GT Sport Mode need a Penalty fix asap, please Polyphony Digital...

Should the penalty system Get a fix

  • Yes

    Votes: 180 87.8%
  • No

    Votes: 25 12.2%

  • Total voters
It could also be on Mount... Panorama... or... Tokyo Express...


SR Loss Status on the worst nightmare racing on GTS you may find...
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it was monza .. actually , all of the big DR and SR dips you see in my kudos prime profile are from monza. i like to race there anyway so i'll keep doing it

You love living dangerously... :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: don´t you??? :gtpflag::gtpflag::gtpflag:
It could also be on Mount... Panorama... or... Tokyo Express...

Yes but it was today and only Monza would contain that carnage, today's other races are at tracks where this wouldn't happen so much.

I also saw him in a couple of races prior to the totally chaos. ;)
Just had another one. First turn i was costing they breaked in a spot they shouldntvwe Bairley touched I mean I can’t even get a picture of the moment we touch. I have tried for 10 min to get the actual touch. I canot. Would post a video but I d
View attachment 731960

SR Loss Status on the worst nightmare racing on GTS you may find...

im not sure how to read this but the negative numbers have to be bad!!

So this is what a 4 second penalty looks like. I tried for ten min to get the point where the cars touched. This game is out of CONTROL!!!!


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And that is how racing is sometimes (ask Nigel Mansell vs Senna at Monaco). Some people cannot wrap their head around that fact, will force a move then cry about how unfair a penalty was.

True, I have no problem with that, it's often the people behind me that seem to take offense at me driving carefully.

I made another compilation of the last few days

Starts with a short clip of some clean driving how it should be.

0:32 What happens on Monza after a successful T1. Also how the game rewards you for waiting for a safe spot to serve the penalties. I did not think it would have gone well if I had slowed down before the last turn.

1:53 Two hectic first laps on the infield where I continually get in trouble when slowing down for the cars in front of me. With all the contacts I was wondering if the penalties were turned off yet I still got one for getting rear ended. I'm glad I managed to break away from the back in lap 3. Everyone had a blue S in that race....

4:57 Brand's hatch 3 part. First I get tapped by a bad track re-entry, 5 sec penalty. I guess I could have slowed down and waited for him to merge, which is what I did in the third part and got rear ended for it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That third one pushed me over the 10 sec as in the middle of the Brand's hatch clips there is a slight contact without any consequences earning me another 5 sec. I knew he was there yet didn't have the radar on at the time since fuel management :/

5:40 Nordschleife, Sharkie gets punted by the car behind him, he gets punted into me. I'm down to almost last with a penalty and SR Down. Sharkie got 10 sec according to my screen, yet that's all speculation anyway, often what it says the other gets is wrong. Nor should he have gotten a penalty for that. That same race ended with someone trying to overtake both of us in the high speed corner on the final straight, knocking Sharkie into me and me onto the grass, increasing my penalty to 15 sec. I lost 25 SR that race from those incidents.

5:55 Monza, it looks like the car speeding up after serving a penalty wants to go right, so I go left, yet he changes his mind and goes left instead, too ,late for me to change direction again, 10 sec. Right after, I'm following a car through Ascari, he's slow, car behind me attempts to overtake over the grass, bumps me from outside the track, 3 sec for me. And last, I keep a bit of distance to the car in front of me to get awarded with a 2 sec penalty.

Anyway I try to drive as clean and defensive as possible, still end up with plenty penalties and the aggression level from other drivers is not going down.
Just had another one. First turn i was costing they breaked in a spot they shouldntvwe Bairley touched I mean I can’t even get a picture of the moment we touch. I have tried for 10 min to get the actual touch. I canot. Would post a video but I d

im not sure how to read this but the negative numbers have to be bad!!

It means that if you enter any of those races.. the medium valour expected of loss of your SR is the one listed... (medium) ... it also lists the sum of Sr loss ocurred in one race... (basically it counts the total amount of Sr penalizations ever regitered on those tracks an car classes and divides it for the number fo racers from the total of races...
Yes, I've seen you tell people this, multiple times.

I'd argue that my experience was the norm and that you happened to get in good with a niche clique of drivers. The fact that Sport mode was created, I think, validates my perspective since they wouldn't need to create such a thing if clean driving lobbies were the norm.

In general I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. I think it's important to complain and let PD know how their system falls short, so we have expanded conversations on message boards about the system's inadequacies. Taking a huge step back to look at the overall state of the genre, Sport Mode has quite literally created the cleanest driving experience on console. All of the other racing games have lobbies and look where that's gotten them. In the same position as lobbies were in GT6, a stagnant position that is ineffective and that you are proposing.

In the free market sense, nobody is stopping you from creating your supposedly easily available clean racing lobbies and usurping the player base of the "failed" sport mode. Have at it. If your solution was better, people would be opting for quick clean lobby races over Sport Mode.

Your continual proposal that PD snuff out Sport Mode is ludicrous and is falling of deaf ears. We didn't make the game and I sincerely doubt that one lonely persistent voice on GTPlanet (yours) is going to cause PD to scrap millions of dollars of development cash just so they can throw up their hands and declare, "Just use the lobbies!"

You can argue your experience was the norm, and may very well be right. It was the norm for people too lazy to bother with finding or starting their own 'clean or kick' rooms. There was no 'clique' of racers in GT6. ALL rooms were public, no rooms were locked (other than scheduled, private leagues, which is not what I'm talking about). If you couldn't find them, you weren't looking.

And, I'm sorry, but no, Sport Mode is NOT the cleanest racing experience on consoles. Those are scheduled League racing rooms, in almost any racing game made, with human stewarding. Sport Mode is the cleanest racing experience on consoles for those too lazy to bother with doing it themselves. And, IMHO, a very poor substitute.

Sadly, the only 'usurping' going on is PD's usurping of the player base from GT6 that knew EXACTLY how to have clean racing. Admittedly, there wasn't all that much of it, and if that shows anything, it shows how few really wanted it in the first place. And the lack of support for going back to that system shows how most are willing to whine endlessly about the unworkable system PD installed to persuade the weak of mind and will that they could have clean racing without the slightest effort to achieve it, and also how many people there are just like yourself that obviously are too lazy to put the effort in to get really clean racing.

If this current system is good enough for you, enjoy! But if it isn't, I hate to burst your bubble, but you are never going to get it the PD way. And no, I am not calling for PD to snuff Sport Mode. I am calling for the players who really want to race clean to abandon it. If you want to be here a year from now, two years from now, still whining about the same issues, that's your prerogative. Perhaps you don't care about clean racing that much, do you?
I'm going to pretend that you didn't just call me a lazy whiner.

Watch your tone please, none of that is necessary for this discussion.
True, I have no problem with that, it's often the people behind me that seem to take offense at me driving carefully.

I made another compilation of the last few days

Starts with a short clip of some clean driving how it should be.

0:32 What happens on Monza after a successful T1. Also how the game rewards you for waiting for a safe spot to serve the penalties. I did not think it would have gone well if I had slowed down before the last turn.

1:53 Two hectic first laps on the infield where I continually get in trouble when slowing down for the cars in front of me. With all the contacts I was wondering if the penalties were turned off yet I still got one for getting rear ended. I'm glad I managed to break away from the back in lap 3. Everyone had a blue S in that race....

4:57 Brand's hatch 3 part. First I get tapped by a bad track re-entry, 5 sec penalty. I guess I could have slowed down and waited for him to merge, which is what I did in the third part and got rear ended for it. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That third one pushed me over the 10 sec as in the middle of the Brand's hatch clips there is a slight contact without any consequences earning me another 5 sec. I knew he was there yet didn't have the radar on at the time since fuel management :/

5:40 Nordschleife, Sharkie gets punted by the car behind him, he gets punted into me. I'm down to almost last with a penalty and SR Down. Sharkie got 10 sec according to my screen, yet that's all speculation anyway, often what it says the other gets is wrong. Nor should he have gotten a penalty for that. That same race ended with someone trying to overtake both of us in the high speed corner on the final straight, knocking Sharkie into me and me onto the grass, increasing my penalty to 15 sec. I lost 25 SR that race from those incidents.

5:55 Monza, it looks like the car speeding up after serving a penalty wants to go right, so I go left, yet he changes his mind and goes left instead, too ,late for me to change direction again, 10 sec. Right after, I'm following a car through Ascari, he's slow, car behind me attempts to overtake over the grass, bumps me from outside the track, 3 sec for me. And last, I keep a bit of distance to the car in front of me to get awarded with a 2 sec penalty.

Anyway I try to drive as clean and defensive as possible, still end up with plenty penalties and the aggression level from other drivers is not going down.

First and foremost, you can share a track with me any day. Well driven.

Why oh why are these other drivers matched with someone like you. I've always said, "if I can slow down for cars in front of me, why do some of the people behind me NOT, and end up rear ending me!"

I nearly cried at the driving standards on display there. What was the Lexus thinking at Bluemoon for instance? Where was he planning on going?

Brands will always be a nightmare as it's so technical, with so few players knowing how to race/overtake on that track but still, woeful driving by some of those you were matched with.

Watching that, I count myself lucky for my experiences, although I do avoid Monza, Mt Panarama, Nords and Brands like the plague in Sport mode. I just don't trust people to race at these tracks properly (although I'd love it if the game could categorise people, and penalise people, in such a way that I could race these tracks knowing I was matched with like minded players and have an enjoyable experience most of the time).

*Edit. My Sport race experiences have been fantastic for the most part. It is a great pick up and play, public match made online racing game and I do, absolutely love it.
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I successfully ignored you calling my point ludicrous. I guess you consider that that was necessary. Tone is a two way street.

PD isn't dropping their system no matter how many posts you spam onto this board. I'm sorry, but that's just not going to happen and that was the point I called ludicrous. You established that you didn't expect them to abolish the system, hence you backed away from the ludicrous edge. Am I missing something?

PM me if you have issues with me as this is already straying from the topic as this isn't the place for online tiffs and squabbling.
First and foremost, you can share a track with me any day. Well driven.

Why oh why are these other drivers matched with someone like you. I've always said, "if I can slow down for cars in front of me, why do some of the people behind me NOT, and end up rear ending me!"

I nearly cried at the driving standards on display there. What was the Lexus thinking at Bluemoon for instance? Where was he planning on going?

Brands will always be a nightmare as it's so technical, with so few players knowing how to race/overtake on that track but still, woeful driving by some of those you were matched with.

Watching that, I count myself lucky for my experiences, although I do avoid Monza, Mt Panarama, Nords and Brands like the plague in Sport mode. I just don't trust people to race at these tracks properly (although I'd love it if the game could categorise people, and penalise people, in such a way that I could race these tracks knowing I was matched with like minded players and have an enjoyable experience most of the time).

*Edit. My Sport race experiences have been fantastic for the most part. It is a great pick up and play, public match made online racing game and I do, absolutely love it.

I should avoid Monza really, however with so few tracks I don't want to skip any. I did one race on Monza in the afternoon, the riskiest time, tried the Mustang which I have never driven before, only had time for 1 qualifying lap, started 12th. I set myself up for a prefect storm lol. So I'm glad I only lost 17 SR and am still hanging onto SR.S! Apart from the usual mayhem, this time even auto drive managed to give me a 5 sec penalty and SR Down coming out of the pits, spawned too close to the car in front. How long until PD fixes that bug...

Also on Monza, why are the shortcut penalties worse than hitting the car forcing you to evade. To avoid contact from an ill attempt to overtake I sometimes have to go a little too far on the curb, instant 4 sec penalty while I lose time anyway as I have to slow down to let him pass as he's cutting me off. Bumping him out of the way would give me a smaller penalty, not lose any time and let me keep the position. PD logic!

Anyway don't judge the general driving behavior on my videos as those are luckily the exception rather than the rule (well maybe not on Monza :)) I'm at over 2500 sport races and at least 80% of those are without any contact. You usually have very clean, well behaved, respectful driving late at night. It's mostly the afternoon and early evening that easily turn into a mess, and weekends.

It would be better if PD could figure out how to separate actual clean drivers from those that, well behave as I showed.
I should avoid Monza really, however with so few tracks I don't want to skip any. I did one race on Monza in the afternoon, the riskiest time, tried the Mustang which I have never driven before, only had time for 1 qualifying lap, started 12th. I set myself up for a prefect storm lol. So I'm glad I only lost 17 SR and am still hanging onto SR.S! Apart from the usual mayhem, this time even auto drive managed to give me a 5 sec penalty and SR Down coming out of the pits, spawned too close to the car in front. How long until PD fixes that bug...

Also on Monza, why are the shortcut penalties worse than hitting the car forcing you to evade. To avoid contact from an ill attempt to overtake I sometimes have to go a little too far on the curb, instant 4 sec penalty while I lose time anyway as I have to slow down to let him pass as he's cutting me off. Bumping him out of the way would give me a smaller penalty, not lose any time and let me keep the position. PD logic!

Anyway don't judge the general driving behavior on my videos as those are luckily the exception rather than the rule (well maybe not on Monza :)) I'm at over 2500 sport races and at least 80% of those are without any contact. You usually have very clean, well behaved, respectful driving late at night. It's mostly the afternoon and early evening that easily turn into a mess, and weekends.

It would be better if PD could figure out how to separate actual clean drivers from those that, well behave as I showed.

@Outspacer (hope you don't mind the tag) has made some great suggestions reference penalties, SR and matchmaking in the thread link below. I agree with his suggestions which would all but do away with minor penalties and instead, rely on the SR to group cleaner racers.
haven't played online for weeks but mostly its the sheer poor selection of races too...the bad driving is definitely a factor ...currently trophy r4ping on other games
Update comming Sport mode

At the following time, we will perform maintenance on the ‘Gran Turismo Sport’ servers. A new game update will also be available after the maintenance. Please note that during this time the online services, including [Sport Mode], will not be available.

[Day & Time]
27 April, 2018, 04:00 – 06:00 UTC
* The above time is subject to change.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Can it be the fix we all want ???
Update comming Sport mode

At the following time, we will perform maintenance on the ‘Gran Turismo Sport’ servers. A new game update will also be available after the maintenance. Please note that during this time the online services, including [Sport Mode], will not be available.

[Day & Time]
27 April, 2018, 04:00 – 06:00 UTC
* The above time is subject to change.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.

Can it be the fix we all want ???


What fix???

Whats wrong with the game????

Its so perfect... and everything that goes with it... so... fixes for what???
Another thing that needs to be sorted is the way the game gives too much leeway for drivers ranked lower than A. I just did a Gr.3 race at Maggiore. Started 4th, went up to 3rd. I was close to the guy in 2nd and behind me there’s a battle for 4th between two Dr B. Braking for T1 I can see them going side by side and as just as I’m at the apex the guy on the inside comes diving in and T-bones me in my rear 3/4. I do a 180 and stop. Manage to get going again, now in 8th. I finish there, the dive bomber finish 4th with no penalty and with a blue Sr. S. If I did that to him I’d probably get 10 seconds and a big Sr drop.

This was in a race with 4 A/S and the rest were B/S.
Another thing that needs to be sorted is the way the game gives too much leeway for drivers ranked lower than A. I just did a Gr.3 race at Maggiore. Started 4th, went up to 3rd. I was close to the guy in 2nd and behind me there’s a battle for 4th between two Dr B. Braking for T1 I can see them going side by side and as just as I’m at the apex the guy on the inside comes diving in and T-bones me in my rear 3/4. I do a 180 and stop. Manage to get going again, now in 8th. I finish there, the dive bomber finish 4th with no penalty and with a blue Sr. S. If I did that to him I’d probably get 10 seconds and a big Sr drop.

This was in a race with 4 A/S and the rest were B/S.

Yep, been complaining about this for a while, just because you are the higher rated driver you are deemed at fault and that is just ridiculous and I can't believe they thought this was a good and fair idea. It's not just the blame issue either, if they had hit each other they would still get a lesser penalty (maybe none even) than if two S rated guys hit each other, another odd and unfair decision.
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Ugh, I messed up today, completely screwed Rabouinski on lap 2. He attempted to over take on the outside by late braking. I started braking too early, tried to correct, misjudged the understeer and rammed him into the wall :(

Why did I not receive a penalty for this, no SR down, nothing! It's so broken!
Perhaps since I was braking at the point of impact? No clue.

It's not because he was B/S since a race earlier when I tapped a B/S driver swerve blocking on the way to the finish I received an instant 10 sec penalty and white S for that one touch.

It's so inconsistent and seems to award dirty driving more than penalizing it...

Anyway sorry Rabouinski, I messed up.
I really don't understand PD's logic sometimes.
When GTS launched there were a massive amount of complaints about the penalty system. It was harsh in some cases, too lenient in others, and almost always punished the driver not at fault for the incident.
And now it seems PD's answer too all these complaints is a big middle finger.
Its like they thought "oh, so you dont like our penalty system eh? Well, WE'LL SHOW YOU A FREAKING PENALTY SYSTEM!!!"
Its infuriating.
But, as most of us can honestly admit, i dont know how to make a perfect system, but i do think that it should pay more attention to some certain parameters like...
-car position in relation to the racing line, and other cars
-speed, relative to other cars and track (ie. If you're going 100mph into a hairpin and hit someone, you're at fault, if you hit a car that is going very slow in a fast section, they are most likely at fault)
-trajectory ( look at where the cars came from before contact, where they went after, and, this one will help but may be difficult to figure out, predicted trajectory of the cars (ie. Where they would have ended up if they had not hit)
Some of this info could help with assigning fault
Ugh, I messed up today, completely screwed Rabouinski on lap 2. He attempted to over take on the outside by late braking. I started braking too early, tried to correct, misjudged the understeer and rammed him into the wall :(

Why did I not receive a penalty for this, no SR down, nothing! It's so broken!
Perhaps since I was braking at the point of impact? No clue.

It's not because he was B/S since a race earlier when I tapped a B/S driver swerve blocking on the way to the finish I received an instant 10 sec penalty and white S for that one touch.

It's so inconsistent and seems to award dirty driving more than penalizing it...

Anyway sorry Rabouinski, I messed up.
It could be because he had already hit the wall all by himself
You hit him too, yea, but he was alreadt crashing, lol
Best guess i had
Just found this in a Facebook group

From A/S to D/E in one race. Thanks to the constant Japanese dive bombers !! Yay
View attachment 731203

This is just Amazing, Is one week I have not played gt sport, I have never put the game down from beta testing till it came out but I think it’s over for me the only way I will come back to this game is when we get a Penalty fix
Literally months of consistent effort goes down the drain in a single race, at no fault of your own.

Then, it takes weeks of double effort to recover.

The system needs some stability, or at least clear rules.

These massive drops are bad, but not understanding why they happened or how to come back from them is worse.

If we knew how things worked and what rules to follow, we could adjust our behavior to get the results we want. If it’s all a mystery, we can’t.
Just found this in a Facebook group

From A/S to D/E in one race. Thanks to the constant Japanese dive bombers !! Yay
View attachment 731203

This is just Amazing, Is one week I have not played gt sport, I have never put the game down from beta testing till it came out but I think it’s over for me the only way I will come back to this game is when we get a Penalty fix
@Mirror_man is this the guy who you said was dirty?