JordanMy greatest fear is probably vomiting. It's called Emetophobia and is one of the most common phobias in the world. Not a good one to have, either.
...So, hundreds of millions of people may fear vomiting, but they don't alter their daily lives because of it the way emetophobics do.
Yeah that's basically what my fear of it is too. It is quite freaky when you start wondering what it will be like - how will you know?ShannonMy greatest fear isn't exactly death itself, but not knowing what happens after death. Heaven, reincarnation, waking up to realize your life was just a dream, etc or simply just dieing and life going on. I certainly hope it's not the former.
Der AltaWhy fear the inevitable? It's a known fact that you're not getting out of this life alive, so accept the fact, plan for it, and live life. AO
I can't even bear the site of looking down at heights. The maximum I can look down from is about a 2-3 story building after that it's just goosebumps.RyanWhenever I'm in a high place I always have the urge to jump off. I don't know why, I can always just imagine myself throwming myself off and falling forever.
Death's pretty scary.
So you're not afraid of roaches? Shame on you.VipFREAKPretty much spiders... :shudder:
Water spiders?VipFREAKLet's put it this way... that would be add if I lived in Florida. Speaking of non-spider stuff, I don't like certain sea creatures too.
I only did it twice.VipFREAKIt's old now... your never gonna trick me.
I used to be like you... but then I found this site it helped me deal with my fear of spiders. It's really helpful 👍Integra Type RSpiders. I ****ing loathe spiders. I see a picture of a spider and I cringe. I see a spider in real life and I run away screaming.