plate88Wasn't GT5 supposed to have a YouTube channel or some easy way to upload vids from the game to YouTube? Maybe I'm wrong, but thought that was a feature stated a while back before release. Maybe could be in future update:idea:.
gogatrsOK, I have a digital camera with a video recording option.
It comes with an HDMI cable that you can plug into the TV and see what you're recording or have recorded on the TV.
Is there a way to reverse this process?
Would it be okay if I just used a Video camera to directly record the screen? I don't own a capture card.
OK, so I have a DVR for recording TV shows.
Could I use that to record replays?
leowan731I don't think so. That would be way too low of a quality.
BTW, I just sent an invitation to both youtubers mentioned by Daverytimes. Though I'm not sure how Chacomll will respond seeing as he's japanese lol (language conflicting issues) , but we'll see.
Listen up!
After careful consideration, I've decided on the following things:
There will be a GranTurismoConcept youtube channel council, which will consist of myself, and other trusted content creators. Anyone who wishes to upload to GranTurismoConcept will be able to do so by uploading their videos to their own Youtube account, notifying us of it's existence, requesting that they want it uploaded to GranTurismoConcept and providing us with a link to it by emailing the following e-mail address, ""
Over time, if we establish trusted links with certain people by way of them uploading quality content, then we will be more than happy to accept them into the GranTurismoConcept council, at the same time providing them with the details to the channel so that they may upload content freely without using the above method.
GTconcept will not only upload GT gameplay, but also, for example, Forza and NFS gameplay. This is up for discussion btw, as I'm not sure how this would work out.
GTconcept will be uploading GTplanet news, tuning guides, replays, and walkthroughs.
Thanks for your interest guys!![]()
I disagree.
I record all my GT5 videos with a Flix 720HD cheapy camera. Record off a 60" Mitsubishi DLP set at 1080p. Best done with room dark. However it will do decent with sone light. Prefer dark room. oh yea a decent sound set up helps. I turn it up a bit for most my videos. Btw I actually got this just to ensure others I wasn't cheating After the first video. I was like say now that is actually decent. oh one last thing. Use a tripod.
Anyway. Not the best by any means. However for the simplicity of getting tue vids to you tube with out a dedicated device. It does do well.
Here is a recent video. I have others on my page. Let me know if this is of any worthy quality. Be sure to click the 720HD version.
Here are few links to videos recorded and edited on the iPhone even does well IMO.
If the vids are decent enough to be in the channel. I am in for posting/uploading vids. Just wish there was a rewind on tue replay.![]()
KopparbergDave*Shameless self-promotion warning*
Could we also have cool stuff like fan trailers... (hey, maybe there's some people on here who never saw this first time round anyway....)
Hey all![]()
Well recently I got myself a capture card, originally intended to transfer family VHS videos to DVD format. Although, I have found out it can also be used to record games console Gameplay, which intrigues me to say the least.
I'm an avid GT fan. Heck, all you reading this probably are too. On YouTube, I'd love to have a channel were I can go to, and have like minded automotive enthusiasts to collaborate with, and watch different Gran Turismo players' content. For example, if they were to display a certain car's tuning specifications, show a race between competing cars, or just do a round up of the week's GTplanet news. That'd be great in my opinion
The closest thing we have to this on YouTube is the collaborative channel, "Machinima" which rarely even posts GT content, and I do mean RARELY :/ it's content is, no joke, 90% Call of Duty, and the rest is just new game releases mostly. And when they do post GT gameplay, it has some British Hoodlum commentating over it, who knows next to nothing about cars. It's just bad.
Anyhoo, my proposal is that we start a new, collaborative Gran Turismo channel. I have the resources to support it, and could certainly produce, I think, some good GT contentGT3, GT5, GT4, heck even GT1, I could do gameplay of all these. And as I mentioned before, It wouldn't just be race gameplay, it would be guides, tips, events in GTplanet, Car tuning videos etc. It's a very niche subscriber base we'd be going after, and with no real competition, we'd easily win a good subscriber base among GT fans, and at the same time even bring some new fans on to the GT bandwagon
What do you think?As I say I could get the channel started, with gameplay and channel foundation etc. And some of you guys could do gameplay too, make it a community channel, you know?
It's an exciting prospect to me, and could even help boost GTplanet's popularity![]()
What do you think? Would you support / watch a GT dedicated channel on YouTube?
i only got a PC mic.