Grand Theft Auto V - Next Gen Thread

Have the Xbox One version since Thursday.

So far I only have one complaint, moving the left stick completely up makes you run rather then walk like on the PS3. Since I always roleplay in single-player, I walk instead of running most of the time and to do that I have to hold the stick kind of midway between neutral and fully up, which is kind of tiresome.

Other then that its awesome. The graphics are absolutely gorgeous. On the face of it they've mostly changed small things like better lighting, more detailed grass, etc. But the overall effect is that this is the most realistic open-world game I have ever played. It even trumps Skyrim which has been my benchmark for the past 3 years now.
How do you sprint (Not just run) on next-gen? I would hope it doesn't involve tapping X because you need your right thumb to be able to control the camera and turn.
How do you sprint (Not just run) on next-gen? I would hope it doesn't involve tapping X because you need your right thumb to be able to control the camera and turn.

In first person you hold the X button and when you move the left stick the camera moves with it so you don't need to use the right stick for the camera. Takes a bit of getting used to.
How do you sprint (Not just run) on next-gen? I would hope it doesn't involve tapping X because you need your right thumb to be able to control the camera and turn.
In first person you hold the X button and when you move the left stick the camera moves with it so you don't need to use the right stick for the camera. Takes a bit of getting used to.
You can change the controls to "Standard FPS" and use the left stick to run instead...
One funny feature I had noticed last night is that each character has his own favorite radio station, Franklin likes West Coast Radio and bobs his head to the music, while Trevor rocks out hard on Channel X, fist pumping and simply going ape s#!+. Haven't found Mike's favorite station but Trevor's reaction is awesome.
So I've played a bit of my brother's PS4 copy of GTA V but can't really be bothered to start all over again, so I moved on to GTA Online and... Can't be bothered to start all over again! I'll just wait for the PC version. It's certainly a huge improvement though, first person mode is great (though I hope the PC version will have a wider maximum FOV and customisable in-car FOV, oh and some sort of head tracking support) and the graphics are amazing. But being a level 2 after getting as far in as I did before, when everyone else is level 40+, is a drag. I can only transfer once so I'll have to wait another two months.
One funny feature I had noticed last night is that each character has his own favorite radio station, Franklin likes West Coast Radio and bobs his head to the music, while Trevor rocks out hard on Channel X, fist pumping and simply going ape s#!+. Haven't found Mike's favorite station but Trevor's reaction is awesome.

I wish the default radio station on the Buffalo S wasn't rap. So annoying online.

Here's a glitch I recorded.

That's actually a body style, but it is a glitch that you receive it. In the save editor, body style 0 would give that result. Same thing happens to the Panto as well.
That's actually a body style, but it is a glitch that you receive it. In the save editor, body style 0 would give that result. Same thing happens to the Panto as well.

Can you provide an image of the Panto's alternate body style? I'm interested.
Can you provide an image of the Panto's alternate body style? I'm interested.




has anyone noticed how much extra power slidey cars gives you?! usually most cars seam to top out at 120mph activate slidey cars and they plow past 150mph and have much quicker acceleration. wish we could make private online servers and enable cheats:(
The futo to is quicker to 80 than most cars. I read some where that the whole topping out at 110-120 was to do with servers and their response time.
My first impressions after playing next gen.

Graphics are great.
Getting hit by a car in first person is terrifying.
First person Frogger needs to be a thing.
Drive by shooting controls are much better.
Cops will now shoot at you from their cars, which is very annoying.
Some cars seem to slide around more than I remember.
The radio doesn't suck now.
The Desert Eagle likes to murder everything.
The single headlight PCJ 900 spawns pretty much everywhere now which annoys the hell out of me because it was extremely rare on the PS3 version.