GT Sport - Trailers, Videos and Screenshots

  • Thread starter sk8er913
Next video up on the channel, things are going from bad to worse... Now a B ranked driver.

I'm going through the same transition. It will be really interesting to see your progress. I see you are going to manual as well but you seem to have that down in the second vid anyway.
Last Gr.1 race at Nurb GP, I managed a decent 1:40.4. It kept me thinking I could still improve. I went to time trial, put everything to default, and turned BoP on and did this lap! I think it would be really difficult for me to do a better one, so I'm really happy!

Trust me, I host N500/N600 rooms with Sport Soft tires only, and very few get in these rooms.
And to make it fun, I even set the tire wear to x7 and sometimes put fuel consumption as well.

One of the players even wanted me to change the tires to RACING SOFT.

That’s the problem when they’re being too spoiled by Racing car rooms with RSS tires and no BoP.