Those hours are really bad for eastern America, living in Montreal Canada I got to do events really late, missing the first ones I got to play till 3:45am and I had to go somewhere the morning after.
Hours offered should be over 24h, not a 6 hour range that benifit some regions.
What about people that will have to do early in the morning or at job time ???
I dont get how the pt system work either.
Saturday night I get crashed all over the place, finish in the last 3 positions and get much more points that in yeasterday (sunday night) race where I finished 3rd (one guy passed through me) and 1st with no incident.
How come I get only 43pts for a third place and 97 for a first clean place on a fairly fast qualification times D+S server while I did more than 3 times those points the day before been crashed all over the place and finish at the end ???
Incomprensible. I with the ''TEST'' label is about fixing these kind of issued.
Because seriously that totally destroyed my joy of winning the event.
Going back to iRacing till it's fixed or we know better about how pts are given.
I asked ho many pts got given to some guys running on same races I was on, but at the speed guys leave races when it's done, i doubt they will take 2 minutes check their scores and reply to me.
There is no community feeling in this game for now, it's fast food races: come, race, leave.
Repeat, as fast as possible so you dont miss the next one... 30 second timer at end of race (1st guy finished) dont help either.
Not cool, wish it will change