I really don't need tons of money anyway, since after I beat the game, and do the side missions, I'll be doing the majority of my playing online.If you wait until you complete the game before doing the rest of those missions, you could still make a crap load of money on top of your crap load of money from the story.
Up/Down on the D-PadI have a question about sniper rifles on next gen. Since you can now move while scoped, how do you zoom in?
Up/Down on the D-Pad
Is it gradual like the way it used to be with the left stick? Or is it like Counterstrike where it clicks between zoom settings?
How do you check World Records??That's not the world record, this is the world record
Seriously... Delayed for 2 months... Poop![]()
And the whole world is losing its mind over a few weeks.http://www.rockstargames.com/newswi...tent=gtavpc&utm_campaign=gtavpcspecs_01132015
Specs, plus a delay announcement! (And other things)
To be honest, I'm still okay with that. At least they're not Ubisoft or EA who'll release stuff that runs like crap.
Yes, it's infuriating at first, however that just shows, that they've learned from GTA 4 (which at least for me) ran pretty horrible at first and needed a lot of patching until it ran fine on the old AMD cards.
At least they have the guts to come out and say "Hey, we're still unsure about the stability and we rather take the time to improve and polish the game even further, although that it means that we still have to push back the release even more."
So yaaay R* I guess.
GTAIV runs like poop. Poorly optimized on PC. Only reason I play it is LCPDFR... All the games next gen have been delayed. lol... And all the devs say that. "Polish, Improvement*
GTA 4 runs great for me, I don't know what your PC specs are, but I'm getting solid 40 - 50fps on High - Ultra settings on mine.
In general, I don't get what your problem is. Do you want a game that runs bad? I don't think so!
Not to mention that it's not really in our power to decide whether or not the game should be launched or not. In the end we're paying 60$ (or the smart people are going to get a Steam key) and for that I want a well - functioning game, if that means that I have to wait even longer, than I'm all for it and again, it's great to see big game devs still pulling the "push back" - card instead of releasing a poor pile of crap and make 60$ and then maybe fix it in like 6 months.
Well i run at like 50-60FPS.. On Ultra.. Just for the people who are on minimum specs... They have trouble. :\.. But i guess yeh you're right.
Rockstar GamesOther requirements: Installation and online play requires log-in to Rockstar Games Social Club (13+) network; internet connection required for activation, online play, and periodic entitlement verification; software installations required including Rockstar Games Social Club platform, DirectX, Chromium, and Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 sp1 Redistributable Package, and authentication software that recognizes certain hardware attributes for entitlement, digital rights management, system, and other support purposes. Single use serial code registration via internet required; registration is limited to one Rockstar Games Social Club Account (13+) per serial code; only one log-in allowed per Social Club account at any time; serial code(s) are non-transferable once used; Social Club accounts are non-transferrable.
They have stated that there will be a kind of mod tool
Don't get too excited. Read this at the bottom of the announcement:
So, it looks like you PC guys might have to deal with DRM crap. I'm worried that there won't be any mods available for the game now, at least ones that would work online.
There was never, ever gonna be any mods that would work online in this day and age, especially in a game with microtransactions that affect your online play...