Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Quiz Thread

  • Thread starter Acidman
After extensive recounting, my final answer is 17 flying vehicles. ;)

You obviously haven't read the series of posts up to now-- The answer is greater then 30.

Remember its not the number of types of flying vehicles, its the total that appear in the game, including:

Fixed location flying vehicles
Mission spawning flying vehicles (whether you fly them or not)
Random flying vehicles that appear in the game (blimp for instance)
Cut scene flying vehicles (not counted if the cutscene vehicle was already used in a mission--since it would already be counted)
The police heli that shoots at you if you have 3 or more stars is only counted once (since only one appears at a time).

Also note that the sea skimmer is only counted once since in spawns after dildo dodo in the exact spot as in the mission so I am considering it as only one flying vehicle.

Also remember that the vehicle has to leave the ground or be able to leave the ground (indefinitely) in order for it to count--- so the flying saucer does not count. The flying Rhino using the low gravity cheat does not count either (in case anyone else was wondering).

You get a 6 b**b salute.

I didn't ask for the list in the original question so I'm not going to require it but here is what I came up with:

Fixed location:
1. LH Sparrow (chopper checkpoint)
2. DT Sparrow (chopper checkpoint)
3. VP Sparrow (chopper checkpoint)
4. OB Sparow (chopper checkpoint)
5. VCN sparrow
6. VCPD Maverick (DT)
7. Maverick (Hyman)
8. Maverick (Mansion)
9. Hunter (Base)
10. Hunter (Ocean Beach)
11. Sea Sparrow
12. Sea skimmer (available for and after dildo dodo for film studio)

Random flying heli’s/police heli
1. Jet that lands and takes off from airport (not solid)
2. Banner plane
3. Police heli that shoots you (at 3 or more stars)
4. Police heli that flies around (not solid)
5. Blimp (not solid)
6. Maverick in opening cut scene (Lance is piloting)

Mission vehicles/RC vehicles
1. RC heli checkpoint (airport)
2. RC heli demolition man (for avery)
3. RC plane Bombs Away!! #1 (for aunty)
4. RC plane Bombs Away!! #2 (for aunty)
5. RC plane Bombs Away!! #3 (for aunty)
6. RC Barron race (north point mall)
7. Sparrow #1 (all hands on deck)
8. Sparrow #2 (all hands on deck)
9. Hunter that shoots at you (all hands on deck)
10. Maverick (Phnom Penh '86)—
11. Sparrow (supply and demand) shoots at you
12. Sparrow (marthas mug shot)
13. Heli (Hit the courier ) drops off lady with plates

The ones I forgot initially were: cutscene at game start, the one heli that delivers the plates for hit the courier, and I forgot that there were 3 RC planes available in Bombs away.

Your up rancid.
I have a green one, so there! :lol:

Btw Spuds, I semi-guessed them, because I originally came up with 28, but I thought I'd miss a few so I guessed 33...
When I first thought of that question, I thought it was too easy, until I started counting them up-- and even then, my first count was 26-- I'm glad no one guessed 31 before I was able to update my count--- hopefully I didn't miss any others :dunce:

Is it wrong that I like the bouncy girls---ALOT!! :scared:
Let's see, it's probably not very hard but it's the best I could think of right now.

Which boss that you work for in the game gives you the most total amount of money?

Ken Rosenberg
Vercetti (not counting final mission)
Love Fist
Mitch Baker
Avery Carrington
Steve Scott
Pay phone guy
Auntie Poulet
Kaufman Cabs
Phil Cassidy
I think Vercetti gives you $96,000 not including "Keep your friend close" -- I'm pretty sure that's the most you get from anyone.
That is correct. Except it's only 66,000. I forgot the "s" when I said (except final missions). So you probably added the 30,000 you get for "Cap the Collecter". Oh well, you still got the right answer. Your up.

One of these days I'm going to ask a hard question.
If you had of said Missions I would have said 66k. OK I'll bbs soon with a question.💡

Sorry, couldn't put up a question, tried to put a new OS on my comp and it stuffed up to say the least but I got it working now:tup:. Question tomorrow.
A month later: How many missions do you see KENT PAUL in?

Why do I ALWAY let these things slide...
You get to see K*nt Paul in:

Back Alley Brawl (Rosenburg)
Death Row (technically Ricardo Diaz)
Love Juice (Love Fist)
Wow, Famine, haven't seen you in here for ages. I went to look at your Vice City site, that just died:lol:

And no, you're wrong!
Wait no, I know this is double-posting, but with people constantly checking this thread they'll miss my edit.


Back Alley Brawl.
Death Row.
All the Love Fist Missions.
Jimmy Enslashay

Ahh fine I'll ask now. How many boats are parked in the game all up, and name them all and their locations.

Cortez's Yacht-Ocean View Docks(not sure what it's called)
The Big Freighter-Vice City Port
Cuban Jetmax-Vice City Port
Dinghy-Links View Heights
Marquis-same as Cortez's Yacht
Rio-same as Cortez's Yacht
Squalo-Vercetti Mansion
Tropic-Same as Cortez's Yacht

There are a few more boats but i'm not sure they are parked:
-Coast Guard
-Submarine(this one is parked but it's not a boat)