Gran Turismo Hall of Fame

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The Gran Turismo Hall of Fame is a collaboration of all things Gran Turismo and a few concepts borrowed from other games, as the creator of the Hall of Fame I would like to get all the Gran Turismo fans out there a chance to be part of the hall of fame.
Currently the Hall of Fame can be found here: url removed by mod

Wetpaint itself offers, free sign up, and the ability to update your personal profile page.

What I offer you is, your own driver profile with photo gallery page.
To have your profile star rated
To be recognised for achieving the difficult things in Gt like: Gold on all licences and having completed all missions.
Want to be part of the gran turismo blacklist?

Checkout the site there is lots to see, but it is still under constuction and it is ever changing so have fun
Yep, it has crossed the line. You can't advertise here.
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