preference. Well, maybe except for the Mercedes-Benz AMG GT Safety Car - I think I might want to get out and get that one, first, assuming I can't buy the Nissan GT-R Safety Car.

-Ideally, I'd like to obtain the required cars for the two scapes photos trophies as prize cars, being the 2011 Audi R18 and any Gr.3 BMW. If I complete everything and still don't have those cars, it's only at that point that I'll go out and buy them.

-As for the 100 time trials trophy, I'm hoping this'll be a bit more than simply hot-lapping indefinitely, but rather, I'm hoping that online qualifying time trials count towards this. Or better yet, there could be time attack events in the campaign like the Goodwood Hillclimb. At the very least, I think I'll be nabbing the "Tsukuba under 1min" trophy on my way to getting this one.

-When they refer to getting a trophy for driving a formula car, I wonder what that could imply, if anything? Could it be for driving any formula-styled car, between the F1500T-A, the Mercedes-AMG W08, the X2014 Standard, the X2014 Jr., or the X2019 Competition? Or, could there be another formula-styled car that we don't know about yet?

-Finally, I'm hoping we can obtain all licenses and complete all Circuit Experiences as soon as those respective modes are unlocked, though I alternatively wouldn't mind parts of these modes being unlocked as you progress. For example, I think Circuit Experience is linked to unlocking the course in itself, as you complete collections.
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Pulling the cloud save is most likely going to autopop the trophies. However should you choose not to import the cloud save when starting a new game on PS5, your new PS5 save file might accidentally overwrite your existing cloud save, deleting all the progress you've made on PS4 in the process. Just something to be aware of.

I think the safest bet for you would be to just play on a different profile when moving to PS5.
I'm thinking it might be like with GTs on PS4, when you delete the local save and load up you can choose to not use the cloud save, it'll wipe nearly everything except for your DR and SR. That might be the best option for me... Now the only question is do I want to pay $120 USD for the deluxe version, unfortunately I have a New Zealand account and Sony screw us over badly, literally 30% more than on the American store.
Speed Demon Trophy
In my head:

I'm headed for the border
It's on my mind
And nothin' really matters
I've got to be on time
Look in the view mirror
Is he hot on my tracks
Is he getting nearer
I feel some heat, is on my back
Speedin' on the freeway, gotta get a lead way
(Speed demon)
Doin' it on the highway, gotta have it my way
(Speed demon)
Mind is like a compass, I'm stoppin' at nothin'
(Speed demon)
Yeah, pull over, boy, and get your ticket right HEE HEE HOO!!!
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