Greatest Fear?

  • Thread starter Iceman
Death doesnt worry me. Like if it happens it happens. Im worried about getting into something bad like being shot or falling from a building and NOT dying cuz either ur a criple or really sore. Like today me and my brother were goinf like 90 down our country rodes wich are twisty and windy and we almost crashed like 10 times but it was all fun. But i fear gt4 getting pusheed back.
My greatest fear is probably vomiting. It's called Emetophobia and is one of the most common phobias in the world. Not a good one to have, either. :(

You know, I haven't vomited in such a long time (thank you God) that I had forgotten all about that. Though I don't suffer the phobia itself (picking only certain foods, or meticulously examining what I eat) I do hate getting that feeling in my throat when I start feeling nauseous.

...So, hundreds of millions of people may fear vomiting, but they don't alter their daily lives because of it the way emetophobics do.

I'm one of hundreds of millions of people then.
My greatest fear would be to get stuck in a lift (elevator for our american chums) with JohnBM01..... :nervous: :scared:

:dopey: Sorry John

EDIT: Famine - Clicky here :D
People make me nervous but I think fear is too strong a word for that.

To me death is a comfort. :dunce:

Greatest fear... nothing is coming to mind so I'd say I don't have one...
I mostly fear dying for the relates strongly to the fact that it may catch me by suprise, say I was doing the speed limit on the Turnpike on a motorcycle and some cell phone SUV driver running me over from behind. It also has something to do with, I'd like to see the future of humanity, evolution of technology and living in space, and other things I probably won't live to see. Another fear of death will probably stay with me while I'm younger, since I have my own plans for the future that won't exactly be easy to accomplish. I try to accomplish the most I can every day for the simple fact that I might not be alive tomarrow to accomplish that goal. Afterlife, or its absence scares me real bad. I deeply fear becoming a lifeless corpse that can do nothing in the living world. I fear dying a 'lame death'. (I.E. dying in sleep, heart attack.. I at least want to die a man's death such as being shot in war or a racing accident) I fear the end of the world. I fear heights. I don't fear, but seriously dislike homosexual couples. I fear heights. I fear any insect that can sting or inject poison. I fear any wild animal that's poisonus or has teeth or claws large ebough to seriously screw me up.
My greatest fear isn't exactly death itself, but not knowing what happens after death. Heaven, reincarnation, waking up to realize your life was just a dream, etc or simply just dieing and life going on. I certainly hope it's not the former. :indiff:
Yeah that's basically what my fear of it is too. It is quite freaky when you start wondering what it will be like - how will you know? :nervous: :scared:
But why would you be afraid of that? If I had any doubts I'd be looking forward to finding out. But I have none, and know that whn you die, there's nothing to worry about, because you're dead.
mine would be spider's that are in my way. like if they are on the ceiling (not right over me) then it's fine, but if its on the door thats another story.

Another would be the way i die, preferable minimal pain. like being burnt is bad(this is quite weird for how much i love fire and how many times i have burnt meself by playing with fire), but being shot then go in the blaze of glory, thats fine.

heights don't bother me. i was sitting on the balcony railingon the 17th floor (of 28 floors) when i was at florida for the national youth gathoring. it was funny because the other 2 guys i was sharing a room with were scared of heights, so when i would hop on the railing they would quick run to the other side of the balcony and watch me carefully(if iw ould have fallen back i would have landed in the balcony in the next room over, so it was no biggy).

i just don't see how heights are scary. or snakes. and famine, your scared of cheetah's (or whatever was in the pic), why?
Der Alta
Why fear the inevitable? It's a known fact that you're not getting out of this life alive, so accept the fact, plan for it, and live life. AO

It's more of a fear of dying at a really young age, than just death itsself. I know eventually I'm going to die - I justy want to be old when it happends.
Heights. If it is in a building with walls I am scared above the 2nd floor. If there are no walls, like on an outside stairs or something I can't go above one story.
Whenever I'm in a high place I always have the urge to jump off. I don't know why, I can always just imagine myself throwming myself off and falling forever.

Death's pretty scary.
Whenever I'm in a high place I always have the urge to jump off. I don't know why, I can always just imagine myself throwming myself off and falling forever.

Death's pretty scary.
I can't even bear the site of looking down at heights. The maximum I can look down from is about a 2-3 story building after that it's just goosebumps.
:lol: Let's put it this way... that would be add if I lived in Florida. Speaking of non-spider stuff, I don't like certain sea creatures too.
Spiders. I ****ing loathe spiders. I see a picture of a spider and I cringe. I see a spider in real life and I run away screaming. Heights too. Hate 'em.
Integra Type R
Spiders. I ****ing loathe spiders. I see a picture of a spider and I cringe. I see a spider in real life and I run away screaming.
I used to be like you... but then I found this site it helped me deal with my fear of spiders. It's really helpful 👍
I figure that when I'm dead i'm not going to be complaining about it, it doesnt really bother me, as long as I get at least another 45 or 50 years I dont care.

I really, really hate reading out loud to a group of people for some reason. I could read it in front of all my friends, but in a quiet class of random kids really makes me freak out :ill: It's strange, I'm actiually very good at reading :dunce:

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