- 433
- Australia
- Rezurrekt
- They're gonna tag me?
Just stop the BS already. You have your own thread. There is a reason why you won't post a live run. It's because we'd figure out your special launch or SRF or whatever you're doing.
Just go post your special launch tuning whatever times to your own thread, this is a legit database for legit times and a conventional tuning/launching techniques.
As wraith said, people who post here have spent more than 300 hours each doing this one thing, tunning cars and running them online. Now someone new came and miraculously figured out a new ride height and a completely new way to tune? Come on bro do you really think people are that stupid? Just go away MNP, use your own leaderboard.
Well you wasted 300 hours then didn't you, maybe you should have spent one hour working on something different rather than 300 on someone elses base. My video is legit, you are just jealous or angry my times are more than you probably dreamed of getting but that's all I can think of. Please explain how I cheated the video mate, did I run it with TCS on? LMAO