Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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I think the only way we could find out just how much a difference it makes is if someone a lot better than us like say @Tidgney tested it out. We just aren't consistent enough to really gauge how big a difference it makes. When I qualify or test I maybe get 0.5 on a 1:30 lap, but then I can put it on and beat that. I do agree it must be faster, but it would be nice to know by how much and therefore is it actually worth learning to do without TCS for someone like me that seriously is never getting to A+. I might hit A one day, but I'm not holding my breath.
Someone experienced will always be a lot faster with it off.
It's the inexperienced or the one who has problems with the control inputs that needs it.

I am also perpetual B but it's mostly because I race anything, no matter if I am good at it or not.
Because the points doesn't matter to me I don't mind loosing them.

Edit: MR cars where my way to TCS off. Before I found them tricky to drive because when they slipped they slipped big time
With TCS off I can feel the slide early and counter it.

I’m a DS4 user and in my opinion if you use X/O buttons to accelerate, Groups 1 to 3 cannot be driven without TCS.
The instantaneous nature of the press means 100% throttle straight away. A spin up is unavoidable
I absolutely believe you in that. My only suggestion is to learn the triggers instead, but I am sure you have reasons not to do so.
In that case TCS is the way for you to go.
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My only suggestion is to learn the triggers instead, but I am sure you have reasons not to do so.
I've made that transition at the beginning of my "carreer" on GTS, mainly because I did not know how to change it, and I absolutely love it, wonder how I've been able to drive with the on-off buttons before 😅

Now I want better input for steering, my left thumb is not exactly the most precise tool and the very little array of movement given by the stick means a lot of imprecision while driving (which is not exactly what I need 😁 )
I've made that transition at the beginning of my "carreer" on GTS, mainly because I did not know how to change it, and I absolutely love it, wonder how I've been able to drive with the on-off buttons before 😅

Now I want better input for steering, my left thumb is not exactly the most precise tool and the very little array of movement given by the stick means a lot of imprecision while driving (which is not exactly what I need 😁 )
You can get extensions for the sticks.
The thumb extensions sort of help by a little. I actually kept breaking them off playing 1st person shooting games. Got a wheel last year during Black Friday and it’s great. I found the key is to be comfortable rather than having expensive gear, the wheel and pedals helps me relax more for races that last longer than 10-15min. The controller also annoys me because it requires a lot of charging
I’m a DS4 user and in my opinion if you use X/O buttons to accelerate, Groups 1 to 3 cannot be driven without TCS.
The instantaneous nature of the press means 100% throttle straight away. A spin up is unavoidable.
I would agree with that. Its actually why GT Sport (Even going back to the Closed Beta) was the first game I drove with a pad where I didn't use the buttons (X and Square for me going all the way back to Gran Turismo 1) and learned to exclusively used the triggers. I had so much more control of the throttle and Brakes and it actually freed my thumb up (which was good because of cars like the Dallara SF19 or the Mclaren P1 GTR that required slight adjustments in mapping for their unique functions such as the DRS and the Boost). Does make me question how on earth young me was able to do an entire lap of the Nurburgring Nordscleife in a Group C car without TCS in GT4 :lol:
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If you have room for a wheel well get one my friend.
Space is not an issue. But I won't put it in the living room, where my couch is facing the TV (more a big monitor), and I want to keep a PS4 there, for me, my son and his buddies (he can plug is Switch too), for video games or Netflix and that kind of stuff. And I don't have enough space there to have the couch and some kind of rig for the wheel, even if it is easy to move around (plus I won't have storage space on that floor if I want a rig that can be moved).

So there is no way around using another room if I want to get a wheel.

It also means that I need another PS4 for GTS, not that complicated, second hand are not too expensive.
Yet it will be an issue when GT7 will be available, PS5 is not easy to find, and quite costly, moreover if you need 2 for the reasons mentionned above.
I'll need another screen too. (4K or FullHD... for a future PS5 4K would the way to go, but I'll want another 4K for the living room 😅 )
I also need some rig to set up the wheel.

I could use my desk but it is mainly intended for work, I don't wan't to install the wheel and pedals when I want to play and remove then after. (And I'll need some space to store them between sessions, not a big issue yet I don't have a solution atm).
Plus my desk chair is dumb, the wheels have brakes that do not interfere when the chair is loaded, but block the wheels if no weight. It is absolutely not convenient, to move the chair when you are not seated it won't bulge, and when seated it floats around on the least side force applied by a foot for example (with pedals it would not be possible)

So the best solution is either another sturdy desk in another room (plenty of space in the attic) or a real sim rig, or a homemade rig (I like to make stuff so I know where I would go).

And I am not speaking at all of the steep learning curve when going from DS4 to wheel...

So a wheel is something I dream of, but when confronted to reality, it is not that straightforward without even looking at the overall cost ☺️
I guess it's always been, I can't recall after clicking the brand logos, a black background showing the logo, transitions to th showroom screen.
So yet another Toyota "sponsored" update. They sure do have a large influence over PD and the game these days.
More like Sony is ignoring this game and player base. And Toyota is the only one left who cares.
More like Sony is ignoring this game and player base. And Toyota is the only one left who cares.
Well PD are obviously fully focused on GT7 right now but Toyota is seemingly paying them enough to keep promoting their brand within the game.
Well PD are obviously fully focused on GT7 right now but Toyota is seemingly paying them enough to keep promoting their brand within the game.
What a lame excuse. Manufactures make new cars every year. All sorts of companies move on to newer products all the time. They don't ghost clients once they have their money. :lol:
What a lame excuse. Manufactures make new cars every year. All sorts of companies move on to newer products all the time. They don't ghost clients once they have their money. :lol:
I'm not making excuses, the game is nearly 4 years old, how long do you want them to support it for with meaningful updates? I mean, you can't be new to how video games have worked the last 10 years.
I'm not making excuses, the game is nearly 4 years old, how long do you want them to support it for with meaningful updates? I mean, you can't be new to how video games have worked the last 10 years.
I don't expect updates. I expect clearer communication.

Basic customer retention of the largest group of people who are going to pay full price for the new game. Instead many are moving on to other games/platforms or stopping.
Reject expectation and embrace nothingness.
Simpsons already did it. :lol:

With today's news, pretty much no reason to play this game any longer. I'll wait for the GT7 update. ;)

yep since GT7 is a superset of this and it'll bridge ps4/5 then Sport has no reason to exist after march.
We didn't hit an iceberg, no need to jump ship, we ain't sinking, there it's still more racing to have fun with...
With today's news, pretty much no reason to play this game any longer. I'll wait for the GT7 update. ;)
When GT7 comes out are you going to Delete Gran Turismo Sport from your console ?. I am going to do it once the new game because there is nothing to do in this game anymore.
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When GT7 comes out are you going to Delete Gran Turismo Sport from your console ?, because there is nothing to do in this game anymore.
When GT7 comes out there will be about a month before the servers are shut down if previous games are an indication.
Then everything you did in this game livery wise is gone and there will be no match making
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