GT 1-6 is only a GAME, how come so serious.

Hold on, we doesn't implies GTPlanet. it implies to gt6 players, no where, did I say GTPlanet should have. but, Thank you.
Polyphony is not required to have someone to listen to the public fanbase critiquing the game. As a result, people go on to fansites (which GTPlanet is) and talk among themselves. In addition, I believe you are putting way too much emphasis on how people are commenting here. I seriously doubt anyone is yelling about the game's bugs to the point where they are endangering their own lives (although, there's always someone).
Ok, However no one seems to be talking about the game. Which cars work best on which track, helping others find things on GTPlanet like car tunes, tracks with different technicality, things like that. Maybe I'm wrong, but it should be about the game not social issues. And I'm not saying there should be an rep. from Polyphony here, but one for GT6 player have access to like, Q & A. I know I have had no luck talk with them, How about you ? And not to be a smart back side.
Ok, However no one seems to be talking about the game. Which cars work best on which track, helping others find things on GTPlanet like car tunes, tracks with different technicality, things like that. Maybe I'm wrong, but it should be about the game not social issues. And I'm not saying there should be an rep. from Polyphony here, but one for GT6 player have access to like, Q & A. I know I have had no luck talk with them, How about you ? And not to be a smart back side.

We have all of that. Lots and lots of it. More than any other place on the web.
The question was, why take a game so serious? Its seems there's a bigger issue here. And I know there's a lot of info. But when people come in your room (lobby,) there so serious about ever little detail, Like a small jump in the track where your car comes a foot off the ground and he wreck and starts complaining that if Ferrari was to see this they would take your car way and start arguing with you. some say just kick him out. But still, Why take a game so serious. That's my question. And, I know this is my fault, because i didn't make it clear. For that i'm, sorry. It just seem like, no matter what you do. someone is complaining. That is why I asked.
The question was, why take a game so serious? Its seems there's a bigger issue here. And I know there's a lot of info. But when people come in your room (lobby,) there so serious about ever little detail, Like a small jump in the track where your car comes a foot off the ground and he wreck and starts complaining that if Ferrari was to see this they would take your car way and start arguing with you. some say just kick him out. But still, Why take a game so serious. That's my question. And, I know this is my fault, because i didn't make it clear. For that i'm, sorry.
I fail to see that as Ferrari's fault. I see that as the users fault.
Now, that so far is the best answer yet. But it not my way or the highway. And if you spent that much money, more power to you. It still dosen't answer the question.
Football, baseball, hockey, all play for money, I can see taking it seriously, but a avatar game?
Yet another double-post :rolleyes:
It still dosen't answer the question.
Your question, such as it is, doesn't make any sense.

First you complain that people don't have any right to complain in any way about a game they have bought. Then you complain that they talk to each other and not to the game developers. Then you complain that we don't have any representatives from the game developers here. Then you complain that some people moan about incidents online (and I have no idea what Ferrari has to do with it).

It seems that all you want to do is complain about how other people play, discuss and enjoy a game - which begs the question... why are you 'so serious' about what other people get up to in their leisure time?
Wow, your reading it differently then I i'm, I only responded to someone input. I never said people don't have the right to complain or about having a rep's here. I begging to think people are just hateful.
I never said people don't have the right to complain
Are you sure?
When someone spends £40 on something to entertain them until they can replace it, they're entitled to say what's wrong with it
Sorry, No you don't. Who forced you to buy it.
Looks like you definitely said that one.
or about having a rep's here.
Are you sure?
yes, but we should have a representative from Polyphony to help improve the game.
Looks like you said both of those things.
I begging to think people are just hateful.
Yeah, I'd call consistently complaining about how other people spend their leisuretime to be pretty hateful.
When someone spends £40 on something to entertain them until they can replace it, they're entitled to say what's wrong with it

Sorry, No you don't. Who forced you to buy it.

Reply, When some you buy something that doesn't meet there expectation, don't you return it.

yes, but we should have a representative from Polyphony to help improve the game.
Reply, Didn't say GTPlanet should have one.

I begging to think people are just hateful.

Yeah, I'd call consistently complaining about how other people spend their leisuretime to be pretty hateful.

Rule; You will not behave in an abusive and/or hateful manner, and will not harass, threaten, nor attack any individual or any group.

So sorry, By. Opinions & Current Events
Try using the Quote and Reply buttons in the bottom-right corner of posts.
When some you buy something that doesn't meet there expectation, don't you return it.
What someone does or does not with an item that has not met their expectation, they are entitled to talk about it. They are entitled to talk about it if they bought it and kept it, if they bought it and returned it or - and this may blow your mind - if they didn't buy it at all.

That doesn't affect the fact that you said they are not entitled to complain about it, then claimed you didn't.

yes, but we should have a representative from Polyphony to help improve the game.
Reply, Didn't say GTPlanet should have one.
Then who was the 'we' you were talking about? GT6 players? Well, where do you think GT6 players gather and talk about GT6?

How about a forum, perhaps? Why, how about this one - the largest Gran Turismo forum?
Try using the Quote and Reply buttons in the bottom-right corner of posts.

What someone does or does not with an item that has not met their expectation, they are entitled to talk about it. They are entitled to talk about it if they bought it and kept it, if they bought it and returned it or - and this may blow your mind - if they didn't buy it at all.

That doesn't affect the fact that you said they are not entitled to complain about it, then claimed you didn't.

Then who was the 'we' you were talking about? GT6 players? Well, where do you think GT6 players gather and talk about GT6?

How about a forum, perhaps? Why, how about this one - the largest Gran Turismo forum?
No. I do not work for GTPlanet, so we doesn't imply. we here at GTPlanet, would be a hole new issue. And, yes I miss spoke saying we don't have the right to complain, except for me by asking, Why take a game so seriously, then attacked because of a answer some doesn't like.
No. I do not work for GTPlanet, so we doesn't imply. we here at GTPlanet, would be a hole new issue.
Which doesn't answer the question I asked... who is the 'we' you were talking about if not GT6 players?

This site is a community for GT players - and the largest one. You are a member of this site. You don't have to work for GTPlanet to suggest that 'we' refers to this site.

then attacked because of a answer some doesn't like.
Nobody has attacked you. Your posts and thought processes have been questioned to establish why you think what you... seem to be expressing.
Which doesn't answer the question I asked... who is the 'we' you were talking about if not GT6 players?

This site is a community for GT players - and the largest one. You are a member of this site. You don't have to work for GTPlanet to suggest that 'we' refers to this site.

Nobody has attacked you. Your posts and thought processes have been questioned to establish why you think what you... seem to be expressing.
Me and some friends were taking about this. And we refers to me and some friends, that is why I used the word, we not I.
You believe that you and some friends should have your own Polyphony Digital representative to talk to? Wow.
Good, your putting words in my mouth. were did I say that. It would be nice to have a rep.
If you want me off, kill my account, Thank you. Moderator
Stop double posting.

And no, if you want to leave then do so of your own free will, or break the AUP hard enough to get banned.

However just as you are able to ask questions, so can other members (and its as a member I am posting).
Oh look, another double-post :rolleyes:
Good, your putting words in my mouth. were did I say that.
When I quoted this:
yes, but we should have a representative from Polyphony to help improve the game.
You eventually decreed that the 'we' referred to you and some friends:
yes, but we should have a representative from Polyphony to help improve the game.
Reply, Didn't say GTPlanet should have one.
Then who was the 'we' you were talking about?
Me and some friends were taking about this. And we refers to me and some friends, that is why I used the word, we not I.
Thus '"me and some friends" should have a representative from Polyphony to help improve the game'...
Sorry, I can't process why anyone, would take a game so serious.
People value their leisure time. They will have opinions on the things that they spend their leisure time doing. For some reason you don't want them to do that.

That notwithstanding, you've left this unanswered:

Football, baseball, hockey, all play for money, I can see taking it seriously, but a avatar game?
What about people who do play "an avatar game" for money?
And we don't ban accounts by request.
Sorry, I can't process why anyone, would take a game so serious.

I take this game serious because it's been years of fun and I'm quite good at it :) I like to test my gaming abilities against other gamers and see who gets the best result at the finish, Other peoples reasons could be lots of things from.. hobby? passion? competition? skill? and to take it serious is maybe a way to show some etiquette towards fellow gamers and show a little bit of respect for people that have the same gaming likes be them faster or slower... as long as nobody is cheating their way to glory! keep it all in on even playing field and it can be serious but good fun also 👍

Throw a bad penny in the mix and it can be really really serious :lol:
ITS A GAME just like any other GAME
That is like saying a Book is like every other book. A song is like every other song. A film is like every other film. No. You're wrong.

Metallica & Justin Bieber aren't the same.
50 Shades of grey & Horrid Henry books aren't the same.
The fast & the furious & The Exorcist aren't the same films.
GRAN TURISMO 6 isn't the same game as Call of Duty Black ops 3.

But I don't see your point because all I see is you complaining about other people having opinions. Everybody is entitled to there opinion, without criticism the games would be much worse. Is that what you want? Rhetorical question don't answer it.

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