Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online to Launch on PlayStation 5/Xbox Series November 11

And than in two years when nearly everyone expects GTA6, we are glad to announce our newest product -Red Red Redemption 2 patched for new generation :yuck:
This game is one of the GOATs

But it better be a free upgrade because I will not be buying this again.
All Rockstar really needs to do is make it so there isnt 2 - 4 minute load time in between matches in GTA Online and we'll be good.

Shame we didnt get a proper GTA game on the PS4. Personally not going to buy this version. I want GTA6

Glad we at least got Red Dead Redemption 2. The single player was amazing, even if the online ended up being super terrible.
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I don't get the hate really, its popular because people still want to play it.


For those that don't want to play online, it's been 8 years since there was anything new in the GTA franchise. It's plainly obvious that this is because R* are only interested in serving the online community because it's low effort, high profit. Since the introduction of 'Online', there's been no spin off titles, or DLC for the offline game. In the PS2 era we had the 'Stories' titles to utilise the game environments, in the PS3 era we had the 'Episodes' titles to do the same, and Undead Nightmare in the Red Dead world.

I'm personally not hating on the people that still want to play an 8 year old title, I'm hating on the fact that it has demonstrably stopped what was a fairly consistent flow of great, console selling, well constructed, story based games.
The problem is its simply not possible to churn out games as big as GTA5 "consistently".

The time between GTA3 - Vice City was 1 year.
VC to San Andreas 2 years
San Andreas to IV 4 years
IV to V 5 years.

Not much consistency anyway.
The demand to keep up with expectations and build bigger and bigger games just makes it unsustainable.
If there was no online, GTA5 would have died in about 2015, lets say we got a GTA6 in 2018/19 or so, that'd be dead about now too and you'd be whinging about wanting another one which would be 3+ years away.. Look how long it took for them to get RDR2 out - nearly 2 years late from the initial proposed release date.

If the games were smaller in size (to allow for frequenct release) the complaint would be they don't last long enough/maps are too small.
The problem is its simply not possible to churn out games as big as GTA5 "consistently".

Accepted. But they don't need to churn out another game as big as GTA V for every release...

The time between GTA3 - Vice City was 1 year.
VC to San Andreas 2 years
San Andreas to IV 4 years

During which time they also released Liberty City Stories, and Vice City Stories reusing previously created maps/assets/engine. They also released Canis Canem Edit/Bully, which was also a great effort in representing the style of GTA again.

IV to V 5 years.

During which time they also released The Lost and the Damned, and the Ballad of Gay Tony reusing previously created maps/assets/engine. They also released Red Dead Redemption, and Undead Nightmare, which were also great efforts in representing the GTA style of game again.

The demand to keep up with expectations and build bigger and bigger games just makes it unsustainable.

Accepted, but not every release needs to be bigger and bigger, LCS, VCS, TLatD, TBoGT and Undead Nightmare were smaller releases, and utilised many existing resources.

If there was no online, GTA5 would have died in about 2015,

There is GTAOnline, and for many fans of the franchise the game did die in 2015 (or earlier).

lets say we got a GTA6 in 2018/19 or so, that'd be dead about now too and you'd be whinging about wanting another one which would be 3+ years away..

... and you're basing this supposition I'd I've a problem with 3 years based on the fact there's an 8 year gap at the moment, likely ten by the time 6 comes out (if it comes out), and they've skipped an entire console generation for a new game, and are releasing the same game for a third time.

While for Online, they've managed to push out...




and yet for Offline... we got...

Well sucks to be you I guess, hardly worth getting that upset about, its only a game.

If its of any comfort T2 said a while ago they wanted more regular releases of titles, thus more iterations.
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During which time they also released Liberty City Stories, and Vice City Stories reusing previously created maps/assets/engine. They also released Canis Canem Edit/Bully, which was also a great effort in representing the style of GTA again

During which time they also released The Lost and the Damned, and the Ballad of Gay Tony reusing previously created maps/assets/engine. They also released Red Dead Redemption, and Undead Nightmare, which were also great efforts in representing the GTA style of game again.
The issue here is that multiple in-house studios were behind those titles. The GTA3/VC/SA games were primarily Rockstar North & outside developers (I believe one was brought into Rockstar North). Both Stories games were originally released for portable consoles & were developed by Rockstar Leeds. I believe Rockstar North ported them to the PS2. Bully was by Rockstar Vancouver.

GTA IV was again Rockstar North with Rockstar New England/Toronto to handle the PC version. Same with the Lost & Damned, and BOGT. After that, every title (Red Dead, GTA V, Red Dead 2, LA Noire, GTA Online) have become a massive joint effort between the studios. That's why we're no longer seeing multiple games/spin-offs from Rockstar whilst GTA titles are pushed out.

It's more than likely that GTA Online/V continues to be a huge chunk of Rockstar North whilst the remaining half are working with San Diego, Leeds, Toronto, New England, London to be recognized as Rockstar Studios who built RDR2 & are handling GTA VI.
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The issue here is that multiple in-house studios were behind those titles. The GTA3/VC/SA games were primarily Rockstar North & outside developers (I believe one was brought into Rockstar North). Both Stories games were originally released for portable consoles & were developed by Rockstar Leeds. I believe Rockstar North ported them to the PS2. Bully was by Rockstar Vancouver.

GTA IV was again Rockstar North with Rockstar New England/Toronto to handle the PC version. Same with the Lost & Damned, and BOGT. After that, every title (Red Dead, GTA V, Red Dead 2, LA Noire, GTA Online) have become a massive joint effort between the studios. That's why we're no longer seeing multiple games/spin-offs from Rockstar whilst GTA titles are pushed out.

It's more than likely that GTA Online/V continues to be a huge chunk of Rockstar North whilst the remaining half are working with San Diego, Leeds, Toronto, New England, London to be recognized as Rockstar Studios who built RDR2 & are handling GTA VI.

That's interesting to know. I don't know, but I doubt they have less overall resource available now than they did in the mid-late 00's though, and however they arrange things internally, it still seems apparent that the post-main-title-release plans changed with the 'Online' release, and I can't see that changing much in future. I'd imagine that it's more a case that they don't want to provide offline, story based content, rather than not being able to anymore - and I think that's evidenced by 8 years of support for V, of which ~40 updates have been to online, and Zero have been to Offline.
That's interesting to know. I don't know, but I doubt they have less overall resource available now than they did in the mid-late 00's though, and however they arrange things internally, it still seems apparent that the post-main-title-release plans changed with the 'Online' release, and I can't see that changing much in future. I'd imagine that it's more a case that they don't want to provide offline, story based content, rather than not being able to anymore - and I think that's evidenced by 8 years of support for V, of which ~40 updates have been to online, and Zero have been to Offline.
I wouldn't doubt they have much more resources, but they are also to their credit, cranking out much more detailed & content filled games. Every year, I've seen articles crop up of people finding something new in the game.

I will completely agree on that they've obviously decided to ignore anything offline in favor of Shark Cards as offline would provide folks a much easier grind for the money needed to purchase that content. That assuming players weren't also privy enough bank millions off the story mode's "stock market" exploits. The only upside I see to Shark Cards is that it is allowing all the DLC free of charge if you're willing to grind for it. Otherwise, what a hell of a business where instead of releasing a DLC pack for $5-20 and giving players access to clothes, vehicles, guns, etc. off the bat, allow multiplayer the option of potentially frustrating folks into dumping $2-$100 in exchange for in-game currency just buy a few of the items in that DLC pack. I can see why Rockstar has every intention of milking V's Online as long as they can. I believe they've already made mentions of releasing DLC that will ultimately be exclusive the new-gen. consoles to entice people to purchase the game a 3rd time.
It'll be interesting to see where they push things. It's weird how inherently anti-social GTA Online is, yet it still draws people in to continually play it. You'd think that expanding on social aspects would be ideal as it's the most expansive online environment going on right now, but they don't seem to have any interest in expanding on that. You can see hints of it with their Instagram-like app and online profile stuff but it never went further than that.

So much of the game is a mile wide and 1 foot deep but rather than expanding stuff like golfing, tennis, and racing they just keep adding more and more shallow gameplay experiences. I actually enjoyed the racing, but it gets boring when half of your time is spent on loading screens. Hopefully, the jump to PS5 changes that.
Shame. They coooould add more land mass or another "island" to the map. A cutscene flight, from the airport to Yankton(?), Liberty City and Vice City.
It'll be interesting to see where they push things. It's weird how inherently anti-social GTA Online is, yet it still draws people in to continually play it. You'd think that expanding on social aspects would be ideal as it's the most expansive online environment going on right now, but they don't seem to have any interest in expanding on that. You can see hints of it with their Instagram-like app and online profile stuff but it never went further than that.

So much of the game is a mile wide and 1 foot deep but rather than expanding stuff like golfing, tennis, and racing they just keep adding more and more shallow gameplay experiences. I actually enjoyed the racing, but it gets boring when half of your time is spent on loading screens. Hopefully, the jump to PS5 changes that.
We'll see in the coming months (though I agree for the most part; it can't help that everyone is instantly on guard when someone comes into their area). I believe Rockstar said they were going to add some sort of underground car meet to bring the car enthusiasts together. That has potential as lots of people hold meets.
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There is a car based DLC due in summer, probably around July time.


GTA Online

In Los Santos, car culture is back on the streets in a big way, with new opportunities for fans of performance and customization upgrades to get together with like-minded gearheads to test and show off their rides free from interference from authorities and other troublemakers. The renewed interest is bringing a new underground car meet into the area, along with new additions to the local racing scene — and demand for stolen vehicles has never been higher.

Expect high stakes and high action as crews hit the streets to get hold of the latest vehicles on the hot list, challenge each other in new race types, or take part in a series of multi-part robbery missions, where a precisely modified getaway vehicle will be your best weapon — all later this summer.

So some sort of car meets and (I'm guessing) more freeroam stuff to do. There was a picture of what appears to be a Toyota Celica (ST205) with bright paint and lots of stickers over it, so its assumed this is a ricer / "tuner" update.
No date for this as yet.

There are some new races being added today (in the same article).
Unless you like pvp or grinding in 'private' rooms, the game is dead. There is almost zero social aspect to the game. Hell, if you decided to be social and hangout with a few of your friends in a public room, you're going to be targeted anyway.

I get that's why they want to create a manner of having car shows again where you don't get attacked, but it's too little, too late. I stopped hosting stuff like that years ago. Like most of a decade ago. We used to fill rooms. Now, good luck if you can fill a tour bus.
It was ever thus though, on PS3 people were using hacks to give players millions, shoot them and disappear, wall glitches to hide in and kill others, people roaming around in tanks etc.

Whenever I venture in to public sessions (usually to find an empty one to sell stuff) there are always lots of busy ones. I'd say its far from "dead"
Whenever I venture in to public sessions (usually to find an empty one to sell stuff) there are always lots of busy ones. I'd say its far from "dead"

Literally the first four words of my post; "unless you like pvp..."

Which, yes, has a lot of fans evident in the busy public sessions.

Another way of saying exactly what I said above is that PVP(what those people in the busy public sessions are doing) or grinding(what you are looking for an empty session to do) is all that is left. Which is, uncoincidentally, exactly what you described. Social activity is gone. So unless you like the above two activities, the game is dead. There is nothing else to do.
I don't see whats funny. I've got a small group of friends that make up a crew (incidentally, I met them through the game), there are a few other people as well that we regularly do race playlists with.

But if you're determined to hate the game, thats up to you - just trying to point out that your experience / opinion isn't universal.
On the PS3 it's pretty nice right now actually, most hackers seem to have lost the interest. And they were kind enough to donate 20 million credits to me before they left :lol:

Just wish I had more garage space.
I don't see whats funny. I've got a small group of friends that make up a crew (incidentally, I met them through the game), there are a few other people as well that we regularly do race playlists with.

But if you're determined to hate the game, thats up to you - just trying to point out that your experience / opinion isn't universal.

I laugh because you are posting in the GTA subforum, home of the GTPL crew, where I am one of if not the most active player and have literally hosted hundreds of shows, tours, and other events over the last nearly 8 years on GTAV. You might've known that had you ever posted in here prior to two weeks ago. You also might've known how the game, and the players have changed over the years. So why don't you browse around a bit before getting out your internet boxing gloves.

Determined to hate the game? Hyperbole much? :lol:

So yeah, you funny.

I agree with @Marcus Garvey. This update is too little, too late. While GTA Online is far from dead player count wise, public lobbies have become a very antisocial experience. From my experience most players either keep to themselves and endlessly grind money or purely PVP.

Back in 2013-2017ish online was more laid back. It wasn’t that rare to find people doing random stuff for fun like BMXing, store robberies etc. If you wanted something more organized and formal such as car meets and crew meetups you could look around on here or GTAForums and find a few different things to do at any given time, but it’s almost impossible to host or participate in anything like that now.

Nightclubs and arcades are a similar concept to what this new update is going to bring, and those aren’t popular in public lobbies either. I’ve never had someone enter my arcade to play any of the games besides a few friends, and my nightclub has only had about 35 unique player visits since I bought it back in 2017.

So even though this is a pretty cool idea for an update, I doubt it’s going to change the game’s social dynamic much. The majority of people that would’ve enjoyed this update abandoned the game a long time ago. All that’s left are a ton of new people who are too busy trying to afford all the overpriced **** and griefers.

It’s not necessarily dead, it just has no soul.
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