Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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I'm not sure why they didn't use, haven't used, or are using, services like the PitStop blog to disseminate this information.

I know nothing about this, and it's probably a ludicrous thing to say, but do they perhaps think of game marketing/PR differently in Japan? i.e. they are more patient, and don't need the constant drip-feed of attention that we are used to (demand)...

As an example, Evolution kind of seem like your buddy :cheers:, whereas Polyphony is more of a distant, stern father :nervous:
I know nothing about this, and it's probably a ludicrous thing to say, but do they perhaps think of game marketing/PR differently in Japan? i.e. they are more patient, and don't need the constant drip-feed of attention that we are used to (demand)...

As an example, Evolution kind of seem like your buddy :cheers:, whereas Polyphony is more of a distant, stern father :nervous:

I don't think it's a specific cultural thing, I mean they were happy to do it for GT5 and GT6. I like your analogy, though, and it makes sense. We get the sense that GT Sport development is delayed, slow, going badly, and so on, simply because they haven't said anything - it could be shaping up perfectly well for all we know, but we assume otherwise because complete and utter silence regarding game development is normally a bad thing - the little bits we have seen leak out and get revealed, as I mentioned above, suggest things are going OK. I don't see why they couldn't release those concept art pics officially, in a high resolution format, or put together a short trailer to announce the inclusion of the Alpine Vision, or whatever.

Who knows why PDI's attitude to advertising GT Sport has changed? Is it something they've decided to do internally? Is it Sony?
I know nothing about this, and it's probably a ludicrous thing to say, but do they perhaps think of game marketing/PR differently in Japan? i.e. they are more patient, and don't need the constant drip-feed of attention that we are used to (demand)...

As an example, Evolution kind of seem like your buddy :cheers:, whereas Polyphony is more of a distant, stern father :nervous:

I don't think it's that different. Eg Forza 6 had an initial teaser trailer then the main announcement five months later.
I don't think it's that different. Eg Forza 6 had an initial teaser trailer then the main announcement five months later.

Yes, that was an agonising wait too. :crazy:
Again, there were a couple of leaks here and there over that period (I seem to remember Microsoft Japan accidentally revealed the existence of wet tracks, the car count, and new tracks or something...?) but nothing much official going on. I think the concern here is that while FM6 did not release until September 2015, nine months after the initial unveiling, GT Sport is supposedly going to have a playable component of some sort released soon, but that hasn't happened yet and there's nothing to suggest it will other than they fact they said so (which sounds daft, but you would think the marketing machine might be powering up a bit if the beta is supposedly coming in the next couple of months, in accordance with the "early 2016" timeframe).

Either way, I'm not hugely concerned about the silence being indicative of a struggling development process, or anything like that, it's just annoying because I like racing games, and more is better than less. Put simply, I just want to play the 🤬 thing!
I don't think it's that different. Eg Forza 6 had an initial teaser trailer then the main announcement five months later.

It kinda is though. At least people had a certain level of assurance that the wait for Forza would be worth it in the end. With GTSport, quite a few people here are just waiting to see if it'll even be worth a try (after getting burned on GT5 and 6) and the lack of info is making that very difficult.
Perhaps this PD silent secretive treatment about their new game is more to do with the fact that they believe they are on to a winner, another ground breaking episode. Some secret superpower that the PS4 allows them to do super, great, unbelievable things that the PS3 couldn't.

They would want to keep this secret for as long as is possible to be able to again monopolise the market, to retain the headstart over their competitors that they believe they have.

Don't get me wrong PD's track record is full of negatives that would lead fans to think the worst.

It could also be that they think they just don't need to do anything.

One thing is for sure this early deadline as ambiguous as it is, is surely getting shorter, and I hope for PD's already tarnished record, that they haven't overestimated what they are capable of....
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Perhaps this PD silent secretive treatment about their new game is more to do with the fact that they believe they are on to a winner, another ground breaking episode. Some secret superpower that the PS4 allows them to do super, great, unbelievable things that the PS3 couldn't.

They would want to keep this secret for as long as is possible to be able to again monopolise the market, to retain the headstart over their competitors that they believe they have.

Don't get me wrong PD's track record is full of negatives that would lead fans to think the worst.

It could also be that they think they just don't need to do anything.

One thing is for sure this spring deadline as ambiguous as it is, is surely getting shorter, and I hope for PD's already tarnished record, that they haven't overestimated what they are capable of....

Staying silent and blowing us away with something groundbreaking would be the exact opposite approach to the one employed for the last two games, that being hyping their next release up and a releasing a game which, although very good, ultimately falls short of the game they promised...
Amar makes one post about the GT6 thread on GAF being bumped and suddenly you guys think that means news for GT Sport.

Where is the logic in that.. actually don't answer. It's the outcome that all of you are expecting.
Amar makes one post about the GT6 thread on GAF being bumped and suddenly you guys think that means news for GT Sport.

Where is the logic in that.. actually don't answer. It's the outcome that all of you are expecting.
Funny thing is, he made another post shortly after that actually had some potential as leaked information, albeit cryptic as usual, and no one has mentioned it yet.
Amar didn't leak the existence of GT Sport. He was the first one to bring wide attention to it after it had already been up on that pre-order site for a month largely unnoticed, according to Zlork.

I don't think it's that different. Eg Forza 6 had an initial teaser trailer then the main announcement five months later.
Forza 6 was a content sequel to a game whose main problem was that it was lacking in content. GT Sport has been explicitly claimed to be different from than traditional GT games.
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With the shrinking that Nissan's racing program has been going through in the last few months, it's not surprising that GT Academy would come to an end. That was pretty much a guarantee when Darren Cox left Nissan.
Yeah, it's kind of hard to pimp out your young driver programs after you spent the off-season firing half of the guys who were previous winners of your young driver program.
Well I guess 99% of people already know they have no chance of ever winning GTA and stopped caring about it years ago, this FIA thing is still a bit of a mystery so they don't know how involving it will be for them. I mean they still know they won't win top prize, but who knows what else may be possible for the non 1% elite.
Forza 6 was a content sequel to a game whose main problem was that it was lacking in content. GT Sport has been explicitly claimed to be different from than traditional GT games.

True, but the trailers are intended to generate interest so I don't think there is that great a difference, there will always be information people want to know about eg features such as weather etc.
Difference with F6 and GTS is that there wasn't a beta due for F6. It's very common to do what they did, briefly announce a game exists and then go quiet for 6 months before truly unveiling it. Without a beta I guess most of us would be expecting more details at E3 and not worry, but that beta is due in the next few weeks, they need to promote it.
Difference with F6 and GTS is that there wasn't a beta due for F6. It's very common to do what they did, briefly announce a game exists and then go quiet for 6 months before truly unveiling it. Without a beta I guess most of us would be expecting more details at E3 and not worry, but that beta is due in the next few weeks, they need to promote it.

Or possibly the assertion that "spring 2016" is not early 2016 is incorrect...
Meteorological season
Meteorological spring will begin on 01 March 2016 and ends on 31 May 2016.

Astronomical season
The next astronomical spring begins on 20 March 2016 and ends on 19 June 2016.

Like I said ambiguous... early ... could and can mean anything. Early can be a matter of perspective.
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Are we on this again? PD have not said Spring, the Gran Turismo website still says 'Early 2016'. That gives them until the end of April in my books, no matter what the Sony blog says.
Edited posts, writing without clearly thinking, was completely aware that "early 2016" was all that is mentioned.

[QUOTE="That gives them until the end of April in my books..[/QUOTE]

This still coincides with Spring which ever way you look at it.

As far as I'm concerned early would mean pre July and late would be post June.
When I was there last year I had the feeling they'll terminate it, the problem was they had too many drivers and not enough seating time, and that was even before the LMP1 program.

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