Grand Theft Auto 3D Trilogy Remaster Officially Revealed, Coming This Year

This is a bizarrely hideous new art style. Like online Flash knockoff Disney game character designs level. I mean it will still probably be a lot better than the awful versions that had been on digital stores (excepting Steam) to this point, but wow.

I'm curious what versions of the game they will be based on in terms of content. Like, the chopped up censored version of Vice City? The hopelessly broken mobile version of San Andreas?
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Certainly waiting until I see some actual footage of the game in action on Youtube.

At this price and being on a 'budget' now that I am back to student life one has to be mindful of the available pennies...
The update looks... strange. The environment looks good, but the characters look almost cartoony(?). There's this weird kind of shine to them & the vehicles that make them look out of place in the world.
After seeing this I have to give props to Mafia for making a proper remake of the original game.

This seems okay, but not too impressive. $60 seems a bit steep for a mild refresh, unless you haven't played the originals. I would definitely like to see some gameplay. Will be watching the reviews carefully.
The remaster looks kinda worse than I expected. And my hopes were really low...

Why make all the character models look so plasticy and unsettling? The original models look like people, but the new ones look like Barbie dolls. The worst example for me is Misty, who is a young girl, yet she looks like a 50-years old woman in a remake, and Tommy, who both looks and moves like a barbie doll now. Smooth elbows look bad too, the original models were sharp and animations are spot-on, but now the new models and the old animations just don't combine.

I really wish that someday we can get something like a Mafia 1 Defenetive edition, but for GTA. This was a miracle, and a total joy.
Old gta games are not too big and complex to be remade from ground-up. What we're getting now is just a cash grab and I don't support it at all.

Also, no RTX, just simple reflections, which is a big missed opportunity too, but that's mainly because it's coming to a ton of platforms that don't even remotely match the perfomance needed for RTX, like mobile or a Nintendo Switch.

But that's what we're getting. Could be a lot better, but also could be worse.

The character models are definitely....interesting - almost clay like. It's not a choice I would have expected, but I'm not necessarily against it. The revised visuals seem pretty nice and about what I was expecting. I'd like to see some gameplay and $60 is awfully steep.
Yeah those models are.....odd. Could pass for cartoon animation models at points, so plastic and shiny. In fact...


Thankfully they're just limited to cut scenes though, the gameplay worlds look OK although Vice City looks a bit too vivid and saturated.

Definitely not paying full price for them though, already bought these originally on PS2, then Steam and PS3/4. Will wait for ~60% off.
The soft shadows and kind of puffy look to the character models actually reminds me a lot of Timesplitters, now that I think about it.

I don't mind this really.
60 buck for this? Nope.
They didn't even add raytracing. Will test the game on PlayStation Now before making the final verdict. So far, not impressed.
At least the enhancements are visible, unlike in the GTA5 "enhanced" trailer.
I read that San Andreas will be out on Game Pass meanwhile PS Now will get GTA3. I think I will be waiting for it to get discounted and get it for the PS. I'm not in a rush.
I'm fine with the 60 bucks for 3 games. $20 each for remastered versions seems fair. 🤷‍♂️
Yeah, same.

I want to see some more footage but going off of what was shown. The character art style doesn't bother me at all. The original games (especially III) had a sort of comic book/cartoony look to the characters, I think the remastered models fit the aesthetic pretty well.
So, I'm guessing they couldn't go and just get people to use as models for the remakes or did they just not want to?

but yeah, I'm not getting it for $60.
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Christmas coming up so this wont cost me, i think it looks great, sounds like the controls will be spot on, the big question is will the music be the same ? SA was my all time favourite, i needed vc and sa in my library but the mobile port of sa was crap, cant wait to play it all over again
Whilst I know I'm remembering the old games through nostalgia-vision, this just looks crap. At this point I'm glad I've still got a PS2 and a CRT TV.
This is a bizarrely hideous new art style. Like online Flash knockoff Disney game character designs level. I mean it will still probably be a lot better than the awful versions that had been on digital stores (excepting Steam) to this point, but wow.

I'm curious what versions of the game they will be based on in terms of content. Like, the chopped up censored version of Vice City? The hopelessly broken mobile version of San Andreas?
I don't know what was censored in Vice City, but in the new Trilogy they censored Phil's T-shirt. :\
Now he has a basic skull. I wonder what else is gonna be censored...
On one hand I hate what Rockstar have become and refuse to pay them £60 for remasters of 20 year old games, oh and stop milking GTA5! Release GTA 6!

On the other hand GTA 3 and Vice City are probably my favourite games in the series and were at the height of what was for me the best era in gaming.

Will wait for reviews and actual gameplay and decide if I will pick it up or not, certainly won't be paying full price for it however.