• Thread starter Nacho Libre
You find drifting hard in Legends ? You should try drifting in Race Driver Grid and Autosport. Those are way harder ^^
Not only is this live service model bad even the dlcs have become lacklustre.

Not only does it take months they deliver such lacklustre stuff no wonder so many games are dying off.

This goes for GT7.
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Not only is this live service model bad even the dlcs have become lacklustre.

Not only does it take months they deliver such lacklustre stuff no wonder so many games are dying off.

This goes for GT7.
Don’t think this one counts as live service, especially as content is now finished. Just a standalone game with some extra stuff held back from release so they could charge a bit more money.
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Hmm if you hate drifting you are not going to like the first event of the story, since
its a touge event in Okutama on snow, and the Viper is just a pig, it won't turn and seems to have an invisible traction control (my setting is at 0)
They finally fixed the AI never un-nemesifying players after a race. Although it's not 100% at least they're a decay. Also I upgraded my teammate's loyalty by 15% from the normal where they almost never listened and now it's pretty much guaranteed as long as I don't make them Nemesis. Funky equation but oh well.
Pretty lacklustre for a final dlc.
I’ll have to agree, I really liked the base game a lot and 4 DLCs on paper looked really great. But in the end:

  • DLC1 - I don’t like demolition derby
  • DLC2 - Miami was kinda nice I guess
  • DLC3 - Fuji is kinda meh, its already in GT7
  • DLC4 - I don’t like drifting so this Okutama drifting leaves me cold + and extra “booo” for not including a new location

So apart from new cars and new career stories, in the end only one of the 4 DLC that I found interesting was Miami. I’ll give them the credits for Fuji as well, not Codies’ problem that I also play GT7. But for the rest… pfft.

What really makes GRID special for me are the city races, some are really fun and memorable like Dubai, Havanna, Paris and San Francisco. Miami falls a bit short in comparison but whatever. But I do like the circuits as well for some variety.

What also makes GRID unique is the ability to race some real life circuits in reverse. The die-hard realism wannabe simracer in me shouldn’t care about it, but I still enjoy it occasionally. Maybe ironically but all my favourite circuits in the game are fictional as well, especially Crescent Vally (it’s just an awesome racing park!), Yokohama Docks and Strada Alpina. My favourite real-life circuit in the game is Zhejiang Circuit, not only because I don’t have it in any other game, but it’s just a really great layout for racing as well with those many consecutive twisting corners. Runner up is the Red Bull Ring, no matter in how many games it keeps appearing, it remains a joy to race there. And GRID is the only game that includes the club circuit as well, big thumbs up for that!

GRID Legends will go down in memory lane for me as an absolutely great and fun base game with great tracks and a great selection of cars. As we all agreed on back then, Legends is what 2019 should always have been to begin with. But then came the surprise (to me at least) that the game wasn’t really popular and didn’t sell that well. Followed by a really disappointing season pass. Give me any other season pass with 3 DLC packs over the 4 from GRID any day.

I’m not sure what the future holds but I would think it will take a while again before we will hear from the game again. This double failed reboot doesn’t sound like EA wants to invest much money in it. Who knows, maybe some of the circuits and assets will appear in a new concept in the future.
I have to agree with @breyzipp The DLC was rather lackluster. I was hoping to see LeMans with the endurance pack but it is what it is. I still enjoy the game but I was hoping for more
Got to echo the general sentiment here, the final DLC was pretty disappointing. Shame really, because I found the third DLC's story enjoyable. You can tell the difference when an effort has been put into an expansion compared to something that is rushed to fulfil the obligation of providing a 4th content pack.
Eh...It is what it is guys. Still a fantastic game, and much better than the career mode in Gran Turismo 7 if I'm honest. Also, some people call the FMV story mode cringe or corny, but for me I liked it. It embraced its corny-ness and ran with it. I can't help but wonder if GT7 had the same kind of FMV story mode to accompany it's campaign, whether people would have bashed it or not. Something tells me it would have been praised as "New" and "Innovative" lol.
Needed a chill and relaxed gaming evening outside a superbusy real life week, so instead of even more planning and focus in SnowRunner I decided to pick up the GRID storymode and continue where I left off - which was halfway through DLC1‘s unappealing car-nage mode. I bit my lip and found the courage to push through it, now with that out of the way, doing the DLC 2 endurance story. 😎

I even unlocked a bunch of trophies I probably should have unlocked almost a year ago. 😁

I gotta be honest, "Do a barrel roll" was NOT a requirement I expected to see in a racing game like GRID. Suffice to say my first attempt went poorly.

Haha I did that barrel roll achievement as well yesterday, far less clean than yours though. It was during the car-nage story campaign on Yokohama docks when I boosted over a jump, crashed into another car mid air, flipped over in all directions while crash landing (and still flipping and rolling) onto the track. Apparently amidst all that was a barrel roll. 🤣 Sadly forgot to record the clip, it was hilarious.