Gt planet's 1/4 mile data base COMING BACK SOON

  • Thread starter mazdaman
You know what, my leader should be on soon, send your PSN to DOD_Rezzurekt and you may get invited to have your butt handed to you sooner than you think. Don't send hate mail either, i'll just embarass you with it.

PSN no good, your team leader does not exist, much like your times...
Yes im back :D


jr! Hey man what's up welcome back!!!!!

Now if we could get fest0r, Matt, eight, GV, DLR and them all back here it would be like the old days lol.
^ who is this Jryeargin? Ohh boy another new guy....

Ha Ha, well if he decides to post more times we could just possibly see some fresh new numbers in some of the #1 slots. Good to see you back JR
What I don't get is why can't he just post the vid I asked for???
Well if you cannot believe this video I don't know what else you will believe, either way, you will not see a live run as it shows you all my speeds to copy off etc. and there is nothing you have asked for that is not in this video, live run or not. This is the most anyone will see unless you know me or any of my team members and have shown some respect regardless of your thoughts on my times.

Everything you need to see to prove this run is legit is there, quite simply if you doubt this video you should definitely not be managing 'gtplanets 1/4 mile database'.

I'm sure it's very plain to see even for all the moderators that nothing is edited in this video and I will be notifying some of them to check this because they wanted to know aswell. But here goes:

1. You see my friendslist(which only shows when online) and 2.09 update.
2. I am still in the run with SRF off, if it was on it would say on when....
3. I show you SRF immediately after finishing proving it is off.
4. I then move the camera closer so that my speeds cannot be copied while still being able to see my accelerator and brake bar, along with my gears, and cluster of warning lights which just so happens to include one for the ebrake.
5. It is plain to see that there is no ebrake tapping, no retro launching or any other business like some think. You may even learn something from what little I show you.

Enjoy and please watch with an open mind. Thank you.
Live run or no go

How about go away, you weren't asked and have no say.

PS: you're cars are slow man, get to tuning mate. Try some new suspension, because all your bases in your tune thread are no good. Stop trying to see my stuff to tune off me.
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Well Slash, I'm not trying to take sides here but just going on what I saw, it did show the end of the run in live action where the summary of the run pops up in the gray window with the proper numbers after he finally crossed the line... didn't load a saved replay, no wonky 3b shifts, no ebrake light and aids were off. I can't find a fault in it after looking a few times. Maybe I missed something ? But I don't think so. Still not sure of any hacked parts though....perhaps he shows the parts installed screen too?

And T51 those tunes of slashes are very old and just a base to get noobs pointed in the right directions, not meant to be fast...just a rough template. Most have been up over a year.
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I'm on a very comfy fence, lol

Yeah, I don't really need anyone taking my side, it is somewhat gratifying knowing that about 50 people are wrong and i'm right all on my lonesome.
Yeah, I don't really need anyone taking my side, it is somewhat gratifying knowing that about 50 people are wrong and i'm right all on my lonesome.

Never said you where wrong but you have got to understand where we were coming from, never heard of you before then come on here with times like that. But looks legit , no srf, but would like to see a run with bhp showed after just to be 100% but other than that I cant see why you cant be put up, congrats

Jaffa cake
T51R it is impossible for the 09 to hit that low a time legit, without using srf or the e.cheat glitch so just post a legit time and stop trying to cheat because cheating is for losers and well from what i seen so far your just a loser who cant tune and trying to cheat his way to the top.... you want to prove to people too that you dont cheat then race me for my car/cars.. if you win you can have my cars but if you loose then you stfu and post legit time like everyone else ... DO YOU ACCEPT??

You never said what? Who's a loser that cheats? It is impossible without cheats? Can't tune and cheating my way to the top?

You have zero respect from me mate. End of.

Maybe you shouldn't listen to other 'losers' and jump on the now sinking dram ships they create. I didn't come here with an issue, but I sure got one when I got here.
If that time is legit me and janco would have found it by now. We are running 9:022's you can't get faster than that trying lower final gears. Of course I have tried different supension setups. But you said earlier to try suspension from a rwd car to awd. I have to say I haven't properly tried this config but I may generate higher g's. Maybe hes not doing a fg flip and just this diff suspension he talks about. Maybe theres no need for fg flip. Hmmm
Well you haven't found it yet it seems, otherwise your times would be nearer to mine.
Well how different is your new method. Gearing wise do u set max speeds higher or lower. Toe sets slow these awds down see. And the suspension is usually max max. But I have tried others setups. 50 50 torque split slows car down so we use the 45/55.
Well how different is your new method. Gearing wise do u set max speeds higher or lower. Toe sets slow these awds down see. And the suspension is usually max max. But I have tried others setups. 50 50 torque split slows car down so we use the 45/55.

Tune it yourself and find out.
Me and janco spent over 300 hours tuning this car trying different ride heights, springs ane gears pretty much since gt5 came out and all the patches. I think pretty much everyone would have found out this secret ride heigh, spring combo by now including me and janco. I don't think you are cheating I know you are. Must be a sad reason why you can't film the whole run from the speedtest start menu and show the whole run. 3b launch or echeat however you hav done it. I notice you flash you light's for some reason or is there a ra function hiding something.or some sort of secret launch technique.
Well how different is your new method. Gearing wise do u set max speeds higher or lower. Toe sets slow these awds down see. And the suspension is usually max max. But I have tried others setups. 50 50 torque split slows car down so we use the 45/55.

Me and janco spent over 300 hours tuning this car trying different ride heights, springs ane gears pretty much since gt5 came out and all the patches. I think pretty much everyone would have found out this secret ride heigh, spring combo by now including me and janco. I don't think you are cheating I know you are. Must be a sad reason why you can't film the whole run from the speedtest start menu and show the whole run. 3b launch or echeat however you hav done it. I notice you flash you light's for some reason or is there a ra function hiding something.or some sort of secret launch technique.

The bolded are the reason somethings like speeds in gears cannot be shown, because then it's likely people like yourself will take it, figure it out and claim 'you taught yourself everything'. Learn what we had to learn and then you can claim you learnt it all by yourself. I never specifically said it was anything in particular, I h=may have given some general advice on a particular car, but that does not mean it is the same for every car.
Just stop the BS already. You have your own thread. There is a reason why you won't post a live run. It's because we'd figure out your special launch or SRF or whatever you're doing.

Just go post your special launch tuning whatever times to your own thread, this is a legit database for legit times and a conventional tuning/launching techniques.

As wraith said, people who post here have spent more than 300 hours each doing this one thing, tunning cars and running them online. Now someone new came and miraculously figured out a new ride height and a completely new way to tune? Come on bro do you really think people are that stupid? Just go away MNP, use your own leaderboard.
The point of racing is to be competitive, NOT dominant. if you and your affiliates have been this fast for this long, then you wouldve either made yourselves known by now or have gotten bored and left a long time ago.There is no point for you to hide ANYthing from us. "I dont want any of you learning my tunes/techniques" is either a lame excuse or a cowardly attempt to keep yourself dominant. Either one I cannot respect. Questions still have not been answered as to why you have not ran any of us live. You can throw out only a couple of names out there as to people you have beaten/tied with(ive only heard 2), but none of which are in this thread or are currently active in this forum. That raises questions as well. As ive stated plenty of times before, regardless of lag or tree(which is a part of racing that there should be no excuse for), your times should show a VERY visible superiority over any of ours in a live run. "tune it yourself and find out" comes off as extremely arrogant from a relatively random guy that walks up and says he's the best while hiding numbers. I'm still not buying it, plain and simple.
And if i were you Mazda, I still wouldnt post it until he either shows you the video in the manner in which you requested, or post his times in a manner in which EVERYONE ELSE in the room has. Just my opinion though. And you dont have to change ANYTHING about your thread's name. I sure wouldnt.