GT 1-6 is only a GAME, how come so serious.

? double-post

In my three or so years of being a member here, and probably another 3 years of just reading the forum before that, this is the only time I've ever seen someone double post to ask what a double post is lol. Nice one :sly:

The question was, why take a game so serious? Its seems there's a bigger issue here. And I know there's a lot of info. But when people come in your room (lobby,) there so serious about ever little detail, Like a small jump in the track where your car comes a foot off the ground and he wreck and starts complaining that if Ferrari was to see this they would take your car way and start arguing with you. some say just kick him out. But still, Why take a game so serious. That's my question. And, I know this is my fault, because i didn't make it clear. For that i'm, sorry. It just seem like, no matter what you do. someone is complaining. That is why I asked.

That's correct, and apparently if people complain enough in open lobbies, it then triggers other people to make accounts in forums to complain that people are complaining too much...

Me too, But these kind of instances keep happen. That is why I asked.

It keeps happening? I've literally never seen the above scenario, or anything like it, happen in an open lobby in any racing game. You must be unlucky.

It still dosen't answer the question.

Every question you asked before posting that was answered by at least one person. Maybe you should read more carefully, just a suggestion.

Football, baseball, hockey, all play for money, I can see taking it seriously, but a avatar game?

You haven't heard of eSports? Besides, people take lots of things seriously that they don't get paid for, which is perfectly fine. I take my responsibilities as a parent very seriously, maybe I should ask the Mrs to pay me for being a Dad, what do you think?

If people only took seriously the things they were paid to do, the world would be a very sad place indeed.

Yet another double-post :rolleyes:
Your question, such as it is, doesn't make any sense.

First you complain that people don't have any right to complain in any way about a game they have bought. Then you complain that they talk to each other and not to the game developers. Then you complain that we don't have any representatives from the game developers here. Then you complain that some people moan about incidents online (and I have no idea what Ferrari has to do with it).

It seems that all you want to do is complain about how other people play, discuss and enjoy a game - which begs the question... why are you 'so serious' about what other people get up to in their leisure time?

^- +1, This is exactly what I was thinking at this point in the discussion.

No. I do not work for GTPlanet, so we doesn't imply. we here at GTPlanet, would be a hole new issue. And, yes I miss spoke saying we don't have the right to complain, except for me by asking, Why take a game so seriously, then attacked because of a answer some doesn't like.

Who attacked you? Unless someone had posts deleted, it looks to me like you're just playing the victim for no apparent reason.

Me and some friends were taking about this. And we refers to me and some friends, that is why I used the word, we not I.

You believe that you and some friends should have your own Polyphony Digital representative to talk to? Wow.

This exchange just made my morning, thanks gents :lol: :cheers:
Sorry, I can't process why anyone, would take a game so serious.



That's why.
You haven't heard of eSports? Besides, people take lots of things seriously that they don't get paid for, which is perfectly fine. I take my responsibilities as a parent very seriously, maybe I should ask the Mrs to pay me for being a Dad, what do you think?
I think that request will earn you a week in the couch zone at least.
Despite Gran Turismo having little bugs in each release, but there will always be bugs.

Sometimes programming a game can take loads of time and preparing one can be a hassle in the development process, and which getting more cars would require more licenses. Thus, adding more expenses in the long run. In the past two years I have not been playing much GT, but it's one of the games that got me into Racing Genre as a whole.

I don't know what your problem is @rogerthatone, but I think you should at least what Gran Turismo did with the racing game industry as a whole.
That is like saying a Book is like every other book. A song is like every other song. A film is like every other film. No. You're wrong.

Metallica & Justin Bieber aren't the same.
50 Shades of grey & Horrid Henry books aren't the same.
The fast & the furious & The Exorcist aren't the same films.
GRAN TURISMO 6 isn't the same game as Call of Duty Black ops 3.

But I don't see your point because all I see is you complaining about other people having opinions. Everybody is entitled to there opinion, without criticism the games would be much worse. Is that what you want? Rhetorical question don't answer it.
Other than looks, Justin Bieber is about the same as every other generic pop star of the last 50 there's that:lol:
This thread in a nutshell.

@rogerthatone I think you're just not getting it.

We buy games with an expectation that they will do everything they are supposed to do when they are played. When that doesn't happen, we complain. The devs listens to us (Well, mostly...) and try to fix the issues so we have the gaming experience we want.

Everyone plays games for different reasons. For some of us (like me), GT is just a way to blow off steam after a stressful day at work. For others, like @sems4arsenal, it's a gateway to a path they want to pursue. I.E. - sems is a GTA finalist and wants to keep going forward in that direction. (correct me if I'm wrong)

So there is no right or wrong way to play GT. Everyone has their own way of playing - and that's part of the miracle of video games, isn't it? They give us a world, and we all explore it in our own ways.
This thread in a nutshell.

@rogerthatone I think you're just not getting it.

We buy games with an expectation that they will do everything they are supposed to do when they are played. When that doesn't happen, we complain. The devs listens to us (Well, mostly...) and try to fix the issues so we have the gaming experience we want.

Everyone plays games for different reasons. For some of us (like me), GT is just a way to blow off steam after a stressful day at work. For others, like @sems4arsenal, it's a gateway to a path they want to pursue. I.E. - sems is a GTA finalist and wants to keep going forward in that direction. (correct me if I'm wrong)

So there is no right or wrong way to play GT. Everyone has their own way of playing - and that's part of the miracle of video games, isn't it? They give us a world, and we all explore it in our own ways.
Some folk don't even race and just use the game to take photos. To me, a tree is just background that I don't notice. To photographers, it's crucial that trees don't look all jaggy and 2D in their photos.
Just add the people that annoy you to your ignore list. If you don't like what they post you don't have to be in their audience.
This thread is confusion², but I'll try to make sense of it...

A video game is a product just like any other. If I bought a bicycle only to discover the rear brake doesn't work, I would go back to the seller and ask (if not demand) that it be repaired or replaced. It's the same deal with any video game, never-mind GT; if the game decides to crash every 10 minutes then I'm going to want a refund. Take Mafia 3 as a case in point.

Now, OP is probably referring to occasions where people are picking out minor flaws and (in some cases) blowing them out of proportion. The situation nowadays is that developers can release updates/hot-fixes on the fly, something that wasn't the case many moons ago. As they can do so, why shouldn't people be allowed to voice their opinion on it? If a few people point out something like a missing texture or glitchy shadows in a certain area that the dev's overlooked, then said dev's can go back, correct it and update the game at a later point. Voila, improved product.

While a somewhat noble ideal, the viewpoint that we simply take what we're given in thanks whilst asking for nothing else is a bit naive in this day and age. It's become almost the norm for games to be released in an unfinished or rushed state, and in quite a few cases it really detracts from the enjoyment of playing through it.
:lol: I've read all 73 posts on this thread and still don't have a clear idea what the original question was.

If the question is: 'why bother complaining about something which is, at the end of the day, just a computer game', then i'd say that for many of us, leisure time is at a premium. You don't want to be wasting that precious time on something that feels unfinished or badly resolved. The game in question, GT6 - or even the series as a whole, has been around for 20 years now. It has no excuses to still feel half-baked, yet many of us still think that it does.
Whether someone wants to take their hobby seriously or not is up to them. Whether someone wants to praise or criticize certain aspects of it is also up to them.

I've never seen GT as a "game", I've always looked at it as a "simulator", & the reality that it attempts to simulate is a serious business in the real world.

So why wouldn't some hardcore fans want take it seriously!
The OP is really lost here.

No. People shouldn't keep their mouth shut and just simply enjoy the game the way it is even if there's flaws. Let's say if there was a weapon in the game that is completely overpowered that needs nerfing and there's no good counters to it or if there's an issue in the game that is corrupting people's game progress, people have the right to complain to get the devs attention. If a game lacks quality and doesn't meet their expectations, they can always return it or write a review on the Internet about the game to share their opinions about it and why it's not worth your money in hopes maybe the game developers can learn from their mistakes in the next game. Without proper treatment to a game and listening to feedback, issues can hurt the game's sales and possibly turn the game's community into a ghost town faster.

Hadn't it been for criticism and feedback, we wouldn't have successful games such as The Last of Us, Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, etc.
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The only thing I've taken from this thread is that the OP made a post ranting about people getting triggered over a video game people spent money on. But then, said OP actually became triggered in the comments after being called out in OP's own thread about triggered gamers who spent money on video games.
Whether someone wants to take their hobby seriously or not is up to them. Whether someone wants to praise or criticize certain aspects of it is also up to them.

I've never seen GT as a "game", I've always looked at it as a "simulator", & the reality that it attempts to simulate is a serious business in the real world.

So why wouldn't some hardcore fans want take it seriously!

I used to think that way, but after playing Forza and Project Cars, my thoughts have swung completely in the other direction, with pCARS being the sim and GT just feeling like a "game" whereas Forza is somewhere in the middle.

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