If you take any GR4 or GR3 , set it this way:
Ride height = Max rear mini front
springs = Max rear mini front
Aero = Max front mini rear
ARB = mini front maxi rear
High LSD accel
You can even set a extreme negative rear the apexTOE
Then take the car to Willow springs for example, entring the first left turn, take the corner with a brutal driving input and put full gas at the apex.
Theoritically your car must spin like the sputnik or a derviche turner till the end of time.
What happen is that because PD limit this move and you´ll not pass 45° rotation. The drift only will slow you down a bit. This must be corrected quickly. Because of this the only way to tune cars for a max front grip and eagerness are this kind of extreme settings or close to this.