You mean that a 10 year old playing GT6 for a week can rival the best times? Or do you mean something like NFS?
Any game, but yes, GT included.
And not just ten year olds. That was more of a subconscious reference due to the fact that my twin niece/nephew (10 year olds) came over a few months ago, and after a week were getting darn close to beating times my brother-in-law was feeding them from a track records list he found on the internet. The fact is almost anyone, any age, can learn to play the game that well if they want it bad enough. That's far from being able to do it for real, and why the professionals make the big bucks.
But isn't that still it just being an imperfect sim (like all sims are inherently) and not simulating the forces and danger on a real driver. I'm sure if the real record setting drivers had no fear of wrecking and could just start over if they did, they would get better times. Sure you can turn in arcade elements (like driving lines and unrealistic aids) in GT and get amazing times, but with them off it seems like it's a sim.
True, all sims are imperfect.
Example: I've flown high quality PC flight simulators since 1982, but I've also flown in real life. Sim time=tens of thousands of flight hours in everything from WWI Bi-planes, to modern fighter jets. Real world time= less than 100 hours in a Cessna 172. I can tell you that tens of thousands of hours in a sim gave me an edge on my first flight, but I still had to learn the other 99.9%, in a real world aircraft, with a qualified professional instructor. There is no way that I will ever be a modern fighter pilot, no matter how good I am in a sim, and I've actually pretty much given up on real world flying since.
No matter how good the sim, nor how good of a sim pilot I am, it did not make me even the most basic of a single engine VFR pilot. Only real world experience and training can do that.
Now fear.
The world is full of people that think they can drive quite a bit better than they can. Effectively they ride the thin line between courage and stupidity, and daily they die of that stupidity. If fear was all that separated real world professionals from the millions of people who ever got addicted to a driving sim (any driving sim) enough to get good at it, motorsports would be dominated by the same suicidal morons that make the average commute to work so dangerous for the rest of the drivers on the road. Today's professionals would probably not even be worth the mention. If all it takes is no fear and some time with a driving game to be Mr. Awesome, then we wouldn't need them any more. We'd have millions of drivers that far surpass the real world best we have now.
Last, "it seems like it's a sim."
Yep. And you're 100% right. You're also 100% wrong. And now you're 50% right...... (And what the bloody heck is this NA guy talking about? o_0 )
That's my whole point. It's subjective. If you want to call it a sim, I won't argue it with you. Others will. I won't.
Same goes if you want to declare it simcade, or arcade. I'm not going to argue it either. Again, others will. I won't.
Although there are plenty of reasonable benchmarks to define the different categories, and pretty solid arguments to back them, what it really comes down to is that everybody is going to put their own label on it. They're going to play it their own way. What other people think it is or isn't doesn't really matter. It is what it is. Enjoy it for what it is to you.