Gran Turismo: Simulation Mode

  • Thread starter Satomiblood
Thanks for this weekend's races! It's really a close call and a tough fight while I wrestle the RX500 down the corners. I think racing that with my wheel really gave me a gym workout. I sort of overpushed my left shoulder until it became a little sore after 3 races!

I've had a huge struggle at Autopolis and Tokyo since my points are different in that car. Photos to follow in the coming days!
A few snaps from Saturday. I’ll try to get some more.




I'm hoping to have more time to participate in this soon. After I finish building the new Lego Star Destroyer :lol: I can't make the 6am time, but maybe the 7-8 time?

Race photos from last weekend. Sorry for the delay as I was busy at work lately.
This time round I've used HDR post-processing software for some of the shots as an experiment. Feel free to fish out your favorites and add them to your wallpaper collection!

It’ll be too early in the day for a beer on my end. I don’t have the tastebuds for it until the early afternoon.
Hahahaha beer doesn't work in the mornings. It only kicks in during afternoon, boosts up on the evening, and full blast at night.

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