Gt planet's 1/4 mile data base COMING BACK SOON

  • Thread starter mazdaman
Just stop the BS already. You have your own thread. There is a reason why you won't post a live run. It's because we'd figure out your special launch or SRF or whatever you're doing.

Just go post your special launch tuning whatever times to your own thread, this is a legit database for legit times and a conventional tuning/launching techniques.

As wraith said, people who post here have spent more than 300 hours each doing this one thing, tunning cars and running them online. Now someone new came and miraculously figured out a new ride height and a completely new way to tune? Come on bro do you really think people are that stupid? Just go away MNP, use your own leaderboard.

Well you wasted 300 hours then didn't you, maybe you should have spent one hour working on something different rather than 300 on someone elses base. My video is legit, you are just jealous or angry my times are more than you probably dreamed of getting but that's all I can think of. Please explain how I cheated the video mate, did I run it with TCS on? LMAO :rolleyes:
The point of racing is to be competitive, NOT dominant. if you and your affiliates have been this fast for this long, then you wouldve either made yourselves known by now or have gotten bored and left a long time ago.There is no point for you to hide ANYthing from us. "I dont any you learning my tunes" is either a lame excuse or a cowardly attempt to keep yourself dominant. Either one i cannot respect. Questions still have not been answered as to why you have not ran any of us live. You can throw out all types of names out there as to people you have beaten/tied with, but none of which are in this thread or are currently active in this forum. That raises questions as well. As ive stated plenty of times before, regardless of lag or tree(which is a part of racing that there should be no excuse for), your times should show a VERY visible superiority over any of ours in a live run. "tune it yourself and find out" comes off as extremely arrogant from a relatively random guy that walks up and says he's the best while hiding numbers. I'm still not buying it, plain and simple.
And if i were you Mazda, I still wouldnt post it until he either shows you the video in the manner in which you requested, or post his times in a manner in which EVERYONE ELSE in the room has. Just my opinion though. And you dont have to change ANYTHING about your thread's name. I sure wouldnt.

Well said my friend.
Well you wasted 300 hours then didn't you, maybe you should have spent one hour working on something different rather than 300 on someone elses base.

I didn't copy anyone I started all new and alone, a long time ago. With nothing to work off, nothing to copy because there was nothing to copy. Maybe you should spend a couple of hours thinking and starting to be legit as this clearly isn't working for you.

And as a respond to your edited part: I am not mad because your times outrun mine, I can easily make mine outrun yours with what you are doing. Your replay didn't even match your run as your replay didn't show you flashing any lights, did it? It's also weird that when I put my srf on and run, I get the exact same 0-60 as you. Interesting isn't it?
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The point of racing is to be competitive, NOT dominant. if you and your affiliates have been this fast for this long, then you wouldve either made yourselves known by now or have gotten bored and left a long time ago.There is no point for you to hide ANYthing from us. "I dont want any of you learning my tunes/techniques" is either a lame excuse or a cowardly attempt to keep yourself dominant. Either one I cannot respect. Questions still have not been answered as to why you have not ran any of us live. You can throw out only a couple of names out there as to people you have beaten/tied with(ive only heard 2), but none of which are in this thread or are currently active in this forum. That raises questions as well. As ive stated plenty of times before, regardless of lag or tree(which is a part of racing that there should be no excuse for), your times should show a VERY visible superiority over any of ours in a live run. "tune it yourself and find out" comes off as extremely arrogant from a relatively random guy that walks up and says he's the best while hiding numbers. I'm still not buying it, plain and simple.
And if i were you Mazda, I still wouldnt post it until he either shows you the video in the manner in which you requested, or post his times in a manner in which EVERYONE ELSE in the room has. Just my opinion though. And you dont have to change ANYTHING about your thread's name. I sure wouldnt.

What numbers were hiding mate? I didn't see anything hidden other than my gear speeds, which is a factor as to why times are as they are and also not something required as it's not cheatable. Where were all your gear speeds and videos and pictures of your times? Just because mine are faster than most, does not mean I am automatically a cheat. It just shows your lack of knowledge about the game. Deny it all you want but that's the only difference between what I do and what you do, I know how things work in the game almost 100% and that is why it is funny for me and probably any person with experience like mikeybc for example when you still claim I cheat yet see everything you claim I have cheated in one video. 'Tune it by yourself and find out', well that seems to be the way of the pro's around here. So don't expect me to be helping any of the 'pros' anytime soon. They dug their graves and now they have to lay in them. Yesterday they were all better than me remember, including yourself.
This is not a proper run that mazdaman asked for. Its plain and simple to see its not what we are all asking for. If you have nothing to hide film the whole run. What in your stupidity can you not understand in his request. This is what I see in your video. You shift those gears way to fast into 6th gr and crawl upto 117mph + while slalom the car left and right.
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I ain't posting 🤬 see I asked you nicely how yo do it.

You've taught me something about yourself not only do you not follow instructions, you're beating around the bush and you're a lier.

Your capt. Psn is not real nor is your team and most of all your time isn't.

See I was actually dying to apologize to you some of you may ask why and the answer is there's a new way to tune. In which we haven't learned yet but I was willing.

Now kindly do us all a favor and get lost take your 🤬 and drama into your own thread.Also I have nothing else to say to you.

To the rest of the members THIS is the end to all of this drama TIME TO MOVE ON.
What numbers were hiding mate? I didn't see anything hidden other than my gear speeds, which is a factor as to why times are as they are and also not something required as it's not cheatable. Where were all your gear speeds and videos and pictures of your times? Just because mine are faster than most, does not mean I am automatically a cheat. It just shows your lack of knowledge about the game. Deny it all you want but that's the only difference between what I do and what you do, I know how things work in the game almost 100% and that is why it is funny for me and probably any person with experience like mikeybc for example when you still claim I cheat yet see everything you claim I have cheated in one video. 'Tune it by yourself and find out', well that seems to be the way of the pro's around here. So don't expect me to be helping any of the 'pros' anytime soon. They dug their graves and now they have to lay in them. Yesterday they were all better than me remember, including yourself.

Oh i STILL know we are better than you :lol: and did you NOT edit out your 0-60/0-100 in you original pictures? No one here asked for your gears. you are dancing around the issue.As far as your attitude, thats how they answer random beginners who come and ask for tunes without reading the stickies. You attempting to use that on us is laughable considering that you still havent asserted yourself as anything you set out to be. the best i can tell you is to either drag or kick rocks.

EDIT: Mazda posted as i was typing lol im statement form me will be this: I know that ALL of the top timed users here have no problem with sharing info.....whether they are the fastest or not... thats why we are here.. it keeps everyone competitive while stilldistinguishing the best... If you cannot do the same, then theres something fishy going on. Dont throw a rock then hide your hand. That is all.
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Explain what I am hiding in the video thanks, or maybe you can explain it to a moderator since this is 'gtplanets 1/4 mile database'. List the things I could be hiding please, you call this gtplanets well run it like it's gtplanets not like a biast inexperienced group of know it alls that know not very much it seems.

Are you going to race these guys sometime soon, you brought it upon yourself, now do what your times say and just out show these guys, all this over video game times, I mean come on
So Anyway,(now ignoring He-who-shall-not-be-named) me & Murder Inc's newest member NaTURAL_LYRICS are closing in on the top time for the CTR2, pics coming soon!
As promised hostility
I got a message on GT5Dragracing from a guy named viper mentioned he was hostility, anyone know viper here?
Im not starting a fight, I don't care enough, but I don't see the gt-r going that fast. Congrats if it really did tho.

9.027 was a bitch to me
Im not starting a fight, I don't care enough, but I don't see the gt-r going that fast. Congrats if it really did tho.

9.027 was a bitch to me

Ummm did you watch the video? You'll see it go that fast.

This viper/hostility guy is an aussie too. Now I've confused my self, great.
How about you drop it and post some times up thank you

So is Hostility here viper on that site? Sorry for asking here, but it's the only thread he takes seriously and might see.
So is Hostility here viper on that site? Sorry for asking here, but it's the only thread he takes seriously and might see.

No he's not, viper and hostility are two different people.
Viper Does know about you and your antics, though. Do me a favor and stay out of my welcome thread with the trash talk please and thank you.

In other news: CTR is at 9.645
Not posting until i shave more #s off!!