GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
I had an argument with someone in the YouTube comment section earlier today(very much pathetic). The person was saying how GT Sport looks terrible, and mentioned how the game still has 2-D trees. He seemed pretty bothered by it too.

Is this really a problem people in this community have with the game? I personally don't care because the trees look realistic to me.

The first video is just me trying out the Mustang GR.4 at Willow Springs.

In the second one I'm trying Dragon Trail for the first time with the V12 Vantage.
It has a nice flow to it and gorgeous background mountains, but I can't get past those huge, awkward rumble strips. They seem unrealistic and it kind of takes the fun away, in my opinion. Especially since they end up being unpredictable, together with the fact that GTS isn't the best at giving you feedback of what's happening with the car.

All aids were OFF in both videos (except ABS, which was on default).

720p60 (awful compression, though)
I had an argument with someone in the YouTube comment section earlier today(very much pathetic). The person was saying how GT Sport looks terrible, and mentioned how the game still has 2-D trees. He seemed pretty bothered by it too.

Is this really a problem people in this community have with the game? I personally don't care because the trees look realistic to me.

Outside of the huge noticeable low-res tree wall texture in some backgrounds (which I hope they polish up in the final version), the trees in GTS look great, with proper shaders reacting to sunlight and give off specularity and sub-surface scattering. It's the only 60fps racer that does it right now. Also, every 60fps racing game uses 2D cutouts, so it's a weird complaint if they're praising other racers.
I had an argument with someone in the YouTube comment section earlier today(very much pathetic). The person was saying how GT Sport looks terrible, and mentioned how the game still has 2-D trees. He seemed pretty bothered by it too.

Is this really a problem people in this community have with the game? I personally don't care because the trees look realistic to me.
Drive a lap in GTS and look at the trees and grass verges and you will see what is wrong.
I had an argument with someone in the YouTube comment section earlier today(very much pathetic). The person was saying how GT Sport looks terrible, and mentioned how the game still has 2-D trees. He seemed pretty bothered by it too.

Is this really a problem people in this community have with the game? I personally don't care because the trees look realistic to me.

90% of trees are totally 3D




I had an argument with someone in the YouTube comment section earlier today(very much pathetic). The person was saying how GT Sport looks terrible, and mentioned how the game still has 2-D trees. He seemed pretty bothered by it too.

Is this really a problem people in this community have with the game? I personally don't care because the trees look realistic to me.

YouTube comments are ridiculous , most people don't know what they're rambling about.

The game looks really good , not perfect , but it's a beta and there is a long way to go before the final build is out , they still have to iron out the edges.

You can find some bad looking graphics on pretty much every game.
I think trees and trackside detail in general matter, perceptually.

Think like this:

1) GT4
- OB* fidelity to reality: |--.--|
- BG* fidelity to reality: |--.-|

2) GT5/6
- OB* fidelity to reality: |--.--.--.--.-|
- BG* fidelity to reality: |--.--.-|-

3) GTS
- OB* fidelity to reality: |--.--.--.--.--.--|
- BG* fidelity to reality: |--.--.--.--.--|

*OB is object/car, BG is background/scenery.

The more equalized they both are, the "realer" the complete image looks.
The more accurate one is, the more it lessens the fidelity /perception/ of the other due contrast.

That is, while if you look at GT4 car model alone its shaders and textures and polycount you'll see its limitations, when it's inserted in the game tracks, the rendering of "background" objects are of near quality that the complete picture looks like a great representation or reproduction of reality.

On GT5/6 (looking at just the new tracks) you'll see incredibly detailed cars with generally convicing materials (metal shaders mostly), so say at Spa, you'll see incredible textures at objects at track side, but the way light interacts with them are not always favorable. I'd say foliage/vegetation was one of the biggest problems.
That's not to say it doesn't or can't look real.

Now at GTS (at least at Nurb/Brands/Willow) they've attained that "equalization" again.
Cars and track have close fidelity.

And of course, all of that is based on observing the render in its primary designed function: in motion.

So please, bring those sexy trees everywhere.
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One of my races tonight in the Gr4 Mégane at Dragon Trail. Quite a pleasing race as I go from 11th to 5th. @BrainsBush is also in the race. I wonder if he waved when I looked back at him?

haha sorry for braking a little bit too late (or better said: not braking @1:54)

And have a closer look I was not only waving but also blinking my eye to you ;)

Scirocco and starting immediately loose 3-4 places. See the slow start of me and my fellow green Scirocco in front of me. I also have that Megane. When looking at your laps I will give that one a try too. Thx!

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haha sorry for braking a little bit too late (or better said: not braking @1:54)
I did yell "banned" at that point! :P

I'm uploading another one just now, that you also feature in. You probably remember the one with the French guy in a Skyline who just spent the first lap running into us. I finished directly behind you on the road but he ended up between us as he got a 3 second penalty.
I did yell "banned" at that point! :P

I'm uploading another one just now, that you also feature in. You probably remember the one with the French guy in a Skyline who just spent the first lap running into us. I finished directly behind you on the road but he ended up between us as he got a 3 second penalty.

Like Max said in his last race "brake failure, I repeat, brake failure"

This one features @BrainsBush too. A very busy first lap and, at the end, an epic overtake into the downhill right hander at the harbour on the last lap.

Note Vroum-X2 getting a 3 second penalty. I hope that was for hitting me, and everyone else, constantly throughout the first lap.
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This one features @BrainsBush too. A very busy first lap and, at the end, an epic overtake into the downhill right hander at the harbour on the last lap.

Note Vroum-X2 getting a 3 second penalty. I hope that was for hitting me, and everyone else, constantly throughout the first lap.

vroum-vroum did also me boom-boom @4:00 in that curve. Cost me a place but because of that 3 sec penalty we swapped places. Overall nice race and indeed a brilliant overtake!

This morning did some practicing with a WRX at Nurburgring. 8:26.
Dragon Trail with a Gr3 is tough. I have 6 GR3 cars and not even one gets close to the best 10 times. 6 seconds off....
Brands Hatch Indy again with the Scirocco and maybe this afternoon will try the Megane
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Drive a lap in GTS and look at the trees and grass verges and you will see what is wrong.
That's not wrong, that's a clever solution for better performance. I rather have that solution, than simple cardboard cutouts without any depth, like in most games. The only trees that I find really "problematic" are the treewalls in the background. Not only are they often not placed very good, they also lack some of the shaders which make the trees closer to the track look good.

This one features @BrainsBush too. A very busy first lap and, at the end, an epic overtake into the downhill right hander at the harbour on the last lap.

Note Vroum-X2 getting a 3 second penalty. I hope that was for hitting me, and everyone else, constantly throughout the first lap.
One thing I wanted to add is that I appreciate the editing. It's good to see someone taking the time to cut out the less interesting parts and the initial wait for the race to start, to make it essentially a highlight reel. I'd watch a lot more videos if everyone did that:tup:👍
One thing I wanted to add is that I appreciate the editing. It's good to see someone taking the time to cut out the less interesting parts and the initial wait for the race to start, to make it essentially a highlight reel. I'd watch a lot more videos if everyone did that:tup:👍
Are we able to edit the videos??
I think we are not allowed to do that because it's the BETA..
Something like that is said in the BETA agreement.
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One thing I wanted to add is that I appreciate the editing. It's good to see someone taking the time to cut out the less interesting parts and the initial wait for the race to start, to make it essentially a highlight reel. I'd watch a lot more videos if everyone did that:tup:👍

Less interesting part? I think Daan cut the scenes in which I passed him in my most epic sideways passing. :lol::yuck:

just kidding...was indeed the boring mid race part.