GT '05 vs GT '05 no stripe

I envy your luck with rooms and users.
Here, the only rooms with at least 4/5 connection/quality are filled with noobs that crash and uses said cars.

Singapore servers…right? I'm taking a guess as I think you live in Singapore for some odd reason…but regardless, if you want some luck, get together with dr_slump (no, not like that! :P) and he normally finds pretty good rooms. He should know the tricks to a nice, civil and noob free room.
The no stripe is a direct port from GT4, the physics went untouched and not dumbed down unlike the '05 normal one. Any respectable tuner will tell you this.
The no stripe is a direct port from GT4, the physics went untouched and not dumbed down unlike the '05 normal one. Any respectable tuner will tell you this.


The '05 and '05 No-Stripe are both direct ports but they were always rather different to drive/use.
Im with u on the picture buddy. Ford GT 40 one if not my all time american makes. Also the 69' stingray is up there too. With the new Ford GT it just reminds me why I love Current gen cars. Old, new hybid machines are the works, but not all....
Friendly idea. If the difference between the two specs is bothering u so much, do a little more online research. On top of things buy both cars and tune the both and see which one comes out on top via lap times, HP, FT Lbs, weight.