GT Sport Livery Editor Thread

  • Thread starter Snaeper
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The fact that we can choose colours by RGB values and have a huge range of paint types means we can look up the codes from any cars in real life and reproduce them accurately, as stupid as it sounds though I think I'll miss the paint chip system, as frustrating as it was I enjoyed collecting chips and having cars painted in rare colours.
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The fact that we can choose colours by RGB values and have a huge range of paint types means we can look up the codes from any cars in real life and reproduce them accurately, as stupid as it sounds though I think I'll miss the paint chip system, as frustrating as it was I enjoyed collecting chips and having cars painted in rare colours.

Saving up and buying 3 Ferrari 512 bb's just so I could paint my three championship cars the same gold colour was a right pain in the butt I can tell you. I welcome the end of chips. :cheers:
Saving up and buying 3 Ferrari 512 bb's just so I could paint my three championship cars the same gold colour was a right pain in the butt I can tell you.

That's how it worked in GT5. In GT6 the paint chip system was much better, since you only collected each chip once and it wasn't lost when you used it.

I hope there will still be some way to get factory colours (or at least save the colours that you have mixed). It would be annoying to have to mix the paint yourself every time.
Alright, so we can have up to 300 layers per car. That sounds extremely promising, but will it be enough for the more intricate designs? How many layers do you have access to in the latest Forza games?

Is the 300 for the whole car? Something like

75 per side
100 for top and hood.
25 front
25 back.

300 total.

Or 300 per side?
Even if it is 300 total , you can just make a detailed decal on your PC and import it , that's the great thing about this livery editor.

Has that been confirmed?

Even if it is 300 total , you can just make a detailed decal on your PC and import it , that's the great thing about this livery editor.
Yes if that is possible. Be interesting to see how these images wrap around different profiles of the car, between the sides and roof etc.
Quite often manual tweaks to the Decals had to be done because of glitchy effects.

Time will tell.
Even if it is 300 total , you can just make a detailed decal on your PC and import it , that's the great thing about this livery editor.
All we have to know now is what is the limit on the importing feature is in terms of file size and dimensions. If they can manage to give us a good range of freedom in that regard, that would be great.
Looks like a professional livery designer known for his work in real life race cars are impressed by the GTS livery editor :

Also, try to check out his work. There are lots of awesome liveries he have created (mostly F1)

Checked his tweet. Even got another fellow, an Xbox guy, and someone involved in the conversation!! :D

Amazing designs he has as well, those are giving me ideas for a team livery designs I'm thinking to do when I get this artpiece soon (and a PS4 pro)!! :D
Hi! I have a doubt that have me dying.. We've seen that the livery editor has "racing items" to put in our design, and talking about the number of our car we've seen in the Playstation Access video of the BMW that there are a lot of style numbers, but....

There are real number styles?? I mean, Could I put the number of my car with the style of the N24H for example? Or those numbers are not available and we'll only have the numbers that PD have designed?

Hi! I have a doubt that have me dying.. We've seen that the livery editor has "racing items" to put in our design, and talking about the number of our car we've seen in the Playstation Access video of the BMW that there are a lot of style numbers, but....

There are real number styles?? I mean, Could I put the number of my car with the style of the N24H for example? Or those numbers are not available and we'll only have the numbers that PD have designed?

By the sounds of it you can import custom images meaning you can create any number style you want, alternatively you'll be able to create number styles using the custom shapes already in the livery editor.
By the sounds of it you can import custom images meaning you can create any number style you want, alternatively you'll be able to create number styles using the custom shapes already in the livery editor.
Yeah, I supposed to do it that way, but it would be helpful to have the option to write your racing number in a real design. Like, I want the design of N24H, and I want the number 74. Write it, and go.
Looks like a professional livery designer known for his work in real life race cars are impressed by the GTS livery editor :

Also, try to check out his work. There are lots of awesome liveries he have created (mostly F1)

While Sean's work is impressive I wanted to make a correction:

His F1 work is all concept art; he hasn't done a "real life" livery for a Formula 1 team to the best of my knowledge.

These are some liveries he's done for teams however:

Speaking of professional livery designers, I'd be curious to see what Andy Blackmore thinks of the GT Sport editor. His work is still the "gold standard" in my opinion.


As a Forza painter myself I've noticed a few quality of life details in the GT Sport editor that I was hoping Turn 10 would have implemented in their games years ago.

I will be getting GT Sport (its multiplayer philosophy is one I can really get behind and the Beta was a positive experience for me) but I don't know how much time I'll invest in its editor, as I've already got a large library of Forza content that I'd like to work on again.
The PlayStation Access Livery Editor video has me somewhat excited about GT Sport. That along with Photo Mode and Scapes is all I am interested in. I had zero hype and no intention to buy it, but I love designing, so now it is a distinct possibility.
I'm interested in messing about with livaries, which is why I may pick it up pre owned. Not giving a penny to PD after GT6.
Yeah, I supposed to do it that way, but it would be helpful to have the option to write your racing number in a real design. Like, I want the design of N24H, and I want the number 74. Write it, and go.
Well, the game can only give you a limited number of fonts for the racing number, sort of like GT6 did. You can most likely also import the number as a prefabricated image, but in that case the game has no way of knowing that this is an actual racing number, so, in case there are races in GTS that require your car to carry a certain number, you would have to use the function provided in-game.
Anybody else wondering what place RGB has within their new HDR renderer?

The livery editor is looking amazing. I hope they can avoid the issue Forza has with theirs, where on track the custom paintjobs look like pixelated messes.

The method PD uses does not down-mix, down-sample or otherwise remove the complexity of the livery itself, it will display the liveries how they were drawn, with projected decals - hence the lower total decal limit. There may be a reduction in texture detail of the decals themselves in-game, using the renderer's in-built texture filtering, and how this shows up on the car will vary from design to design. I expect lots of tips and tricks to emerge...

Yes if that is possible. Be interesting to see how these images wrap around different profiles of the car, between the sides and roof etc.
Quite often manual tweaks to the Decals had to be done because of glitchy effects.

Time will tell.

Again, because PD don't use the old-fashioned "one texture for the whole car" approach, each decal will be projected onto the bodywork based on the raw underlying vertex grid, not a pre-made UV map that is prone to coordinate / wrap-around errors and distortions, and issues will probably be limited to extreme geometry like bumps and strakes etc. There is the chance PD might forget to mark certain parts of the cars as allowing decals to be put on them, potentially creating discontinuities across body panels - these are easy to fix.

Basically, what we've seen of liveries in the games since GT3 is what we'll get via the editor, it's the same overall concept and construction technique using in-game / in-app tools, with a possible caveat in respect of the below:
Do we know how far away liveries can be rendered? I know that at long distances, cars will be replaced by their Low-Object-Detail models. It might look strange on the Nurburgring straight if a car ahead is gradually losing color and detail, layer by layer.

Also, can liveries be seen in rear-view mirrors? I remember in GT5/GT6, cars would often look very strange in the mirror because their fully detailed models weren't used.

If the Level of Detail system can handle decals on their own and tie them to the car no matter its level of "tessellation" (how PD is doing LoD now) without distortion, relative movement etc., then this will be fine. Standard "MIP-mapping" will take care of the individual textures themselves. If the LoD had to be hand-tuned by artists per livery up to now, then issues are possible - e.g. popping and such. Thinking about the nature of the tessellation system itself, I think it should at least be distortion free - at least until the (un)tessellation starts doing weird things itself, like hexagonal wheels.
Ok so I haven't been really paying attention to GT Sport lately but after looking at this livery Editor im preordering this game today. I was gonna get gt Sport anyways (for the online of course) but this one feature right here will add longevity to the game along with the scapes and online. I can't wait!
I will be getting GT Sport (its multiplayer philosophy is one I can really get behind and the Beta was a positive experience for me) but I don't know how much time I'll invest in its editor, as I've already got a large library of Forza content that I'd like to work on again.

I very much appreciate your work on Forza
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