...Made up like five positions to finish P5! From Q8, to P13, to destroyed car, to basically last, to finishing P5 in the last half of the last lap. 271 points. DONE!...
I'll do you one better on that finishing position.........by one 😂
GT1, A+ lobby, Americas, Slot 2
I WAS A VERY VERY LUCKY BOY LAST NIGHT!!!! (on the game at least

After 2 failed attempts at the iRacings 12Hrs of Sebring, which also had rain, I found I had just about an hour to prep for the Nurb on GT7. Grabbed the Renault Tractor and went to the green hell. This was was completely wild and I still can't comprehend what happened.
Qualifying I made a
complete disaster. Started on hards but then my wheel felt very weird, like I took the FFB chip from the back of the fanatec off. I reset then decided, mmmm it's gonna rain I should probably go to intermediates. Reset on Intermediates. I booked it not paying any attention to the tire wear. I think about halfway through the outlap my rears were half way worn

. Reset again and went on Hards, Rushing to at least start my lap, I crashed

. Decided to take the time left to not only get in front of people that reset in the pits and stayed there, but to get some wet practice. As a result I started 13th.
At the drop of the lights I immediately went on the attack, the tractor is quite good on cold tires in relation to the others, so I started picking off people one by one
#theresdatdangRomanagainwithisoutsideovertakes!. Literally 3 outside overtakes just on the GP section of the track alone! Then I almost threw it in the kitty litter. Then one McLaren I literally saw wipe out and get heavy front damage decided to squeeze me and made me make a tough decision. I wasn't playing the stupid games roulette so I wedged myself on the inside into the fast left kink on the back straight and forced him to make a tough decision, unfortunately, he chose wrong and we both got tangled, I got some rear damage, but he had dirty tires. Then I watched him spin out behind me a few corners later at the exit of the famed karoussel, justifying getting around him ASAP to not get caught in an accident was the right call. At the end of lap 1 we all pitted as rain was on the near horizon, I picked IM for some reason, but wound up being the right call. I took it easy, learning from my qualifying mistakes. I also decided this was a good time to save some fuel as I would be just short. This is where it started getting crazy. In the window that Intermediates were the call, I was slow compared to others. Then when it was near hydroplanning conditions, despite that I was on Inters, I was the fastest one and picking off the people that were passing me. Then I saw people pit twice which was throwing me for a mental conundrum pondering if 2 stops were required. I just followed some of the guys that pitted on the same lap I did and kept going. I went from like 15 seconds down, the 26 seconds down, to then seeing the leaders potentially fighting for 2nd, to then 5th - 6th. Also being that I wasn't as sharp as I normally am, from stomach bug to waking up at 7am for iRacing's race. I put the TC on and let the car do the work for me. Solid choice if I say so myself.
So fast forward to the long straight before the finish on the last lap (I'll let you guys watch the video to see what happened in between, there was A LOT). 4th was on the cards but not likely. Lambo in front, Lexus Nexus in the rear, (and a straight line advantage over us). I was planning to stay tucked behind the Lambo and hopefully the Lexus stalled when it gets to the wall of air. To my surprise, the Lexus bumped drafted me. It was so strong I went Ricky Bobby and sling shot by the Lambo with ease. Then I saw the Lexus fighting the Lambo and I said, you know what, he scratched my back, I'll scratch his in return, pulled in front to give him the slip, He got by the Lambo, then at the kink, I lifted and let him by me. I was content with 5th. But then............ the Lexus overcooked the entry and hit the wall. I had a very minor window to get by, for the first loser to the podium. I got by and claimed 4th.
Usually 4th is meh for me, and it does break my podium streak, but considering where I started and how much of a sissy I usually am at the ring, that's a win for me. 273 points in the bag it was goodnight for me! In terms of Manu, I literally did 2 races total. Like 1 race R1 and 1 race R4 and that was it! 564 points. 2nd in Renault to some Argentine alien, and 56th in North America. Can't complain.