Perhaps many do not grasp a point, which in my opinion is very evident, namely that GTsport has served PDs to develop an online mode in step with the times (because today virtual eSports are important) and also served to make up for time which they lost to develop on a console with too complex architecture that would be born and died with ps3.
With ps4, in my opinion, they voluntarily made a single smaller and more polished chapter with a focus on eSports to prepare well for the next real GT on ps5 using the GTS as a development bench for their engine and for their new online infrastructure beyond to establish new partnerships for francise.
For me GT7 will be the true sequel to GT4.
All that would be fine if GT Sport wouldn't have turned out to be the only GT game on the PS4.
The PS4 supposedly easier to develop for, yet one game, a very much smaller game, in the seven year life span of the console.
I'm just still a bit bemused by the comments along the lines of "only half what it should have been" and comparisions to previous GT games. Surely its not that hard to understand that it wasn't mean to be a replacement for the numbered series, can it ?
If it is not made clear what type of game in was going to be in comparison to what has gone before, yes. The Gran Turismo name carries a lot of reputation for a certain type of game way beyond the the hardcore gamer or 'sim' racer, and so unless it is made abundantly clear in advertising and reviews what type of game GT Sport was going to be, and with a price tag to match, there would be many millions, who would have not have gotten what they expected. I certainly didn't think it was going to be as small a game as it turned out to be before purchase after waiting a few years into the life of the PS4.
Fingers crossed that the next GT game is a game seen as being as good as, or better than the GT prior to GT Sport.
The fact that the game didn't fulfill the expectations of those who just made up or assumed what it'd include instead of actually checking isn't a fault of the game. Pretty sure that all the information was out there - its not like they said it'd have car modding / career mode etc before release and then it was found missing..
Not a fault of the game, but maybe the fault of PD. Information may have been out there, but not 100%, especially when PD are renowned for keeping things close to their chests and not giving away everything they plan to deliver.
ok so we didn't get 273 versions of a skyline or MX-5, how is that PDs fault ?
Who is in charge of the whole thing, and so the number and type of cars if not PD!
Maybe they should have called it Online Racer or anything that wasn't Gran Turismo, might have kept people's fantasies in touch. Then again, I suppose people would just bitch and moan that they made that game and not a new GT...
No doubt when GT7 turns up there will be complaints and moaning about that too, but just like GT Sport it won't mean its a bad game, just that people impose what they think it should be, rather than appreciating what it actually is.
The GT name sells, to many millions, the vast majority of whom will not be following the every detail and rumour garnered before release. If the had called it GT Sport Online, that may have been a more accurate name, and better indication, of what people should have expected to get.
You can mention people bitching and moaning again and again, but the huge negative reaction to what they delivered, because a lot of people did not expect the game to be so 'small', even with all the information you say was out there, that the people who bitched and moaned were so numerous and loud, 'forced' them into adding content to the game they hadn't planned imho. And probably nudged them to add as much content as they have done post release. No game is perfect, and unless people express themselves as as what they like or don't like, games would likely not evolve, and dare I say it, developers fix mistakes. Yvmv.