- 2,717
- Allentown, Pennsylvania
- TheColdWarriors
Hello I'm Cold Warrior (PSN TheColdWarriors)
Host Introduction
I am the creator and currently the only host of this forum. I'm very passionate about cars and racing of past and present. And I will race almost anything in the game.
Current League
2025 Group C World Endurance League
Details on this league can be found in post #2. The one marked Active Series.
Forum Introduction
2025 Group C World Endurance League
Saturday Night World Endurance League
Saturday Night Fall League
Saturday Night Specials
Forum Rules, Procedures, and Exceptions
Next 2 Races
3/29, 9. 1 Hour of Tsukuba
Race Details
Tsukuba Circuit, 1 Hour Timed Race, Late Morning Start, Time Change x4, Night Driving No, Weather Change Random, Rain Maybe, Tires x3, Fuel x4, Fuel At Start 99%, 15 Minutes GT Group Qualifying, Corner Penalties Strong, Pit Line Penalty No, Points Payout x1
4/5, 10. 150 Miles of Watkins Glen (L)
Race Details
Watkins Glen International - Long Course, 45 Laps Race, 151.6 miles (244 km), Late Morning Start, Time Change x5, Night Driving No, Weather Change Random, Rain No, Tires x3, Fuel x4, Fuel At Start 97%, 15 Minutes GT Group Qualifying, Pit Line Penalty No, Points Payout x1
Check the full race schedule in post #2.
Post 1: Host Intro, Staff, Forum Intro, League Intros, Next Event, Rules, and Index
Post 1 of 4
Host Introduction
I am the creator and currently the only host of this forum. I'm very passionate about cars and racing of past and present. And I will race almost anything in the game.
Current League
2025 Group C World Endurance League
Details on this league can be found in post #2. The one marked Active Series.
*Post 1: Host Intro, Index, Staff, Forum Intro, League & Events Intros, Next Race Details, and Rules, Procedures, and Exceptions
*Post 2: Endurance League, Endurance League Intro, Regulations, Room Settings, Lobby Schedule, Race Schedule, Award Info, Points System, Race Penalties, Standings, and Player List
*Post 3: Fall League, Fall Intro, Schedule, Regulations, Standings, and Player List,
*Post 4: Archives
*Post 2: Endurance League, Endurance League Intro, Regulations, Room Settings, Lobby Schedule, Race Schedule, Award Info, Points System, Race Penalties, Standings, and Player List
*Post 3: Fall League, Fall Intro, Schedule, Regulations, Standings, and Player List,
*Post 4: Archives
Cold Warrior / PSN TheColdWarriors
Broad of Director / Host / Creator / Researcher / Terrible Race Promoter / Race Reviewer / Judge / Executioner
fastone371 / PSN fastone371
Broad of Director / Silent Helper / Race Reviewer
Broad of Director / Host / Creator / Researcher / Terrible Race Promoter / Race Reviewer / Judge / Executioner
fastone371 / PSN fastone371
Broad of Director / Silent Helper / Race Reviewer
Forum Introduction
This forum was created to host my flagship Multi-Class Endurance League forum. With the series only run January to June. I will be using this forum to host other events throughout year. I usually host on Saturday nights as this works best for my current weekly schedule. I like to offer a realistic as possible experience. Expect realistic settings, heavy mechanical damage, fuel consumption, and tire wear for almost every race.
2025 Group C World Endurance League
Hey guys I wish to announce the my 2025 Group C World Endurance League. This is the 3rd season of my flagship league. Running Sats Jan to Jun. The league focuses on pro level sport car endurance racing. This year I'm running as a Group C exclusive league. GT7 offers 5 cars from this era. The Jaguar XJR-9, Mazda 787B, Mercedes C9, Nissan R92CP, and Porsche 962C bought from legends. Currently planning on 16 races of various length up to a maximum 2 hours. Checkout Post 2 for further details.
Saturday Night World Endurance League
This is a semi serious endurance racing league. This intended to be my new flagship series for GT7. Running annually January to June. Race schedule will somewhat bi-weekly. With some variation do holidays, major world events, and personal events. Races will be up to 2 hours in length with both timed and laps races. The Daytona Road Course and Circuit de la Sarthe (Le Mans) will be annual races. With La Sarthe swapping between layouts. Races will feature realistic settings including heavy mechanical damage. I wish for this league to be Gr.1 / Gr.3 multiple 2 classes if attendance allows it. I will be offering a small reward for the top finishers in the championship each season. Details for this league available in post 2 for this league.
Saturday Night Fall League
When the Endurance League out of season. I may use this forum to run a one-off leagues through late summer and fall. I'm a racer of many interests. So the fall concept will likely change annually. Check out post 3 for more details.
Saturday Night Specials
I may run some non championship special during the off seasons. Check out the bottom of post 1 for details on any upcoming special events.
Forum Rules, Procedures, and Exceptions
Currently Being Updated
*Livery Rules
*Contact and Aggression
*Race Traffic and Recovery
*Wall Riding
*Track Limits (Road Courses)
*Track Limits (Ovals)
*Yellow Flags
*Blue Flags
*Group Qualifying Rules
*Race Qualifying
*Qualifying Fuel / Tires
*Multi-Class Events
*Restart Policy
*Self Policing:
*Initial Fuel At Start Usage
*Livery Rules
You may run any livery you want as long as it does not contain the following.
*No Profanity
*No Pornographic Material
*No Political Material
*No Racially Sensitive Material
*No Logos of Manufacturers on Rival Manufacturers Cars
Basically nothing that can get us in trouble. No I'm not on YouTube but, some of members might be. I do post race replays and sometimes take scapes. Last thing I want anyone banned for inappropriate graphics on their car.
I may enforce a light cover or color restrictions for certain events or leagues.
*No Profanity
*No Pornographic Material
*No Political Material
*No Racially Sensitive Material
*No Logos of Manufacturers on Rival Manufacturers Cars
Basically nothing that can get us in trouble. No I'm not on YouTube but, some of members might be. I do post race replays and sometimes take scapes. Last thing I want anyone banned for inappropriate graphics on their car.
I may enforce a light cover or color restrictions for certain events or leagues.
*Contact and Aggression
I have a very conflicted view on contact in racing. I feel being too strict discourages passing but, wreck intentionally other drivers is not okay either. So generally allow minor contact l. As long as no damage was done and everyone is still facing same direction I don't care. However forcing another driver off track or into a barrier may result in a penalty. My leniency may vary depending on the scenario and nature of the race track.
*Race Traffic and Recovery
All race pace traffic has priority on the track. This priority doesn't apply race traffic off track. Slow traffic must do there best to clear of race traffic until up to race speed. This includes when exiting the pits. Slow traffic may use run off and access roads to return to the race or to stay off the main. Be warned Gran Turismo may reset you in some cases. Driving or reversing against race traffic is strictly prohibited. You may only reverse to clear an obstacle or to reorient yourself with race traffic.
*Wall Riding
I really hate being penalized for hitting a wall when it's already self punishing in most cases. So I try to avoid using Wall Penalties as much as possible. Intentional wall riding or taking advantage of any other flaws in game to gain an advantage will result in a severe penalty and or disciplinary action. I will not punish accidental wall riding as long as the driver gives the back the time gained. If the fastest lap is posted with a wall ride. Anyway points or rewards will be lost.
*Track Limits (Road Courses)
I don't really care where you are on a straightaway but, note race pace traffic has right of way on track. I personally consider the stripped curbing part of the course. If there is no curbing that the track boundary line dictates the edge of the course. If all tires are out of the edge of the course any given time. I consider this off track. Any driver off track must yield to drivers on track. I usually use either weak or strong corner penalties for most road courses. What strength depends on the sensitive the track's boundaries are and how easy it is to cut parts of the course. Corner penalties are not use for Tokyo Central layouts as it not possible to cut any parts of the course. See oval track limits for Daytona Road Course banking.
*Track Limits (Ovals)
My track limits for oval are pretty lenient since in most cases it's self punishing. So use the apron at own risk. Broad Bean Raceway Forward Turn 2 Reverse Turn 3 may not be used at race pace. Slow traffic and traffic exiting the pits. May use this area to safely re-enter the race. Forcing another driver off track before or in the transition of steeply banked corners may result in a penalty.
*Yellow Flags
I usually have flags on to provide warning of upcoming danger for blind parts of race tracks. Because of this sitting on track is prohibited in practice, qualifying, and race. As it may lead to other drivers being wrongfully penalized. Any overtaking in yellow zones is prohibited. Any positions taken in a yellow zone must be returned once you have exited the yellow zone or the flag has been lifted. This includes lap traffic.
*Blue Flags
I usually do not enforce blue flags unless specified. Remember Gran Turismo is primarily sports car racing. Bullying slower traffic especially lesser classes may result in a penalty
*Group Qualifying Rules
Group qualifying for road courses are generally done with Gran Turismo's own qroup qualifying but, I occasionally host my version when I feel like inconveniencing myself. Please be respectful other cars on track. Allow faster cars on a timed lap to pass when safe to do so. Cars that are on an out lap may not interfere a car on a timed lap. Even if they are faster or different class. This includes any car that has spun or crashed and are no longer compatible of best an already set lap time. Interfering with others laps especially intentionally may result in a penalty or other disciplinary actions
*Race Qualifying
This style of qualifying will usually consist of a much shorter duration race before the main feature. Sometimes I might link grid positions to previous features. A qualifying race might follow another qualifying method. A pit stop may or may not required.
*Qualifying Fuel / Tires
Amount of time allow will very by the length of a lap. Fuel and tire multipliers are usually the same. I don't usually take away fuel for the start of qualifying cars start from the pit line and should be full of fuel. Exceptions will be noted in event details
*Multi-Class Events
Gran Turismo 7 has made running multiple classes much easier. And it can be done with BOP active for the Gr classes. I mandate there must at least 4 entries minimum for a class to official before the start a league. And on a race night there must be at least 2 entries per class before the start of qualifying. Any remaining player may choose to join a competing class. Should one of entries leave between qualifying and the race. It will be treated as the car had a mechanical failure on the grid and couldn't start. I will give the the remaining player choices run the race solo for a free class win or give up the win and join a competing class. Should a class fold mid season. Any remaining player will be awarded the class championship and will allowed to join another class. Points are not transferable between classes.
*Restart Policy
I will restart races for only lobby glitches and or mass disconnections. Whether or not I restart the full race will depend how far into the race we are. Should an issue come up during qualifying. I mostly will not restart and use some other method to set the grid. I do not restart for single disconnections or lap 1 crashes. I can't restart for every single issue. So I choose to view single disconnections as mechanical failures. It's the player's responsibility to make sure their internet is working. As of for lap 1 crashes. Not every race starts smoothly both in real life and in game. Luckily all damage is repairable in GT7. Lap 1 crashes are fairly common. However real life races will not restart for this reason and nor will I. Because I consider it a form of race manipulation. If I were to eliminate someone's bad start. I may be taking away good result or even a race win from someone else.
*Self Policing:
I can't watch everyone even if I wasn't participating in the races myself. So it your job to help make sure your fellow competitors are following the rules. Please report anything suspicious to me or fastone371 privately after the race. Either through PSN or GT Planet private conversation.
If you want players to attend races. Please help advertised for my leagues and special events. I already promote every way I can but, I need help contacting players I can't reach. Remember this will also to improve your own experience
*Initial Fuel At Start Usage
You may have noticed that your car doesn't start 100% full off fuel. This is because I use the initial fuel at start setting. To simulate the fuel your car would need to burn to get to the race start. The amount of fuel taken away varies based on a combination of the start type, track length, and performance of the cars. The amount of fuel you'll be starting on is usually note in the race details.
I almost always do friends only lobbies. Our races too long and realistic for the public. So a friend request is highly recommended. Who sends it is up too you. Though I may look more favorably on those who make my job as host easier. Send friend requests TheColdWarriors.
Also if you tell me your time zone. I can convert the lobby schedule for you.
Also if you tell me your time zone. I can convert the lobby schedule for you.
Next 2 Races
3/29, 9. 1 Hour of Tsukuba
Race Details
Tsukuba Circuit, 1 Hour Timed Race, Late Morning Start, Time Change x4, Night Driving No, Weather Change Random, Rain Maybe, Tires x3, Fuel x4, Fuel At Start 99%, 15 Minutes GT Group Qualifying, Corner Penalties Strong, Pit Line Penalty No, Points Payout x1
4/5, 10. 150 Miles of Watkins Glen (L)
Race Details
Watkins Glen International - Long Course, 45 Laps Race, 151.6 miles (244 km), Late Morning Start, Time Change x5, Night Driving No, Weather Change Random, Rain No, Tires x3, Fuel x4, Fuel At Start 97%, 15 Minutes GT Group Qualifying, Pit Line Penalty No, Points Payout x1
Check the full race schedule in post #2.
Post 1: Host Intro, Staff, Forum Intro, League Intros, Next Event, Rules, and Index
Post 1 of 4
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