GT critique | Unpopular opinions thread

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It's so frustrating that yet again we can't sell prize cars, only discard them.

I can't think of a single positive to that gameplay decision, and it severely harms the realism of the in-game economy, and the sense of it being a simulation of the real world.

Most cars being arbitrarily valueless ends up making every car feel valueless.

Here's to amassing ten Renault Clios, before deleting nine of them when I get round to it...
How ridiculous man this whole time we have been screaming this to pd.

But nope it just falls on deaf ears for them.
I know the processing power of the consoles has come up as a noted limitation for AI vs the visuals in discussions before, but I see no evidence that PD is squeezing all they can out of the AI in the game with the processing they've got.

Not wanting to compromise with graphics is one thing, but having just one person work on AI for over ten years with the only revolution being less realistic racing to me just points to a lack of ambition to do things better or more efficiently.
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We're going to have GT Sophy update at some point, which could potentially become the best AI ever in sim racing
No, we're not. Sophy is not planned or announced as an entire AI overhaul. Not in GT7. It's going to be a training and learning aid and a friend in races, that is all.
All you people clamoring for damage, you do realize that in most any real-life racing series, if your car is damaged to the point where it substantially affects performance or is missing body panels, you're out of the race.

Glad you think a run-off in to a wall or being punted off track online on the last lap should completely wipe out all earnings in a video game, which is designed to be fun.
What is PD thinking with the absolutely nonsensical car list for GT7? If you add P1 GTR - add P1! Where is Porsche 992 Turbo S? Where is Bugatti Chiron? Where is Porsche 918? What's their methodology in adding new cars? Are they adding cars just for the sake of adding cars? There is no plan, no logic in the cars they add! Pre-HD GT games didn't seem to have this problem, at least not to this extent and besides, the competition has caught up! Look at Forza's car list! Where did the "drive the car you own/plan on owning" philosophy dissapear? Where are obtainable fast cars? Where is Porsche Boxter, Golf R, new Megane RS, fast saloons - M5 CS, M8, E63s etc? Is it possible that they're so out of touch with their fanbase?
That is my main issue with the game. Car selection in my opinion is really not in line with numbered entries in the series, instead it feels like it is based on GTS car selection philosophy. I remember the old "drive your daily/car that you will own" mantra and to be honest I think the best game for that was GT6 , it had plenty of "normal" cars. I understand that Poliphony can't pull 1100+cars out of their butts day1 (then there's probably an issue with licences) but still I feel that the 420 cars we've got are not the ones we should expect from a numbered GT entry.
We almost certainly won’t get it n that form. The AI is a done deal, swapping it out isn’t a feasible idea.
More like I feel that the AI isn't a done deal, they retrained the same AI from GTS, because Sophy isn't ready yet thus they left the AI as it is for now.
All you people clamoring for damage, you do realize that in most any real-life racing series, if your car is damaged to the point where it substantially affects performance or is missing body panels, you're out of the race.

Glad you think a run-off in to a wall or being punted off track online on the last lap should completely wipe out all earnings in a video game, which is designed to be fun.
Good job no other titles on the market support damage then isn't it. /S

It's perfectly possible to have damage in a title and have it work hand in hand with a title economy, it's been done countless times before.

The one thing they all share in common is that it's optional, both in single-player and on-line.
I am hoping for the ability to walk around cars in photo mode. Especially since the polygon count in photomode can not be compared to race poly count.
However, PD being PD - I think that we will only get fixed camera angles as we have in GTS, which is a terrible shame. Why go through all the effort in creating such detailed cars when you don't let the user enjoy them in full? Also, why can't we open the doors in GT?

I am looking forward to Sophy. That sounds like a great addition. Getting sick of the AI braking mid corners and taking corners a few classes slower than the car they drive. I am constatly beating Gr4 Nurburgring AI on professional using a 161hp Miata (N200). With Gr3 I can achieve P3 (or P2 if only one rabbit is on the starting grid, with the rabbit being the M6 GT3).

EDIT: Now I read that Sophy isn't in GT7? I will wait for the game before I say anything else.

In regards to the inability of selling prize cars - that has to do with microtransactions. Make money harder to earn so that it's more convenient to use microtransactions.
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My copy is dispatched tomorrow. Im pretty sure they have not adressed any of our whishes regarding hud and physics.

Wonky flywheel physics
Terrible driver tags
No fov settings
No mirror in all views
Crap abs model
Very unreliable and buggy online lobbies
No hud settings

But atleast it will rain on us on almost every track. We will finally get music rally. Finally more fantasy cars. Cant wait to drive the willys jeep, such immersion much wow. Perhaps some grinding against the rabbit so i can play needforspeed in my beetle with ferrari engine. Yeah.

But truthfully tho, im intrigued if my ps4 will catch on fire or not, and i do look forward to the dynamic weather simulation. Sincerely hoping for FFB improvements. I really hope my spewing negativity is totally uncalled for. The car list so far looks meeeh and so does the tracks. Really doesnt bother me, they can and will give more, but to not fix the little little tiny things ppl ask for, its like they know how i go on and on and piss ppl off by writing negative comments on forums about it haha. Gtsport1.9 beta DLC lets goooo
See you online buddy! (or not hahaha)
My copy supposed to arrive on friday. Watched some reviews and streams already. Looks like a dissapointment from a drivers point of view. The Hud is same as gt sport. Driver tags still there. Lucky me i have a pc and will probably move to the sims more. Its a real shame tho, they could have made a game that caters drivers too, not just mariokart needforspeed forza fans....
Nice try 😄