• Thread starter Nacho Libre
Yes, the race creator is pretty good. Only problem I have is that I can't make a custom championship to race against the AI.
I’m pretty sure they recently added multi-round events in an update. I haven’t tried to use it but I think that’s what you’re looking for.

Just downloaded the update and the progression bug is only partially fixed. I'm still missing 3-4 checkmarks for the main story mode, all checkmarks for demo derby (ugh). Enduring Spirit is the only one that is completely fixed. None of the sponsors I completed before the glitch have been restored. So guess I'll have to redo those as well :rolleyes:

At least Miami is back. I've been sorely missing this track since its one and only appearance in Grid 2.

One more DLC to go, I wish it's a Sprint Pack and they bring back the touge P2P tracks (Hong Kong, Cote d'Azur and California Highway).
Just want to quickly mention that the remixes of GRID '08 songs added with the Ravenwest DLC are absolute quality, with the Bladehead remix being my personal favorite. Whoever mixed these songs for the update did an excellent job, and they're especially enjoyable to have when racing in the faster car classes like TC-1.

The only unfortunate aspect is that only 4 of the 8 original songs are present. Unlikely as it may be, I'm kinda hoping that remixes (or even the original versions) of the other 4 songs are added later on. I'd personally be happy if there's a remix for XLR8 added (and the track for the Stage 2 Garage, pretty please).
Finding massive swings in difficulty in the career events. Some are hilariously easy, lapping 5 secs clear in time attacks. Other times I'm barely able to catch a glimpse of the leaders, one multiclass race in particular. Still having fun. Haven't tried the new story stuff yet, saving it up for the holidays when I have a bit more time.

One thing I do like about this game much more than GT is the street tracks. The ones here are so much better than the boring grey monotony of the Tokyo highways in GT7.
Got another progression bug: I can't unlock any of the Pro Touring events even though I've completed the Prototype (GT) event objectives. This game should be renamed Glitch Legends :rolleyes:

Also, in the Enduring Spirit story 5, I just noticed it's impossible to get the gold trophy for winning the race outright. It's a multi class event and the fastest class is impossible to catch with your allocated car. You can complete the objective tickmark without winning the race, so it doesn't affect progress, but still annoying if you have OCD like me and want to get 100% in everything.
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Also, in the Enduring Spirit story 5, I just noticed it's impossible to get the gold trophy for winning the race outright. It's a multi class event and the fastest class is impossible to catch with your allocated car. You can complete the objective tickmark without winning the race, so it doesn't affect progress, but still annoying if you have OCD like me and want to get 100% in everything.
It's a cheesy way to do it, but I bumped the difficulty down to easy and it made the LMP cars way slower; they don't even go full throttle down the main straight so you can take 1st very easily and get the gold that way.
We jumped the gun on that one but yes, the tribute livery pattern is coming to the game in the future; it's not in there right now :)

Is the fourth DLC a crossover between GRID and classic NFS titles of an era since passed?

Does Sgt. Cross start racing for Seneca? Perhaps Ryan Cooper starts his own team and takes on the GRID? What if one of the vehicles added is Nikki's Ford GT? :lol:
It's a cheesy way to do it, but I bumped the difficulty down to easy and it made the LMP cars way slower; they don't even go full throttle down the main straight so you can take 1st very easily and get the gold that way.
Yeah I did that already. Problem is you start in the 3rd group and by the time you get through the 3rd and 2nd group of cars, the 1st group is already way ahead. I can keep up with them in the twisty bits (looking at the gap time), but on the straights they just pull away because the Group 5 cars are just lot faster than the LMPs in this game.
Well this is something.

Not interested in that device, but a PSVR2 version? Oh hell yeah.
Well this is something.

Not interested in that device, but a PSVR2 version? Oh hell yeah.
Opposite for me, already have a quest 2.
Thos looks... ugly? But i guess it is from portable mode. But i hope that PSVR2 version with better graphics is on the way
Thos looks... ugly? But i guess it is from portable mode. But i hope that PSVR2 version with better graphics is on the way
Yeah I agree it looks pretty ugly. Thankfully we have the much prettier PC version, which is gorgeous in 4K on my LG C1 OLED.

I'm currently going through GRID 2019 at the moment and man, I have to say that game looks absolutely beautiful in 4K. The game got a lot of lackluster reviews but I've really enjoyed it so far. Doesn't have all the silly crap like turbo boost zones, jumping in 4x4 trucks and all that nonsense.
Thos looks... ugly? But i guess it is from portable mode. But i hope that PSVR2 version with better graphics is on the way

That’s the tradeoff you get for a fully wireless headset. The immersion makes up for a lot of the lost detail anyway. Would still be interesting to see a comparison with a “wired” version on PSVR2.
That’s the tradeoff you get for a fully wireless headset. The immersion makes up for a lot of the lost detail anyway. Would still be interesting to see a comparison with a “wired” version on PSVR2.
I understand this. I played PSVR1 a lot and I know how ugly some games could become :D Driveclub for example.
I just hope that Codies will release GRID LEGENDS VR for PC and PS5 :) It just begs for more powerfull equipement. Having good graphics and immersion would be awesome.
Both are based on how the real-world Motorsport events they are modeled on work.

For my money Legends is a better title, ffb is more enjoyable and they remembered the game part of arcade racing game.
IMO Legends is a better, more polished game, but the 2019 experience feels more focused and raw, due to the blown out sound mix and less fluff like buying upgrades.

It’s kind of like how the NB Miata is a better car, but the NA is a better Miata.

They’re both great games and I love them both. I play Legends when I want that more polished experience, different cars, or different tracks. I play 2019 when I want to smell like unburnt fuel and have my ears ringing when I’m done. 😆
How interesting...

I knew it... 😭😭
If it's a drift championship to raise funds to save [Marcus Ado's] parents' Nigerian restaurant, I'm out.
In all seriousness though, I don't blame them for catering to the driftbros who are perhaps feeling somewhat neglected by the previous DLCs.

I'd better turn my difficulty slider back down to "noobs and grandmas", though.
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I think not that hard ;) The theme is pretty clear (add BMW M3 GTR Most Wanted skin, and it is pretty clear what it will all about)
