Gran Turismo Toyota Gazoo Racing GT Cup Announced for 2024 Season

  • Thread starter Famine
Unusually for the Gazoo cups I enjoyed this race a lot. I qualified 9th and finished 4th, was only punted off once, in the first lap at Degner. Fully red front tyres on the last lap but kept it together.

Slower was faster in this road car, taking an efficient line through the esses, braking before the corners and avoiding sliding was my approach. I saw a lot of people brake too late and it just likes going sideways if you do that!
Same applies with one make racing cars with racing tyres.
Racing cars with racing tyres are much more forgiving than road cars with sports tyres. You also have less down force to deal with, and they aren't anywhere near as stable. Its a completely different style of driving required and your inputs are more nuanced in road cars. Which is why you'll find road cars expose certain flaws in someone's driving style, much more than high downfornce race cars do. You also can't rely on ASM and countersteer assist in these cars, like you can in race cars because they'll just slow you down. Which is why the skill aspect comes into play a lot more, than just point and squirt driving.
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Well, it went a lot better than expected (to say the least). My heart was pumping with adrenaline from the start. I qualified 2nd after getting a penalty on my first quali lap thinking that I was going to mess up this first round entirely. Managed to get the lead before the first corner and kept it clean from there. I was trailed by @Pfei who kept me honest for the entire race. It looked like they had some defending to do which probably let me get away with this. Anyways, heart-pounding adrenaline for the whole thing and (over)analyzing every corner for the perfect apex point was much harder to do with my heart pounding and nerves running. First win in DR.A ever so I'm chuffed it's for an event! Good luck everyone.

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GT1 North America Slot 1 A/S Lobby

Put my BRZ 4th on the grid with a 2.24.1, with @A_Higher_Place (A Mindful Place?) starting second.

Clean getaway, polesitter and P3 get all out of shape in T1 and T2 so it's Mindful_Place leading and me in second. He consistently pulled away from me and I had to settle for second, 2.5s back.

203 points and a good start to the season. Nice combo. Proud to represent Subaru (I have three real ones) in this one.



Race results:




VR Stream:


It was a full bottom-split D/S room, with 9 points for the win/2nd, and me wearing door #3. Unfortunately, due to network issues, I got only 2 laps of practice in with the Toyota, so that confirmed my decision to not take a time, the only car to not do so. Pole was 2:27.5, well better than my very-abbreviated practice session.

I had nothing for said pole-sitter, but unlike just about everybody else, I kept my nose clean and on the track. Eventually, I caught up to 2nd and went for it going into the Triangle on the last lap, but after a slight rub at the first apex (I braked anticipating going two-wide on the inside, while the guy I was challenging decided to leave me no room), I backed out and settled for a still-clean 3rd, 17.4 seconds off the lead. I'll take the 8 points.
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Yes, the way points are calculated is identical to GTWS.
That was not the way it used to be, I could do 4,5, 6 races and get good finishes and it would total up at the end of the day. Now just the last race that you ran would be it? That is a bummer....
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That was not the way it used to be, I could do 4,5, 6 races and get good finishes and it would total up at the end of the day. Now just the last race that you ran would be it? That is a bummer....
As far as I know points in official championships have never been cumulative. Starting with GT Sport we went from one-and-done, then to (only one) best-score-counts, to only your latest race counting (where we are today).
Posted my run from the main account in the wrong thread 🤦‍♂️

Well anyway.. Run the race on my alt account and this time with the Subaru.

More points for the win in this Lobby then on my main. 78 for first.

Door #13, qualified on P3 1.7s behind P1.

Start was good. Again lots of pushing and shoving in T1-T3. Decided again to not fight unnecessary and rather focus on my race so dropped back to P5.

More pushing in front of me and I managed to slip back to P3. In Lap 2 P2 spun in the first turn and I got to P2.

Focused only on myself to drive as smooth as possible and got home in P2, a bit over 7s ahead of P3. P1 was in another league and won by over 13s.

Overall I'm extremly happy with P2 and 75points.
First A+ competition for me in the GTWS!/ToyotaCup… so I was pretty nervous! Qualified 5 finished fourth.. race was so fun! One of the reasons I really enjoy GT because of the different cars we get to race! Shoutout To Toyota GR division for letting me use the 40th edition GR86 for today’s race. Joking aside it was great fun and for me I only use cockpit view the 86 was very nice in that view… only thing messing me up kinda was placing the car correctly from the right hand side.




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Well, it went a lot better than expected (to say the least). My heart was pumping with adrenaline from the start. I qualified 2nd after getting a penalty on my first quali lap thinking that I was going to mess up this first round entirely. Managed to get the lead before the first corner and kept it clean from there. I was trailed by @Pfei who kept me honest for the entire race. It looked like they had some defending to do which probably let me get away with this. Anyways, heart-pounding adrenaline for the whole thing and (over)analyzing every corner for the perfect apex point was much harder to do with my heart pounding and nerves running. First win in DR.A ever so I'm chuffed it's for an event! Good luck everyone.

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Great job bro! Nice win!
One thing I've realised with this game is that when you make people drive one make road cars with sports tyres, there isn't anywhere to hide except behind your ability.
I think my ability so far has been on a downward spiral, since the tyres still have a fair amount of life at the end of my race lol
There was a guy in my slot purposely trying to knock everybody out, it slow me down and I finished 9th but lost motivation to try again.

There is a way to denounce to Polyphony? I saved the replay.
It would seem PD care more about what you say, than what you do in a race. Good luck getting through to them.

That was not the way it used to be, I could do 4,5, 6 races and get good finishes and it would total up at the end of the day. Now just the last race that you ran would be it? That is a bummer....
I don't remember a system where this was the case, not even in the days of GT Sport. The last race you placed in, has always been the one which counted.
Missed the first 2 slots, I was driving back from flagging for a club race. I did like this combo though, we really need more races with the road cars. Qualified 2nd and was briefly 1st after the leader slid off in turn 2. However, the tire wear on controller was way too much, I was fully red on the fronts by the last lap and ended up sliding back to 4th. Still a decent haul of 241 points (another new high score for me I think, by 1 point?) and my DR keeps slowly ticking up, which is the important thing.

Anyway, it seems that round 2 was hiding a secret. If you thought you were driving flat-out in a Prius, surely you were kidding yourself! Hope you golded those fuel saving missions...
To clarify, in order to get the free GR010 do you actually have to participate in a race itself, or is just signing up (maybe doing some TTing) good enough? I am assuming the latter...

"All players who enter the event will receive a Toyota GR010 in-game, in a special black livery."

Hopefully it's like the last one where TT'ing was enough. I'm in no class to real race. lol
I am interested by an answer about those questions, if someone knows 😊
That was not the way it used to be, I could do 4,5, 6 races and get good finishes and it would total up at the end of the day. Now just the last race that you ran would be it? That is a bummer....
That's never been the case. WAY back in GTSport there was a time when you could do all time slots and the highest score you got counted, but that wasn't for long. Other than that time it's always been the last race you do that counts.
A strange event in my opinion. Like the penalty system didn't work. At the last chicane a lot of accidents, hits, pushes, all without penalties. I lost 2 positions because of it and didn't want to play another attempt anymore.
Very odd setting on that Rd.1 when it comes to quali. If you was released from pits as one of the lasts it's impossible to do 2 flying laps although people in front could. Very unfair IMO...
But race itself very good, especially if someone managed tires and could watch "shredders" giving up on last lap.
My race went poorly, was probably tailgating the car in front of me too close but they slammed on the brakes at the 130r turn which I wasn't expecting. I tried to brake and swerve out of the way but still tapped them but they never got off the track, I still ended up getting a penalty for knocking someone else off the track bc 3 positions up someone else went off the track even though neither my car nor the car I tapped hit them lol.

Oh well, can only get better with practice I guess and either way I'm getting the expensive Toyota car + livery as a reward (right?), so no big deal.
Got nudged by a dude, spun, and dropped all the way from 10th down to 16th at the right-hand corner after the S-curves on the 1st lap. My race was almost done with at that point, and a spin while trying to overtake the 14th guy officially hit the last nail on the coffin. So the only thing that I can salvage is a fastest lap, but I failed at that also. Meanwhile, said dude nudged a few more cars out of his way to secure a 3rd place finish. And also a SR raise. :mad:

And it’s even the last entry time slot for the race. :(

I’m not trying to say he’s doing it intentionally; after all, I can see from the saved replay that he applies the throttle with spikes exiting a corner, and the dude also races with ASM, so he’s probably a beginner. But damn...
After getting utterly annihilated in Nations last Saturday and getting TGR Asia Slot 1 ruined by a dirty driver, I’m glad I managed to drive a much better race in Slot 2 despite bungling the Degners on my one flying lap.

The main highlight of my race was this:

My reactions summed up:

Oh, that looks like an unsafe rejoin.

Oh, they’re definitely going at it.

There’s no way 2 wide into Degner 1’s gonna work.

Yep, I knew this was coming.


After that excitement, I ran wide twice at 130R, which costed me 5th, but 6th for 175 points is still a decent start to the season.
I’m not trying to say he’s doing it intentionally; after all, I can see from the saved replay that he applies the throttle with spikes exiting a corner, and the dude also races with ASM, so he’s probably a beginner. But damn...
Regarding the replays, don't think what you see from the other car perspective is 100% true to reality, it is just how from your point of you it has been saved. The inputs from other players your replay saves may be only a fraction of the inputs they really did.
Missed the first 2 slots, I was driving back from flagging for a club race. I did like this combo though, we really need more races with the road cars. Qualified 2nd and was briefly 1st after the leader slid off in turn 2. However, the tire wear on controller was way too much, I was fully red on the fronts by the last lap and ended up sliding back to 4th. Still a decent haul of 241 points (another new high score for me I think, by 1 point?) and my DR keeps slowly ticking up, which is the important thing.

Anyway, it seems that round 2 was hiding a secret. If you thought you were driving flat-out in a Prius, surely you were kidding yourself! Hope you golded those fuel saving missions...

The race is 10 laps.

As I see online the Prius G '09 has a 45L fuel tank, so 7L would be around 15% of the tank. I've done a custom race and with 1x fuel consumption it takes less than 1% of fuel per lap, so there should be no problem?

Maybe when PD says 7L they really mean we will start the race with 7% of our tank? I think even in this case we may not need to save fuel.