GT Sport Mode need a Penalty fix asap, please Polyphony Digital...

Should the penalty system Get a fix

  • Yes

    Votes: 180 87.8%
  • No

    Votes: 25 12.2%

  • Total voters
Stuck record...

Honestly, folks... Didn't anyone play GT6?

In GT6, you knew that the penalty system was idiotic. So you didn't use it. You got a bunch together in a room labeled 'Clean or Kick', and you all enforced it. If you hit the car ahead and passed, you returned the position. Except if he lost it before you hit him. If someone passed you after hitting you and didn't return the position, you reported it at the end of the race, asked if anyone witnessed it, if confirmed, the offender was either warned and kicked next time, or kicked immediately.

The thing I fail to understand is why this isn't utterly obvious now..? Have you all become brainwashed by Sport Mode? Is the prospect of actually having to do a little work (reporting incidents, getting confirmation, kicking the dirty player) just too much bother? Or is it, you don't really care enough about a clean race that all that is worth it..?

Because, trust me, that's the only way it is ever going to happen. You either do it yourself, or you give up the fantasy that you can ever get a clean race. This lunacy of expecting PD to get an automated penalty system right, when iRacing, PC2 and just about every other game cannot either is beyond me.

Start 'Clean or Kick' rooms. Make sure everyone racing knows the basic rules. Kick the dirty. It's not rocket science, kids.
Stuck record...

Honestly, folks... Didn't anyone play GT6?

In GT6, you knew that the penalty system was idiotic. So you didn't use it. You got a bunch together in a room labeled 'Clean or Kick', and you all enforced it. If you hit the car ahead and passed, you returned the position. Except if he lost it before you hit him. If someone passed you after hitting you and didn't return the position, you reported it at the end of the race, asked if anyone witnessed it, if confirmed, the offender was either warned and kicked next time, or kicked immediately.

The thing I fail to understand is why this isn't utterly obvious now..? Have you all become brainwashed by Sport Mode? Is the prospect of actually having to do a little work (reporting incidents, getting confirmation, kicking the dirty player) just too much bother? Or is it, you don't really care enough about a clean race that all that is worth it..?

Because, trust me, that's the only way it is ever going to happen. You either do it yourself, or you give up the fantasy that you can ever get a clean race. This lunacy of expecting PD to get an automated penalty system right, when iRacing, PC2 and just about every other game cannot either is beyond me.

Start 'Clean or Kick' rooms. Make sure everyone racing knows the basic rules. Kick the dirty. It's not rocket science, kids.

True but it got so much worst after 1.15 update I would go back to the one befor 1.15
Set it up so the penalty is served immediately- , and make it NO throttle for x number of seconds or a pit lane through-and-go or stop-and-go, not this "slow down a little when it's convenient" thing they have now. (And enough with the hand-of-god car resets, too. You drive off the track, you can drive back on.)
I’m in exactly the same boat. It is really hard to come back from too.
Yup, in terms of SR i raced a daily on Blue Moon over and over from Pole Position to raise it back to S. Tried the day before on Monza, and that was hell. But the DR takes ages to raise. Especially aggrevating when you're that close to DR/S.
I just worked my way back up from SR 25 to 71 on Interlagos. It's really not that different from SR.S :/ Back field bad, front fine. Of course the front could all be demoted A/S players... I usually find SR.A cleaner than SR.S yet that's mostly due to match making. The fields are much tighter at max SR, while at SR.A it spreads out more quickly. Plus at max SR I start in the back where people drive like they need to be at the front asap, while at a bit lower SR I start near the top where people have more to lose so drive more carefully.

It might have to do with A people trying to become S, so they have to behave. I’m saying this because I don’t actually care that much for losing SR, as I’m S and it takes some time to lose the rank. If someone is too aggressive, I usually go 2-wide mid corner, so they know I mean business. If I were trying to get back to S, I would just let them go.
I got another couple of bad ones in the video below!!

For first penalty I guess I know why, but the other meh just meh.
Especially when you get 16 Seconds and hell 15 seconds getting wall it's not like you get advantage man.
Why does GTS penalize using the outflow on Bathurst at the top of the downhill? I'm watching a Bathurst 12 Hour and cars aren't penalized for using it unless they fail to merge with traffic safely. It seems counter to the idea of clean, safe racing to penalize a feature which is meant to be used for safety, and yet GTS gives you an immediate 4 second penalty for putting tires in that area.
Why does GTS penalize using the outflow on Bathurst at the top of the downhill? I'm watching a Bathurst 12 Hour and cars aren't penalized for using it unless they fail to merge with traffic safely. It seems counter to the idea of clean, safe racing to penalize a feature which is meant to be used for safety, and yet GTS gives you an immediate 4 second penalty for putting tires in that area.
I had 3 races yesterday, dropped down to SR D. Initially I felt fed up but now after some considerations I think I should have been racing better. Yes, it is frustrating to lose SR, but I better will analyze playbacks to see what can I learn from them. Since the penalty tweaks started I had rather goods races other times at other tracks so it must be me to blame for this recent fail.
The thing I fail to understand is why this isn't utterly obvious now..? Have you all become brainwashed by Sport Mode? Is the prospect of actually having to do a little work (reporting incidents, getting confirmation, kicking the dirty player) just too much bother? Or is it, you don't really care enough about a clean race that all that is worth it..?

Player created clean rooms are not a viable way to grow a large scale competitive gaming environment. Player communities are inherently clandestine and exclusive. I remember the clean rooms and it usually involved a bunch of regulars who could get away with murder while calling out the new guy for every little infraction. Interpretations of the rules from room to room varied and were inconsistent with divisive views on barge passing, blocking, etc. Ultimately people splinter into cliques and people choosing to specialize on courses the online gaming environment can spread the player base thin.

In Sport mode I can pick up a race full of cars typically within less time than it would take to: hunt for a room that has more than 3 people, a room that doesn't randomly kick me, watch everyone finish the race, change tracks, and then join a race with only 2 hot laps under my belt against the host's 2 hour stint at that track. Meanwhile everyone is optimally tuned while I still have default settings because the race just started.

I'm glad you had a great time in the GT6 lobbies but it wasn't that way for all of us.
I got another couple of bad ones in the video below!!

I'm not completely defending the current system but you are driving super erratic. Being smooth and predictable to others can help a lot. Do you use a pad? Your steering inputs look less than smooth. What rating are you currently?

As a pick up and play, public matchmaking racing game, GTS has it nailed (in higher rank at least). I have real life friends who love how the game matches on driver ability and they feel they can improve their driving.

I'll have to edit and put up my replay of a Nurb race from a few nights ago. Clean close racing can be had. More idiotic to me is the driver behaviour of some.
I've stayed out of these threads because I hadn't raced in 2 months since the penalty changes began.

Raced for about 5 hours last night. The penalty system is tough but fair. In all that time I only received 1 maybe 2 penalties which I thought were a bit too harsh, but not undeserved. Every time I was too aggressive I was punished for it and it cleaned up my driving. I wouldn't change it much if at all.

Overall the driving was much cleaner than I remember it being 2 months ago. There was plenty of side by side racing too and it rarely resulted in penalties unless someone got forced off track. I think they've done a fine job.
Just found this in a Facebook group

From A/S to D/E in one race. Thanks to the constant Japanese dive bombers !! Yay

This is just Amazing, Is one week I have not played gt sport, I have never put the game down from beta testing till it came out but I think it’s over for me the only way I will come back to this game is when we get a Penalty fix
As Im moving up in DR, I am getting placed in higher ranked lobbies and when racing similar DR ranks to myself the penalty system is exactly where it should be. Like @vvise said 'tough but fair.'

The problem is that as soon as im racing against DRB racers and below, the penalties become all out of whack again. If they just fixed the DR dependent penalty multiplier I would be ok with how the system works. Im happy with the sensitivity against other DR A with minor contact causing small 1-3sec penalties and 5-10sec for major contact. But its the 5-10sec penalties for minor contact with a DRB (which lets be honest is entirely unavoidable over the long run) is what really needs fixed.

I think this is why the mid to rear pack racing is so terrible, its typically due to being surrounded with lower ranked players who dont have the refined control to consistently make/allow clean overtakes regardless of intent and minor incidents become major penalties.
As Im moving up in DR, I am getting placed in higher ranked lobbies and when racing similar DR ranks to myself the penalty system is exactly where it should be. Like @vvise said 'tough but fair.'

The problem is that as soon as im racing against DRB racers and below, the penalties become all out of whack again. If they just fixed the DR dependent penalty multiplier I would be ok with how the system works. Im happy with the sensitivity against other DR A with minor contact causing small 1-3sec penalties and 5-10sec for major contact. But its the 5-10sec penalties for minor contact with a DRB (which lets be honest is entirely unavoidable over the long run) is what really needs fixed.

I think this is why the mid to rear pack racing is so terrible, its typically due to being surrounded with lower ranked players who dont have the refined control to consistently make/allow clean overtakes regardless of intent and minor incidents become major penalties.

They also need to fix the accident penalties though. First lap on the Infield last night, everyone forms a nice orderly train through the first couple of corners like it should be, yet one car, a car further ahead of me loses control and slides in the fast right before the U-turn. The car behind taps him and instantly loses speed, I tap him, car behind me taps me, etc. Penalties all around. I got 5 sec, fun to start the race with.

Another thing that probably can't be fixed is when you avoid a car in trouble by going on the grass you often get a penalty, on some tracks worse than the penalty for hitting the car losing control.

It has gotten better at detecting penalty trolls, cars blocking in the middle of a turn to serve a penalty there. Usually you don't get a penalty for running into them. They still mess up traffic though and last night the person who did that got away with it as all the people he held up took the penalties to the finish line while he got out ahead with a red dot and no penalty time left.
First lap on the Infield last night, everyone forms a nice orderly train through the first couple of corners like it should be, yet one car, a car further ahead of me loses control and slides in the fast right before the U-turn. The car behind taps him and instantly loses speed, I tap him, car behind me taps me, etc. Penalties all around. I got 5 sec, fun to start the race with.
It should be on the driver to avoid the accidents. I got one of these in my first race on infield last night too. Avoided it every race after that by not following directly behind the car in-front and leaving a big enough gap that I could avoid an accident.

It's tough but fair.
They also need to fix the accident penalties though. First lap on the Infield last night, everyone forms a nice orderly train through the first couple of corners like it should be, yet one car, a car further ahead of me loses control and slides in the fast right before the U-turn. The car behind taps him and instantly loses speed, I tap him, car behind me taps me, etc. Penalties all around. I got 5 sec, fun to start the race with.

Another thing that probably can't be fixed is when you avoid a car in trouble by going on the grass you often get a penalty, on some tracks worse than the penalty for hitting the car losing control.

It has gotten better at detecting penalty trolls, cars blocking in the middle of a turn to serve a penalty there. Usually you don't get a penalty for running into them. They still mess up traffic though and last night the person who did that got away with it as all the people he held up took the penalties to the finish line while he got out ahead with a red dot and no penalty time left.
I agree. They could raise the threshold a bit for what constitutes a penalty. Little bumps that don't deviate the affected driver off their line should be easy to exclude

It should be on the driver to avoid the accidents. I got one of these in my first race on infield last night too. Avoided it every race after that by not following directly behind the car in-front and leaving a big enough gap that I could avoid an accident.

It's tough but fair.

I just don't like how sensitive the current system is to close racing. I'm all for preventing contact but not to the point that it penalizes clean overtakes. I'd rather have it a little relaxed than too strict. Unfair penalties aren't worth it
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I just won a race with 10 other drivers and got less than 100pts. because only one was BS the rest, less. I used to get about triple that or close to it. I just don't have time to do a long race with the little ones.

It should be on the driver to avoid the accidents. I got one of these in my first race on infield last night too. Avoided it every race after that by not following directly behind the car in-front and leaving a big enough gap that I could avoid an accident.

It's tough but fair.

That's more dangerous as the car behind you will come alongside to try to pass, then you're 2 wide in the first few corners slowing each other down, means the next car will try to overtake both of you, often with a bad dive attempt. I've done enough races to know that following close in the first few corners is the safest bet until the field spreads out a bit. It depends on how the launch goes of course, often the whole field slides in close behind each other before T1. If I have the luxury to slow down a bit I always do, yet taking your distance from the car in front usually means having a nose or full car right next to you.

Once the field is spread out I always keep my distance. Of course also there I have to be careful when another car catches up before I can make a safe pass. As leaving room for the car in front is an invitation for the car behind to start poking noses into spaces that don't exist. I often wonder how many people actually think beyond the car right in front of them. Even if you manage to come alongside, where are you going to put your car....

One incident I had on Mount Panorama was coming down the hill in the Huracan, 2 Meganes drafting on my tail. I take the defensive line on the inside, one comes alongside on the outside, the other sticks on my bumper. Boxed in I take enough room to make the fast right, yet can't afford to slow down with a car on my bumper. Leaving enough space for the car on my left I touch grass on the inside, wobble but manage to recover and we all make it through fine, however there was a slight touch with the outside car who came in a bit, 5 sec penalty for me. Sometimes there's nothing you can do and since everyone was fine, the penalty and red rating for that one incident were completely unnecessary.
They also need to fix the accident penalties though. First lap on the Infield last night, everyone forms a nice orderly train through the first couple of corners like it should be, yet one car, a car further ahead of me loses control and slides in the fast right before the U-turn. The car behind taps him and instantly loses speed, I tap him, car behind me taps me, etc. Penalties all around. I got 5 sec, fun to start the race with.

Had almost the same on Monza last night. Approaching Lesmo 1, there's an Audi TT ghosted in front of me, off to the right, I go to their left, they swerve to cover me ????, and as they do they go solid, I slow a little but the cars behind slam into my rear, and I tap the Audi. They don't lose control, but I get a 3 second penalty and an orange SR arrow, the car behind gets nothing, and as I'm tapped off line they overtake and move along. I was doing exactly as the etiquette video says, but I get penalised. I guess the system thought I was brake testing, or something.
It should be on the driver to avoid the accidents. I got one of these in my first race on infield last night too. Avoided it every race after that by not following directly behind the car in-front and leaving a big enough gap that I could avoid an accident.

It's tough but fair.

No it aint in any way!!!!

In a real race when such a type of crash happens, nobody else besides the racers that provoked the accident are considered guilty of it! And that is what should be considered in any kind of racing simulation!

The consequences of such type of accident go much further then what may be caused by the racer in front of you applying brakes sooner then you´d expected, and even if you are on a considerable braking distance one may easily be caught in the sequence, even taking all reasonable and natural care, and conserving a fair and secure braking distance!

So don´t come with that one of "Tough but fair" ok?? You probably were not caught just because you are lame and slow... or you dare not risk not even an inch ... :crazy::crazy::crazy:
No it aint in any way!!!!

In a real race when such a type of crash happens, nobody else besides the racers that provoked the accident are considered guilty of it! And that is what should be considered in any kind of racing simulation!

The consequences of such type of accident go much further then what may be caused by the racer in front of you applying brakes sooner then you´d expected, and even if you are on a considerable braking distance one may easily be caught in the sequence, even taking all reasonable and natural care, and conserving a fair and secure braking distance!

So don´t come with that one of "Tough but fair" ok?? You probably were not caught just because you are lame and slow... or you dare not risk not even an inch ... :crazy::crazy::crazy:

Racing within inches of each other. If you know what you are doing, and so do those you race with there isn't a problem with penalties as such, it's the people. Far to many idiots who quite frankly, don't have a clue then cry about penalties.
So don´t come with that one of "Tough but fair" ok?? You probably were not caught just because you are lame and slow... or you dare not risk not even an inch ... :crazy::crazy::crazy:
Lol. I don't consider myself particularly fast, but consistency wins races.

Here's an example I guess. I leave a small gap and wait for things to settle. Make passes only when I get a good chance. Place 3rd for almost 900pts in the FIA race.

Lol. I don't consider myself particularly fast, but consistency wins races.

Here's an example I guess. I leave a small gap and wait for things to settle. Make passes only when I get a good chance. Place 3rd for almost 900pts in the FIA race.

Patience, waiting, setting up a move and general common sense is lost on many. They think faster = must overtake at the very next corner.

There is no penalty system in the world that will negate stupidity.
Patience, waiting, setting up a move and general common sense is lost on many. They think faster = must overtake at the very next corner.

There is no penalty system in the world that will negate stupidity.

Of course! But even being extra carefull you stlil may be caught in a sequencial crash like many that happen in real life racing!!! And nobody is penalized for it.. besides the lost time or/and the mechanical damage that comes with it..

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