Grand Theft Auto V - Next Gen Thread





- New clothing items (Outfits, Tops, Pants, Shoes, Scarfs, Ties and Hats)
- New tattoos
- 11 new masks
- 4 new vehicles (Dinka Jester Racecar, Dewbauchee Massacro Racecar, Vapid Slamvan and Bravado Rat-Truck)
- 2 new weapons (Homing Launcher and Proximity Mines)
- Christmas tree in apartments
- Now you can buy a third apartment in GTA Online
Won't be surprised if this doesn't come and heists is the last thing us last gen players get.

It'd be rather harsh mind you, since a lot of that stuff would be stupid easy to put in last gen. Oh well.
I was this close to selling my Akuma to make room in my garage a few days ago....glad I didn't. Plus I moved my secondary garage to Paleto Bay, and filling the 3rd with new stuffs.

Poor Trevor died a few times testing the Proximity mine lol
I was this close to selling my Akuma to make room in my garage a few days ago....glad I didn't. Plus I moved my secondary garage to Paleto Bay, and filling the 3rd with new stuffs.

Poor Trevor died a few times testing the Proximity mine lol

I tested the proximity mine as Michael. Threw one on the ground, realized nobody was walking over it, threw one on the street and waited for a car to pass over, realized nobody was driving over it, tested the guided launcher (which is OP as heck), tried to run away from the police and ran straight over one of my own mines.
Hello GTPlanet, is there 3 people on here on PS4 who would be willing to help each other and me get special crates? We would start Invite Only sessions, and go around blowing up Simeon vehicles, taking bank trucks and assassinating Lester targets (Unfortunately splitting money doesn't work now because the Interaction menu is glitched) and then when the crate drops we'd pick a person to get it, then we'd leave the session and start a new one.
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Has anyone found an Albany Roosevelt in story mode?

If you haven't then you can thank me now. I just found a NPC modified one at the film studios opposite Solomans office.

Unfortunately I can't upload a photo but I have saved it to my gallery so I'll save It to my social club.

Merry Christmas!
Has anyone found an Albany Roosevelt in story mode?

If you haven't then you can thank me now. I just found a NPC modified one at the film studios opposite Solomans office.

Unfortunately I can't upload a photo but I have saved it to my gallery so I'll save It to my social club.

Merry Christmas!
I found one there as well, kept it and fully modded it as Michael
I find the first person very hard to use.

Got the game for Christmas, managed to snag a connection long enough to install it. Been playing single player a lot. Up to them point where I have to
Assassinate the first target for Lester
to continue the story. Waiting for BAWSAQ to come back up so I can invest.

Just been doing stranger missions, street races, and general free roaming while I wait.
I find the first person very hard to use.

Got the game for Christmas, managed to snag a connection long enough to install it. Been playing single player a lot. Up to them point where I have to
Assassinate the first target for Lester
to continue the story. Waiting for BAWSAQ to come back up so I can invest.

Just been doing stranger missions, street races, and general free roaming while I wait.
The amount of money you'll make before the end of the story makes the 1st Lester mission almost pointless, just don't do the rest of them until after the story
I know you needed a Social Club account linked to use it before, not sure about now.

If it is gone, then that sucks. Certain missions to make the markets fluctuate will be useless.


The amount of money you'll make before the end of the story makes the 1st Lester mission almost pointless, just don't do the rest of them until after the story
I know, but I'm a greedy player. :lol:

No big deal regardless, I needed to catch up on the side missions anyway, and stealing Lambos to race and destroy never gets old. :D