GT Photomode 2.0 Competition - Week 92 - closed


Welcome to...

Week 92
This week’s theme will be
"Bonkers For Bridges"

as chosen by Week 90 Winner

Further explanation of theme:

In the words of
" Any Skyline N1 on a bridge
Basically, I want a shot of an N1 Skyline on a bridge somewhere. The shot should be scenic, but I want the car as the focus."

Cars: Any Skyline N1
Tracks: Any featuring a bridge
Phototravel: is there a photomode location with a bridge?


  • Winner will pick the theme for the following week.
  • Post your final entry in red letters. Such as “Final Entry”.
  • A preview image may be used, but it may be no bigger than 300*400 pixels by either photo orientation.
  • You may have two honorable mentions if a preview image is not used.
  • You may change your Final Entry once. If if you do so, please edit your original entry make a new post linking to it.
  • Do not use an entry from a previous competition.
  • Do not post more than three photos in this thread.
  • Only one entry may be submitted.

Photoshop adjustments, and filters list:

  • Crop
  • Resize
  • Levels
  • Brightness/Contrast
  • Hue/Saturation
  • Blur filters
  • Noise filters
  • Sharpen filters

    Photoshop Tools List:
  • Type tool
  • Sharpen tool
  • Burn tool
  • Dodge Tool
  • Blur tool
  • Smudge tool
  • Clone Stamp Tool (for removing watermark)

[Note:No plug-ins for any of the above adjustments or filters are to be used]
You can use layers for overlay and layer adjustments, but not to alter the geometry and original subject matter of the picture: like adding stickers and body kits, and objects that are not in the original image.

Deadline for Week 92 is December 27th.
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Didn't spend much time working on this one.
I'm still learning ;)
from on n00blet to another, the smoke is too bright and focal. the car should bring in more attention than the tire smoke.
Good point. Although I think I'll just leave it how it is.

That is the only N1 Skyline I could find. Except for the Mines one.
Where are all the other ones?
When Skyline 49 gave me this weeks theme, he asked me to also post his entry. I obliged.
Here is

Skyline49's Final Entry

Skyline49's entry
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I love the blue-ish tone, but the image in its whole is a bit on the extreme side. The blur looks also a bit exagorrated because of the car being far away from the camera, so all in all it's an odd looking image... Don't take this as an offence though Swiss, I guess you were trying new things? That's always promising 👍

I'd love to give this one a go, Skyline's look pretty good in GT4...

First time using an R32 Skyline, and the colours are pretty extreme, but that's my style :)
I'm not a sucker for Skylines, but the R32 generation hits a soft spot 👍
Thanks for your comment LDS :)

Bram, thats a brutal shot!!👍
Could anyone give me away three (stock) rejects? :dunce:

I can't take my own photos right now, and this week looks interesting.
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