GT Sport Livery Editor Thread

  • Thread starter Snaeper
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Itasha liveries are here!
Unfortunately, there weren't any for my cars.

Gawd I need himouto livery
How do you create a car/suit/helmet livery and use it without uploading it?

I noticed that in my menu page, it said I had created 3 liveries, and my gallery had 3.. but, on some people's It said that they had created 3 liveries and had 0 in their gallery.

Or do you need to upload it to use it?

Also, when you delete a livery, does your achievement for creating liveries get deleted by 1?
Amazing works! These liveries can be shared and saved to eachothers online liveries. Wondering does those liveries stay if original sharer deletes his livery?
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Amazing works! These liveries can be shared and saved to eachothers online liveries. Wondering does those liveries stay if original sharer deletes his livery?
My guess is the livery, once uploaded, is there for good for anyone to use.
How do you create a car/suit/helmet livery and use it without uploading it?

I noticed that in my menu page, it said I had created 3 liveries, and my gallery had 3.. but, on some people's It said that they had created 3 liveries and had 0 in their gallery.

Or do you need to upload it to use it?

Also, when you delete a livery, does your achievement for creating liveries get deleted by 1?

Yep you have to upload it to use it. Pretty sure once you get an achievement it’s should stay regardless.

I spent a good 7hrs on a livery design on the last night of the demo. Got it done, and lucky too as I didn’t know that even though it will transfer to the full game it won’t be editable anymore. Kinda sucks.

Didn’t get a chance to shoot it though. So will have to wait for that.
has any started to preload the game yet, i heard people able to download there full game but mine isnt starting and wont let me download. its 3:30pm 15th already which is what it says as expected download date
I was checking out which cars I'll have on day one and I'm glad none of the cars from the demo is part of the collector's edition package.

18 cars + 7 from the demo, all different. :)

Already started to make all the .svg files I need for my first "official" GTS livery.

I wonder if we can edit the color of imported svg decals. Would be cool if that's the case, otherwise we have to pre-select the color we want while making the svg file and that's it. If it's the wrong hue we have to do it again. :/

I'm talking only about monochromatic decals of course. The ones with more than 1 color doesn't make sense to edit.
I wonder if we can edit the color of imported svg decals. Would be cool if that's the case, otherwise we have to pre-select the color we want while making the svg file and that's it. If it's the wrong hue we have to do it again. :/

I'm talking only about monochromatic decals of course. The ones with more than 1 color doesn't make sense to edit.

I have thought about that also. Would be ideal if we can, but I get the feeling this won’t be the case. Based off other brand logos in the demo that are single color we couldn’t change those.

We’ll see.
I have thought about that also. Would be ideal if we can, but I get the feeling this won’t be the case. Based off other brand logos in the demo that are single color we couldn’t change those.

We’ll see.

True. But if the system recognizes the svg files as simple shapes and not logos, maybe it let us edit the color. I hope so but yeah, we'll have to wait and see. :)
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Potential bad news if true:

If you sign in to Gran Turismo official website "Gran Turismo · dot com", you can upload the original decal.
* The original decal becomes only SVG file within 15 KB.
Potential bad news if true:

If you sign in to Gran Turismo official website "Gran Turismo · dot com", you can upload the original decal.
* The original decal becomes only SVG file within 15 KB.

Not sure how that is bad news.
Even though I understand the concept of SVG files, I'm not an expert. So I checked some logos and this one for example is 21ko.

That one is quite complex since it has various shades of grey (each shade means an it gets "heavier") and lots of different shapes. It's not because of the dimensions but the information it holds. :) most of the logos and decals will be simple I think. Anyway, you could export that one as 2 separate decals and place them on top of each other in game.
I think it helps to put things in perspective if people understand what a vector file is...

I drew the star below in CorelDraw... to get it to show up here I've exported as a PNG...


as it stands there it is 36.1kb.

The original SVG file is 2.49kb

So why is that? Well, every pixel of the above image is encoded and accounted for in the PNG file. The image above is 298 by 276 pixels = 82,248 pixels, each of those pixels needs a value against it, and then the whole lot is encoded as a PNG. An SVG file contains the instructions for the image to be redrawn, and that means it can be simpler...

This is what that the SVG file of the above logo actually looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<!-- Creator: CorelDRAW -->
<svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" width="105.226mm" height="97.5428mm" style="shape-rendering:geometricPrecision; text-rendering:geometricPrecision; image-rendering:optimizeQuality; fill-rule:evenodd; clip-rule:evenodd"
viewBox="0 0 19.3924 17.9765"
  <style type="text/css">
    .str0 {stroke:#1F1A17;stroke-width:0.0140432}
    .str1 {stroke:white;stroke-width:0.0140432}
    .fil0 {fill:#007CC3}
    .fil1 {fill:#1F1A17}
    .fil2 {fill:white}
    .fil7 {fill:#690000}
    .fil5 {fill:#BC0000}
    .fil8 {fill:#BD0000}
    .fil6 {fill:#D60000}
    .fil9 {fill:#FF5252}
    .fil3 {fill:#FF5555}
    .fil4 {fill:#FF6262}
 <g id="Layer_x0020_1">
  <metadata id="CorelCorpID_0Corel-Layer"/>
  <polygon class="fil0" points="7.81346,12.0098 7.821,12.0124 7.82013,12.0098 "/>
  <polygon class="fil0" points="13.6959,12.0285 13.6424,12.0098 10.755,12.0098 11.1343,13.1747 14.4475,14.3371 "/>
  <polygon class="fil0" points="14.7288,14.4357 14.4476,14.337 14.7288,15.2008 "/>
  <polygon class="fil1 str0" points="12.2132,6.4505 19.3705,6.81909 13.7847,11.2424 15.6318,17.9582 9.69829,14.1592 3.76481,17.9582 5.61185,11.2424 0.0219862,6.81617 7.1932,6.46113 9.69659,0.0224101 "/>
  <polygon class="fil2 str1" points="11.947,6.81909 19.3705,6.81909 13.3489,11.1 15.6318,17.9582 9.69829,13.7057 3.76481,17.9582 6.04771,11.1 0.0219862,6.81617 7.45991,6.83022 9.69659,0.0224101 "/>
  <polygon class="fil3" points="9.69624,9.79239 7.78556,7.20866 9.69624,1.39322 "/>
  <polygon class="fil4" points="9.69624,9.79239 1.56567,7.19691 7.78556,7.20866 "/>
  <polygon class="fil5" points="9.69624,9.79239 9.69624,12.9861 14.7212,16.5874 "/>
  <polygon class="fil6" points="9.69624,9.79239 12.7878,10.7793 14.7212,16.5874 "/>
  <polygon class="fil4" points="9.69624,9.79239 17.8268,7.19691 11.6179,7.19691 "/>
  <polygon class="fil7" points="17.8268,7.19691 9.69624,9.79239 12.7878,10.7793 "/>
  <polygon class="fil8" points="9.69624,9.79239 1.56567,7.19691 6.60468,10.7793 "/>
  <polygon class="fil9" points="9.69624,9.79239 6.60468,10.7793 4.67127,16.5874 "/>
  <polygon class="fil7" points="9.69624,12.9861 9.69624,9.79239 4.67127,16.5874 "/>
  <polygon class="fil6" points="9.69624,9.79239 11.6179,7.19691 9.69624,1.39322 "/>

So if you imagine that when you draw your logo you have to be mindful of the number of co-ordinates the file has to store.

As an example, this is a close up screen shot of part of another logo.


You can see how the top one uses less nodes (therefore less co-ordinates to store in the SVG file), yet the shapes are the same. This is something people will need to remember when creating their logos. Tracing logos for instance will generate a lot of unnecessary nodes... as can converting fonts to SVG lines.

So yeah, 15kb is a bit low for more adventurous projects, but at the same time, it's not terrible.
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