Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Quiz Thread

  • Thread starter Acidman

I forgot I was up...

How many missions does Lance Vance appear in? (Bonus points for naming the missions)

This is excluding any phone calls (since Lance doesn't "appear")-- this is also excluding the opening cut scene when Lances brother gets killed and Lance takes off in the helicopter.

This is just off the top of my head:

1st - Back Alley Brawl
2nd - Guardian Angels
3rd - Phnom Penh '86
4th - Supply and Demand
5th - Death Row
6th - Rub Out
7th - Shakedown
8th - Bar Brawl
9th - Copland
10th - Keep Your Friends Close...

So he appears in 10.

That's all I can think of and I know I'm probably wrong as I haven't done missions in a long time, but how close am I Spuds?
Thomas Dolby.

Thomas Dolby's birth name is really Robertson. He goes by Dolby as an homage to college friends who nicknamed him Dolby after American physicist Ray Dolby, known for his creation of the Dolby noise reduction system. Apparently Thomas Robertson was quite adept in the studio mixing room well before he began a singing career, so his mates nicknamed him Dolby.

The song appearing in Vice City is "Hyperactive!"
No amount of :rolleyes:s can convey my feelings towards that comment.

As it is, I'm still right. Thomas Dolby is named after a scientist, and has a song appearing in Vice City.

But seeing as you're so damned pissy, I'll name the other one:


After physicist Nikolai Tesla.

The song is "Cumin' Atcha Live".
I was in no way "pissy"(grumpy Canadians). Yes Tesla is a BAND and the correct answer. Thomas Dolby IS NOT A BAND. A band is a GROUP of musicians and not A musician.
Heh, me and a bunch of guys in MTA were looking for it, and we found it. :D


Ok so where in Vice City can you find a door with the words Danger written backwards?
I was going to look for it but some Haitians held me up, of course after the massacre the cops just had to stick their noses in, the whole thing escalated so bad I forgot all about the question. :irked:
I'll check again shortly I hope.
I just done a quick scan of the West Island, as I thought maybe I'd seen it in the Docks or Airport area, but I still looked around other areas, but I didn't look too hard. I think a hint is needed, eg. Which Island? Is the writing on the ground, a garage, a door, etc?