Grip bug thread

  • Thread starter GT_Alex74
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I'm not changing accounts over a bug this is my only account . If Sony or pds patch it up great
But right now you have an unfair advantage over everybody else because the bug gives you more grip. We dont complain because your new, but because your replays clearly show you can brake much later and power out of corners faster than normal physics would allow, physics these top10 regulars know for years. You really want to continue driving with a account you know is bugged ? I know its not your fault, no ones calling you a cheater because you got effected by it. But it just happened to turn out that way unfortunately.
Why aren't GTplanet putting this on the main news page to draw attention to it?
It's pretty big news imo.

It has potential to damage the brand, especially with FIA affiliation. I'd daresay PD would rather it be kept quiet until they fix it, and I don't blame them. If they stuff this up they might not be asked for FIA affiliation next time around.
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We all know what is right, both on and off track...some of us just can't seem to keep traction...
I'm not changing accounts over a bug this is my only account . If Sony or pds patch it up great

We're not asking anybody to throw their main account away, just to run a few laps on an another account. Then it's up to you if you want to ditch your progress save on your main account to eliminate the bug, keep using the second account until the bug gets fixed by PD or even if you want to keep going on with the bug until it's gone. Quite frankly I don't care personnally as there's nothing to earn (yet) aside pride, and I quite understand how you wouldn't want to lose all your progress over something you're not responsible of. RA1784 just chose not to put his progress save back in on his own behalf, noone asked him to start from scratch, we even told him to be sure to have a backup before doing tests without it.
First point.
There is NO WAY you are getting the lap times you have been posting without hacks, bugs, exploits, voodoo magic, or a combination of these.

Second point.
The other issue is intent, as in, do you have intent to cheat or are you (like other players) getting a massive advantage without any explicit knowledge.

It is going to be up to you to figure it out, and trust me, you can figure it out real easy by trying to achieve your own lap times on an alternative account. Because at this point, there is no use in trying to fool other people there is no problem. The question is, are you going to delude yourself. That is why it sucks for you - that PD created a broken product. If you go through the entire thread, you can see how one player had to deal with all this - I do not envy anyone stuck with this problem as the game is by nature competitive and social.

Here is the evidence as it relates directly to you.
You have been consistently posting top #1 times in Asia Pacific (and setting WR times) using a DS, without analogue acceleration or braking, using automatic transmission and multiple assists. That alone is sufficient to warrant all the attention. Using AT alone rings alarm bells! Replays of your hotlaps are public, and people try to emulate your times. Impossible to do. Seriously, and this is going to sound harsh, but you must be in complete denial if you think your mad skillz alone are letting you consistently beat the best players in Asia.

We now have a number of players worldwide who seem to exhibit remarkably similar things to you, and some of those players can now attest to the fact that something has been broken for them. At this stage nobody knows exactly what the issue is, or how to replicate it.

To make it clear that this aint about YOU it is about the broken game that we all want to enjoy, we have two absolutely game breaking issues that are currently live and have gotten ZERO response from PD:
1) the 'grip' bug
2) majority of the tracks are still exploitable with pit area glitch (park your car near pit entry for 20 seconds and you get first position, lap incremented by 1) in ALL modes (including cup events)

Both of these render the idea of a competitive esport absurd. Indeed, the whole premise of the game as it is sold and marketed is fraudulent.

So, you have been given the information, up to you to deal with it. This is where it really is all about you, because how you decide to deal with this is going to be about more than just playing a video game. I am sorry you have to go through this.
You could probably afford to turn the passive-aggressive tone down just a touch.
@Devilsgrave72 i would advise you to try to get the glitch out of your account. The sooner you do, the better driver you will be. This physics youre playing on are not the real one almost everybody else here are on.

Wouldn't be better to just get on with the real physics now and improve yourself than wait god knows how long it will take pd to fix it?

Either way, this glitch will be fixed, and you'll have to deal with this change. Why not do it now?

Follow the great example of RA.
He set the fastest time in the region with that lap. He wasn't even full throttle for most of it. Are you here to help or are you here to make a mess of things for us?
I will help the right ppl in good time . Just bcz I exploited this bug to its full potential don't mean regular top 50 reguarlars don't have it .... Because to get these record times the racer needs the same grip I get fact .
Maybe it’s not a bug considering how well he drives with his head up his a$$? How can everyone but him see so clearly that were only trying to fix the game, not shame those that have the bug. Kudos for exploiting the bug. But the gigs up. Sleep well.
I will help the right ppl in good time . Just bcz I exploited this bug to its full potential don't mean regular top 50 reguarlars don't have it .... Because to get these record times the racer needs the same grip I get fact .

So you do have the bug.
Just bcz I exploited this bug to its full potential don't mean regular top 50 reguarlars don't have it .... Because to get these record times the racer needs the same grip I get fact

Up until this issue came to light and as the players such as yourself were playing the game not realizing there was an advantage being afforded to them over the majority of players who do not have a game file that contains the bug giving the extra grip no one is challenging or questioning the integrity of the players or the what they conceived as legitimate lap times they were able to turn playing GTS.

Now that you have been made aware of the problem going forward and if you choose to continue to play the game on line with a known bugged account setting illegitimate lap times and stealing race wins or positions using a known bugged account that gives you an advantage that players with normal accounts cannot replicate and compete against then do not be surprised if your reputation within the GTS gaming community takes a turn for the worse.

Getting the bug and not knowing is one thing but having the bug and knowingly continuing to use it to gain wins and top lap times changes greatly how you will be perceived as a person in the future.
I will help the right ppl in good time . Just bcz I exploited this bug to its full potential don't mean regular top 50 reguarlars don't have it .... Because to get these record times the racer needs the same grip I get fact .
This isn't something to be selective about. We've been trying to compile data on this so it can be resolved by PD. Any help we can get is appreciated, thanks.
I will help the right ppl in good time . Just bcz I exploited this bug to its full potential don't mean regular top 50 reguarlars don't have it .... Because to get these record times the racer needs the same grip I get fact .

So, there you go.

He knows he has it, will continue to use it, and rationalizes by saying other people use it so why can't he.

The bigger issue is, of course, about the state of the game. Given the complete lack of anything from PD about these issues, I would imagine this does not bode well for the future. There is no way this game, in current form, is a viable platform for an esport. Both in terms of the mechanics and in the sustainability of a decent sport community.
I will help the right ppl in good time . Just bcz I exploited this bug to its full potential don't mean regular top 50 reguarlars don't have it .... Because to get these record times the racer needs the same grip I get fact .

You did not as such exploit the bug since you did not know about it. But from now on everytime you race you will be exploiting the bug in your favor and that is simply something we call cheating.
I will help the right ppl in good time . Just bcz I exploited this bug to its full potential don't mean regular top 50 reguarlars don't have it .... Because to get these record times the racer needs the same grip I get fact .
No it isn't a fact. If some of the other top 10 drivers had the same advantage this bug is giving you then they would actually be much faster than you. If you want evidence of that change your password to a throw away password and arrange with one of the top drivers to test on your account, run your fastest time and I bet he beats you by a lot on your own account.

But I do feel you are not getting a fair shake here and this bug may not be getting investigated thoroughly enough. After my own testing I'm giving up on this game for now because it is completely broken. I have about 10 accounts on my Playstation including 3 PS+ accounts. Last night I tested on 2 different PS+ accounts and even though they felt a little different I was running approximately the same times so at that point was confident I didn't have a bug. After reading this thread this morning I was curious to try some things so I tested again. This time with an account that has never played the game before. And immediately I thought both the other accounts had the bug to varying amounts but not as much as this thread makes out because on the new account I was trying I had to brake much much earlier but I was not 3 seconds slower, my times were still not much slower than the other accounts because even though I had to brake much earlier it seemed I had other advantages the other accounts did not. I was puzzled and started to think maybe this bug does work to varying levels. So I tried another account. This one turned out to be my fastest account after the first try. With this one I could brake later than any other account but it had other disadvantages. So far every account was different. I kept on switching between these 4 accounts and noticed my force feedback felt different between the accounts. When I went back to the slow account for the second time the strangest thing happened, now I could brake later on it the second time. Now my times were a bit faster on it. Then I noticed something else odd, my wheel on screen no longer matched my steering input, the wheel on screen turned more.

My conclusion from my testing is I don't have the bug but my game is completely broken and is different every time I play it. I don't know how long it has been like this because normally I log in once and play it until I log out. I think it has been a long time because something similar happened when my son and I had a fast lap competition and tried each other's rig. At the time I just thought what was happening was odd but I've just remebered that because of my testing results.

I know this information doesn't help with the investigation of this bug at all because the bug in question that you and some others have had is persistent where my game is just broken and all over the place. I'm starting to wonder if there is something going on with my Playstation Pro? But at the same time someone else mentioned in this thread they also experienced different physics with different log ins and people have wondered if this bug could effect people to varying amounts. All I know is I have lost all faith in the integrity of this game. Something else I still find odd about this game is how comparatively slow I am in it compared to other games. I've just renewed my account on iRacing and I'm not up to speed there yet but already I'm much closer to the fastest times then I am here and in the Cadillac this week not only is my time in the top 15 it is only 6 tenths of the fastest time. On GT Sport since the last update I'm even slower comparatively to the top 10 then I was previously for no reason except there was an update and now I'm even slower.

What does this mean to you? Clearly there is a bug, clearly you have been positively effected by it. Maybe you can help with testing and provide information that might help identify the cause and help fix it. Maybe the root cause to the bug is also what is causing some of us to have an inconsistent experience. Either way there are people who have stopped playing this game because of this bug and I'm not going to play this game because there is no integrity IMO. Maybe you can help fix that.
No it isn't a fact. If some of the other top 10 drivers had the same advantage this bug is giving you then they would actually be much faster than you. If you want evidence of that change your password to a throw away password and arrange with one of the top drivers to test on your account, run your fastest time and I bet he beats you by a lot on your own account.

But I do feel you are not getting a fair shake here and this bug may not be getting investigated thoroughly enough. After my own testing I'm giving up on this game for now because it is completely broken. I have about 10 accounts on my Playstation including 3 PS+ accounts. Last night I tested on 2 different PS+ accounts and even though they felt a little different I was running approximately the same times so at that point was confident I didn't have a bug. After reading this thread this morning I was curious to try some things so I tested again. This time with an account that has never played the game before. And immediately I thought both the other accounts had the bug to varying amounts but not as much as this thread makes out because on the new account I was trying I had to brake much much earlier but I was not 3 seconds slower, my times were still not much slower than the other accounts because even though I had to brake much earlier it seemed I had other advantages the other accounts did not. I was puzzled and started to think maybe this bug does work to varying levels. So I tried another account. This one turned out to be my fastest account after the first try. With this one I could brake later than any other account but it had other disadvantages. So far every account was different. I kept on switching between these 4 accounts and noticed my force feedback felt different between the accounts. When I went back to the slow account for the second time the strangest thing happened, now I could brake later on it the second time. Now my times were a bit faster on it. Then I noticed something else odd, my wheel on screen no longer matched my steering input, the wheel on screen turned more.

My conclusion from my testing is I don't have the bug but my game is completely broken and is different every time I play it. I don't know how long it has been like this because normally I log in once and play it until I log out. I think it has been a long time because something similar happened when my son and I had a fast lap competition and tried each other's rig. At the time I just thought what was happening was odd but I've just remebered that because of my testing results.

I know this information doesn't help with the investigation of this bug at all because the bug in question that you and some others have had is persistent where my game is just broken and all over the place. I'm starting to wonder if there is something going on with my Playstation Pro? But at the same time someone else mentioned in this thread they also experienced different physics with different log ins and people have wondered if this bug could effect people to varying amounts. All I know is I have lost all faith in the integrity of this game. Something else I still find odd about this game is how comparatively slow I am in it compared to other games. I've just renewed my account on iRacing and I'm not up to speed there yet but already I'm much closer to the fastest times then I am here and in the Cadillac this week not only is my time in the top 15 it is only 6 tenths of the fastest time. On GT Sport since the last update I'm even slower comparatively to the top 10 then I was previously for no reason except there was an update and now I'm even slower.

What does this mean to you? Clearly there is a bug, clearly you have been positively effected by it. Maybe you can help with testing and provide information that might help identify the cause and help fix it. Maybe the root cause to the bug is also what is causing some of us to have an inconsistent experience. Either way there are people who have stopped playing this game because of this bug and I'm not going to play this game because there is no integrity IMO. Maybe you can help fix that.

You did not as such exploit the bug since you did not know about it. But from now on everytime you race you will be exploiting the bug in your favor and that is simply something we call cheating.
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I will help the right ppl in good time . Just bcz I exploited this bug to its full potential don't mean regular top 50 reguarlars don't have it .... Because to get these record times the racer needs the same grip I get fact .

And if you take the game from the other side, you can probably still, with all those presumed cheaters, still be able to race, and take it as a challenge if you want to :)
and if to take the game seriously is your thing, that would be a strong source of will to get better, same goes for the ones who feel robbed by the bug, if the win is your goal, get better, I don't say you must aim for "impossible times", but you must aim to gain something on your own time at least, other people's time or rank shouldn't be THE goal, you'll end up frustrated anyways...
or looking for other excuses :P
I'm sure PD will make this right. You shouldnt have to give up your account because of a bug, you paid for this game, pre-ordered? bought extras? earned cars, mileage, credits etc etc
If you know you have the bug then acknowledge it, in your profile, and keep throwing down the craziest times you can i guess. It doesnt really matter anyways until they figure this all out.
They've already deleted all our times once before when they adjusted the physics, Im not gonna go and redo all my tests and times probably..At least not until we're sure tbe physics are solid and settled on.
Who cares whos in the top ten until then anyways. I wish they would show more than the top 10 as well maybe 100?1000? Don't need all the replays but seeing where you lie on that list would be cool and it would be nice to see regions and international times as well.

Edit( If a player were to start a new account, once PD fixes this issue they should merge both accounts and maybe offer some sort of compensation for affected accounts)
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No it isn't a fact. If some of the other top 10 drivers had the same advantage this bug is giving you then they would actually be much faster than you. If you want evidence of that change your password to a throw away password and arrange with one of the top drivers to test on your account, run your fastest time and I bet he beats you by a lot on your own account.

But I do feel you are not getting a fair shake here and this bug may not be getting investigated thoroughly enough. After my own testing I'm giving up on this game for now because it is completely broken. I have about 10 accounts on my Playstation including 3 PS+ accounts. Last night I tested on 2 different PS+ accounts and even though they felt a little different I was running approximately the same times so at that point was confident I didn't have a bug. After reading this thread this morning I was curious to try some things so I tested again. This time with an account that has never played the game before. And immediately I thought both the other accounts had the bug to varying amounts but not as much as this thread makes out because on the new account I was trying I had to brake much much earlier but I was not 3 seconds slower, my times were still not much slower than the other accounts because even though I had to brake much earlier it seemed I had other advantages the other accounts did not. I was puzzled and started to think maybe this bug does work to varying levels. So I tried another account. This one turned out to be my fastest account after the first try. With this one I could brake later than any other account but it had other disadvantages. So far every account was different. I kept on switching between these 4 accounts and noticed my force feedback felt different between the accounts. When I went back to the slow account for the second time the strangest thing happened, now I could brake later on it the second time. Now my times were a bit faster on it. Then I noticed something else odd, my wheel on screen no longer matched my steering input, the wheel on screen turned more.

My conclusion from my testing is I don't have the bug but my game is completely broken and is different every time I play it. I don't know how long it has been like this because normally I log in once and play it until I log out. I think it has been a long time because something similar happened when my son and I had a fast lap competition and tried each other's rig. At the time I just thought what was happening was odd but I've just remebered that because of my testing results.

I know this information doesn't help with the investigation of this bug at all because the bug in question that you and some others have had is persistent where my game is just broken and all over the place. I'm starting to wonder if there is something going on with my Playstation Pro? But at the same time someone else mentioned in this thread they also experienced different physics with different log ins and people have wondered if this bug could effect people to varying amounts. All I know is I have lost all faith in the integrity of this game. Something else I still find odd about this game is how comparatively slow I am in it compared to other games. I've just renewed my account on iRacing and I'm not up to speed there yet but already I'm much closer to the fastest times then I am here and in the Cadillac this week not only is my time in the top 15 it is only 6 tenths of the fastest time. On GT Sport since the last update I'm even slower comparatively to the top 10 then I was previously for no reason except there was an update and now I'm even slower.

What does this mean to you? Clearly there is a bug, clearly you have been positively effected by it. Maybe you can help with testing and provide information that might help identify the cause and help fix it. Maybe the root cause to the bug is also what is causing some of us to have an inconsistent experience. Either way there are people who have stopped playing this game because of this bug and I'm not going to play this game because there is no integrity IMO. Maybe you can help fix that.
I'm not overly keen to get too involved in this discussion.

But at the end of the day, what you are suggesting is that there are probably 1000's if not 100,000's who are effected by this bug.
Which seems a fair call to me.
The odds of "4 or 5" accounts being effected as suggested here out of the 2.5mill (or whatever the player base is) seems incredibly long odds to me.
I understand the Top 10 names stand out, but what about the drivers ranked 11 - 2.5,000,000?
Don't they count?
Or is this only an issue for the fast guys and their region rankings?

In which case there could be some in this thread complaining about a bug that they actually have themselves.
That would be a little embarrassing.

On a general note:
PD are working on it.
Let's leave the naming and shaming, and pitchforks, and moral judgements aside until the issue is recognised and solved.
I don’t think he should stop playing.
If I were him, I would help people understand it. That said, I would still play the game. The system will be corrected and it will be balanced before the important championships. Maybe he’ll adapt and be quick enough to stay in the same rank.
I will help the right ppl in good time . Just bcz I exploited this bug to its full potential don't mean regular top 50 reguarlars don't have it .... Because to get these record times the racer needs the same grip I get fact .

If it was exploited to its full potential your times would be consistently several seconds clear of the top ten, not tenths.
If it was exploited to its full potential your times would be consistently several seconds clear of the top ten, not tenths.
Yes, of course.

I mean, there's no doubt if you had the bug you would be crushing the leaderboards by at least 3 seconds. :rolleyes:
In which case there could be some in this thread complaining about a bug that they actually have themselves.
That would be a little embarrassing.

About that, maybe i suck more than i thought!

Why aren't GTplanet putting this on the main news page to draw attention to it?
It's pretty big news imo.

I submitted the thread to EUROGAMER, maybe they will look into it. I find it strange that PD doesn't have anyone "patrolling" the many GT forums around the world. So much to learn from the gamers..
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Please explain to me, gtplanet site owner must have a way to communicate to Pd.
What have they said about this?
I wonder why this matter hasn't deserved a post in gtplanet blog yet.
I'm flattered. But I don't recall saying I was one of the top ten drivers without a bugged account.
I don't recall Devilsgrave72 saying that either, so your point (minus the hyperbole) is??

No more beating around the bush.
I took up his offer to chat on PSN.
We had a lengthy discussion about the situation.
He raised a few points that weren't know before.
These details have been put in the pipeline towards PD.

I hope you all sleep better with this knowledge, and perhaps these attacks on a racer who has done nothing wrong can now cease.
It has potential to damage the brand, especially with FIA affiliation. I'd daresay PD would rather it be kept quiet until they fix it, and I don't blame them. If they stuff this up they might not be asked for FIA affiliation next time around.

That's PD problem.
Their lack of communication was always going to bite them in the ass.
Im sure FIA and PD (and all of us) want it fixed now rather than it come to light during some big tournament.
If it was exploited to its full potential your times would be consistently several seconds clear of the top ten, not tenths.
Don't say nothing you have no idea about mate . I know more on this rubbish than you

I don’t think he should stop playing.
If I were him, I would help people understand it. That said, I would still play the game. The system will be corrected and it will be balanced before the important championships. Maybe he’ll adapt and be quick enough to stay in the same rank.
I've played grantorismo many years and was just 1 to 2 seconds out of the top 10 and just for the record my times in the cup races are 1second out of the top 10 .
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